First Thoughtful Biometrics Workshop

Thoughtful Biometrics
3 min readMar 24, 2021

We had a fantastic first Workshop

We had 21 Sessions over 3 Days. Here is a link to the book of proceedings that has notes from all the sessions.

Below we have responses the participants had to the prompt “As a result of the Thoughtful Biometrics workshop…”

Day 1 Monday March 8, 2021


1A/Phones — Friends or Foes! / Didn’t happen?

1C/How to Distinguish Between Products with Goo Biomentric Stewardship from those Without

1D/ Deviceless solution design using biometrics for financial interactions (au naturel vs implants, privacy, ethics)

1F/Social Impact of Biometrics


2A/Ethical Use of Biometrics

2D/Voice Biometrics — As a Factor in Identity Access

2C/Biometric Software Development


3A/Conversational Voice AI — B2B and B2C Standards

3C/What is Self-Sovereign Identity

3E/Deepfakes & Biometric 101

Day 2 Wednesday March 10, 2021


4A/ Using Biometrics to Unlock a Cryptographic Keystore

4C/ FIDO-what is it and certification


5A/ Biometrics and SSI — How / Where Does It Fit

5E/ Biometric Deepfake Use Cases/PoCs 201


6A/ Biometrics for Different Ages: Examples, Issues, and Future

6B/ Biometrics and the Role of Open Source

Day 3 Wednesday March 12, 2021


7A/ The Privacy, Accessibility, Inclusion and Diversity (PAID) framework for Biometric Technologies

7E/ Biometric Incident Response


8A/ How does SSI, FIDO, Physical and non-physical Biometrics, Identity and Authentication all fit together, for privacy, security and Compliance?


9A/ Optional: DID (what is it) and how did Biometrics come (and go) in w3c/did-core

9D/ COVID-19 Focus: How has the pandemic impacted biometrics? And what are ethical concerns related to health data collection?

At the end of the events we invited people to share the results of the day.

As a result of attending the Thoughtful Biometrics Workshop, I’ll share my notes and everything I learned from you all with my colleagues to inform our thinking and research on these topics

I am going to put my information of Deepfakes, Biometric and Incident Response in a slide deck and you gents and ladies will be the first to access it Hopefully posted to the documents if they’re around

As a result of attending the Thoughtful Biometrics Workshop, I learnt about SSI and the importance of decentralizing biometric data

* i am re-invigorated to find an automaton f=gen(IBV,private-key,thresh) such that f(doc,CBV)=enc(doc,private-key) where f is FHE.

expanded my concepts of self-sovereignty, DDI, SSI, made a whole bunch of friends and that there is good hiking trails in Thailand

…I learned about deeper aspects of biometrics. I make contacts with similar questions. I was amazed by the body of knowledge and sharing.

As a result of attending TBW’21, it is clear to me that the chain-of-trust from identity verification through the holder of a credential (like FIDO) using the bound local authenticator to the verifier/relying party is critical to success

As a result of attending the Thoughtful Biometrics Workshop, I feel significantly more prepared to implement a secure system using biometrics authentication.

As a result of attending the Thoughtful Biometrics Workshop…I am better able to discuss and communicate thoughts and ideas concerning this data type and its preferred ethical usage of such.

As a result of attending the Thoughtful Biometrics Workshop, I came out with at least as many questions as answers ;) In truth, I was inspired by the well-meaning people in this space!

I learned that biometrics are probabilistic rather than deterministic of identity and therefore a gray area that has multiple dimensions that need to weigh in to their approved/secured use

As a result of attending the Thoughtful Biometrics Workshop I feel overwhelmed at how complex it is and hope we can keep the future simple

Where the word DID is used Phonetic DeyeD may clarify that I DID use a DeyeD where DID, may confuse? Great learns!



Thoughtful Biometrics

Independent Advocate for the Rights and Dignity of our Digital Selves. Expert and Consultant in Self-Sovereign , Decentralized (Blockchain) Identity.