Is your Computer Vision initiative not getting buy-in?

Ed Springer
2 min readJul 6, 2022


This is a real story with fictional characters

Photo by Liam Pozz on Unsplash

Alpha is responsible for rolling out a Computer Vision embedded video platform into the organization.

There is executive buy-in. The business case stacks up. The Return on Investment is great.

The early adopter teams have started using the platform. They see the value. Alpha has found friends within the organisation to get momentum.

The team that produces the biggest chunk of videos is refusing to engage, though.

Alpha does the usual bit — he educates, he brings in friends, and he does a brown-bag show-and-tell session. Everyone nods in unison. But the operational staff finds a way to not engage.

They do not have another competing solution. Why wouldn't they want to engage?

Here is where the story begins.

Beta and Gamma are part of the operational staff who did not engage. Over a period of time, Beta and Gamma’s job evolved to doing video surveys of the landscape. They would drive long hours in their dash-cam-installed vehicles and create Tera-bytes of video footage on every trip.

These video files, while useful, were huge, and were not very easy to be shared around. It was not easy to glean information from them, without scouring through hours of footage. Exactly the problems the video platform would solve for Beta and Gamma.

The video platform would create metadata, enable searching and sharing easier.

Why would Beta and Gamma resist the solution so much?

Because they loved to drive. Every trip to create footage was an escape from the office. The less the footage was shared, the more difficult it was to gain intelligence from the footage, and the more Beta and Gamma went out on another video survey and a long drive!



Ed Springer

Dad. Husband. Friend. Mate.Son. Curious about the business of tech. Passionate about photography. Student of life.