GPT-3 is very much here and these jobs are getting impacted

Ed Springer
3 min readOct 27, 2021


…and what you can do about it

Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash

I met GPT-3 earlier this year. She was pretty. She was smart. She knew a few tricks.

But now she is on her way to becoming a G.O.A.T.

As her skills develop further, there definitely are a few jobs at risk.

Professional Writers

Does your job involve creating emails for others, writing reports or social media messages, or executive briefs? Do you ghostwrite for others? Are you the one who makes the complex nuances of technology easily understood by humans? Are you an ad-copy writer?

It is likely that GPT-3 can replace big chunks of your job.

It is not bad news though. Most of these roles tend to be perennially time-starved. These roles are constantly “under the pump”. The skill-sets are really niche and unique, unless employed at an organization where professional writing in a core business (e.g media), and thus are usually staffed by non-permanent staff, at usually higher rates compared to an internal employee in a similar role.

If you see yourself in this category, I feel it is good news. Rather than seeing GPT-3 as an adversary, I would see her as an ally.

She does the hard yards for you. She still needs direction from you. You should coach her and mentor her to best fit the context of the organization She is working for.

Once you feel She is on a roll and you trust her, you have the opportunity to a) uplevel your skills or b) provide incremental value to the organization.

Professional editors

You are the editor. Your creative team is doing outstanding work — be it in print or visual media. How do you know the right time to release one work over another? There is pressure across multiple angles — your boss, the right/left/center leaning of your medium. You also need to sleep. The world had moved on by the time you wake up again, making the editorial decisions you made the previous night irrelevant.

It is time you embraced GPT-3. She can reach out via more APIs you can imagine, in real-time, and give you a sense of the right articles, the right headlines, at the right time people will latch on to.

She can even change the heading of the articles in real-time, based on the time of the day, context and user.

Computer programmers

I know I have touched a raw vein here.

But the good thing is, if you are a programmer who really gets GPT-3, you would not mind.

GPT3 can write code and she will only get better. So if you were known for how neat your code was, how structured it looked — she will beat you to it.

However, She will continue to need your help. She will still need directions. It is likely that someone who has a great logical or a creative mind, but used to find computer language syntax suffocating and constraining, is a competition for you.

If I were you, I would understand where GPT-3 is going, learn her roadmap and professionally pivot to solving more complex problems or help your employer understand the usage of GPT-3 better. In your manager’s eyes, be GPT-3’s boss :)

Dear reader, thank you for staying this far. Am keen to hear from you



Ed Springer

Dad. Husband. Friend. Mate.Son. Curious about the business of tech. Passionate about photography. Student of life.