Chapter 3 — Ascension & recovering from adoption trauma

Shane Bouel
Thoughtless Delineation
10 min readSep 29, 2018


In this series, I’m attempting to explain ascension, adoption trauma, DNA and how the three are not only inherently connected but to justify how adoption is a foreign concept devoid of humanity and how trauma is passed from generation to generation via DNA.

As I’ve already said in chapter 1 & 2, this won’t be for everyone, but for those who are open, I believe that this will help in some way by understanding something that is bigger than self.

In the adoption experience, there are cycles within cycles, anyone can be caught up in these cycles throughout their lives and the majority don’t see a way out, doomed to repeat cycles for the rest of their earthbound lives.

There is a huge connection between these deep Trauma wounds that remain unhealed and over time the wounds are exaggerated and magnified in their painful effects by 1000, through the entities that the person is now carrying. The more emotional charge that is around the Trauma is the number one issue that leads to addiction problems. So if there are deep wounds, not only emotionally, but also around the Instinctual Mind that has to do with addiction, this wounding is very difficult on the emotional and etheric body of that human being.

In order to heal from past Trauma, we will have to face the memory or event that had traumatized us at the point in time of the actual event or has been recorded as tremendous pain within the body, Brain and Soul. In order to spiritually heal the body and mind from trauma-based events or mind control, pushing through triggers is important in the spiritual integration and personality integration process.

  • Remember what happened that generated trauma or pain
  • Give expression, give voice to what has happened, having a witness that is capable to hold a safe and nonjudgmental space is important (if possible).
  • Allow yourself to feel the feelings, and allow the process of feeling the repressed or unresolved emotions of what had happened at the time of the trauma or unresolved pain. Memories must be given the time and space to be emotionally processed into completion.
  • Intentionally sever the attachment, cords and bonds to that painful emotion, or the people or circumstance involved. If needed evict any negative entities or demonics that were syphoning energy from this cord.(See Spiritual Deliverance).
  • Intend to reclaim all aspects of yourself that had been fragmented from pain or trauma, this is RRO or Return to Rightful Owner.
  • Close the harmful portal to the past time where the trauma has occurred or close down any multidimensional harmful portals that have left damage in the Aura.

NOTE: This is not a step by step guide to healing, but simply a journey to understanding by processing our plight as adoptees.

Make sure to take your time:

click through the underlined links and educate yourself.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 here

  1. Ascension, also known as;
  2. The Law of One
  3. World Humanism
  4. Service to Others
  5. Human Rights

Chapter 2 here

  1. Trauma
  2. The Primal Wound
  3. Adoption Trauma

Chapter 3

  1. Narcissism
  2. Princess Code
  3. Black Madonna Network

Coming Soon

Chapter 4

  1. Religious Violence
  2. Bifurcation
  3. Point of Divergence

Chapter 5

  1. Dark Night of the Soul
  2. False Parent
  3. The connection between Mother and child

Chapter 6

  1. DNA
  2. Social media
  3. Healing False Parent Patterns

Chapter 7


Without understanding the worldwide agenda of trauma based mind control, we cannot understand our participation in the constructs put in place to keep it going. We become unknowing participants, in perpetuating these systems.

Mind Control is used to form socially acceptable belief systems and shape anti-human value systems in the Death Culture, which direct thoughts that are in contradiction to each other, like war and killing for peace.

Manipulators tend to use Gaslighting techniques and like to take any statement that has been said and turn it around or twist its meaning in order to use it against you. Usually manipulators are good with using Doublespeak to add confusion to the conversation that will be mixed with ambiguous language that when it all adds up, does not make any logical sense.

1. Narcissism

Trauma precedes narcissism in some form or another. The trick is not to fall for the trick your ego tries to pull on you.

Narcissistic personality disorder — one of several types of personality disorders — is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that’s vulnerable to the slightest criticism.

A narcissistic personality disorder causes problems in many areas of life, such as relationships, work, school or financial affairs. People with narcissistic personality disorder may be generally unhappy and disappointed when they’re not given the special favours or admiration they believe they deserve. They may find their relationships unfulfilling, and others may not enjoy being around them.

Vulnerable Narcissists (VN’s)

These people are generally very sensitive and tend to be quiet or shy by nature. Yet to disguise their chronic feelings of self-hatred and unworthiness, VN’s overcompensate by putting on a grandiose mask, seeking to merge their identities with other idealized people. VN’s have an unshakeable need to feel special about themselves and have little genuine regard for the feelings of others. VN’s are primarily motivated by fear of rejection and abandonment, thus don’t have the capacity to authentically love and care for others. Additionally, VN’s use emotional manipulation (such as shaming, guilt-tripping and gaslighting) to secure sympathy and attention from others. Their lives are fuelled by inferiority complexes which often stem from childhood mistreatment.

Invulnerable Narcissists (IN’s)

These people reflect the traditional image of the narcissist: that of a highly self-confident person, cold and unempathetic person. IN’s, unlike VN’s, are thick-skinned and shamelessly seek for power, glory, recognition and pleasure. IN’s often suffer from god complexes, believing themselves to be far superior to everyone else — and they have a pathological need to make that known.

Both types share similar traits such as using others to fuel their narcissistic delusions, blaming and criticizing, lack of empathy, unfaithfulness and the need for power.

Studies show when psychological reactions of childless couples applying to an adoption agency are examined. Infertility can be a developmental life crisis and may be experienced as a narcissistic trauma, resolution of which depends upon individual character structure. Therefore in some cases trauma can develop into full blown narcissism.

The general public’s presupposition of infertility has been influenced by Religions, governments and their archaic views. These views shape the social norm and psychology into one of fear, shame and desperation.

The influences of unconscious attitudes and conflicts on the abilities of the adoptive mother to be motherly toward their adopted children. It is believed that an adoptive mothers failure to develop motherliness which is a major cause of later disturbances in the adopted child. They (the mothers) view the adopted child as narcissistic injury, as evidence that they themselves are damaged.

2. Princess Code

The Princess Code is a collective planetary archetype that has been imposed on human consciousness to purposely distort the female principle and female gender roles. As a result this archetype can also be referred to as stemming from the “dark female” or “dark mother” Baphomet forces that are manipulated by the Satanic and Luciferian spirits (Imposter Spirit) in their ritual alchemy to impose their timelines and future probabilities upon the current earth consciousness. The timelines used to feed this false female archetype are related to the painful histories of Tiamat. This is a False Female consciousness program designed to inflict pain and suffering upon the earth. When the NAA invaded the planet during the Atlantian cycle, the consciousness program installed in the Planetary Logos was designed to enslave the inhabitants of the planet based in Orion Patriarchal Domination through a strategy of shaping mind control through Archontic Deception Behaviour.

The Princess Code Narcisstic Profile

1. Astral fantasy that the Knight in Shining Armor will save her from doom, poverty, low status and unhappiness.

2. Superior beliefs that she is a “Princess” and then “Queen” thus she makes demands of self-entitled treatment.

3. Beliefs she has to manipulate the male target of her “Knight Fantasy” in order to marry her and become the “King”. Sexual manipulation is common.

4. Generally feels that she is deserving of wealth, jewels or status symbols and will blame or use others to get these material goods.

5. General disregard for others, even those she is close with, in the relentless pursuit of her fantasies and personal goals.

6. Cosmetic surgery or extreme manipulation methods to make her appear to be a “princess” to others.

7. Spin doctors the reality (creates self-promotion stories) to suit her image of perfection, or image based on her reality bubble which is based in delusion.

8. Narcissism through emotional fracturing is masking her outward superiority complex and potentially, tantrums, hysterics and upheavals.

9. Refuses to listen to facts and may lash out when her delusion or reality bubble is being threatened.

10. Key themes: manipulator, seducer, jezebel, Femme Fatale, Victim-Victimizer, lasher/slasher, guilt trip punisher, man-eater, strings attached, conditional

Photo by angelo mercadante on Unsplash

3. Black Madonna Network

The Black Madonna Network are levels of collective energetic architecture that is used to promote cultural belief systems of misogyny and related harmful feminine archetypes, directly and non-directly, such as the undercurrent of religious dogma that direct spiritually abusive and harmful beliefs of female subservience, discrimination and suffering. This is specifically the thought forms of hatred, control and suppression directed towards all female archetypes, thus perpetrate Misogyny towards the women and feminine principle on the planet earth. Thus, this is the architecture used for Mind Control to influence domination over the female principle and control and promote abuse of women for a variety of purposes.

If you don’t believe me, just look at the current state of the American political system, it’s being dictated by the misogynistic terminally toxic Republican Party which has already separated countless families.

Also reference the current Catholic Church crisis and coverup of world wide culture of sexual assault on children by clergy.

Not to mention the injustice of separation of child from mother at birth. These schisms are highly dysfunctional to the point they create genetic damage in the 2nd and 4th chakra layer functioning of the Lightbody.

These archetypes are used to negatively Mind Control people into separation and slavery, the population digresses into aggressive anti-human, robotic and disconnected behaviours.

The main goal of the Victim-Victimiser mind control system is based on intentionally programming humanity to think thoughts of violence and hatred to believe the Archontic Deception Behaviours and their AD Strategies/behaviours as a fear based control human belief system.

As humans feed their power into these systems and hierarchies based upon violence, lies and deception, the deception is covered up and its fabricated reality, becoming an anti-human value system.

AD Behavior Markers

  • Disassociation and Narcissism
  • Mental Rigidity
  • Emotional Fracturing
  • Carelessness
  • Deceitfullness
  • Dependence
  • False Reality Delusions
  • Divided Competition

It is important to be aware to identify these behavioural markers when we are exposed to them in so that we can remain informed about how we choose to interact and protect ourselves. These AD behavioural markers are used to hijack and usurp people and organisations that may start out with good humanitarian intentions.

Photo by Mark Skeet on Unsplash

I don’t pretend to have all the answers, but piece by piece I’ve started putting myself back together. Researching, studying, growing, I found my own path combining spirituality and personal understanding. This is my truth and my understanding and I know it won’t be for everyone.

In the process of spiritual awakening and our unraveling layers of consciousness while in this human earthly drama setting, this is one of the experiences that we have set up as our inner spirit creates the experiences for learning in so that we can FULLY surrender to higher truth and the world of spiritual and cosmic forces. It is a complete dismantling of our ego and ego defences. This is the crossroads where we start to leave the world of human order and start to align to the higher path of truth for our spiritual development, the divine order in our spirit.

This process of spiritual initiation is designed to cultivate the incredible inner strength that is needed to really face yourself and your deepest fears of survival and security in the material world. Through these experiences one becomes intimate with the universal Law of Resonance and Abundance to learn how generous the universe really is, even if your needs are not all manifested in order of your personal preferences.

These experiences can be challenging but they do help us cultivate a level of deep faith and trust in the divine plan for our lives, even when we may not have any external validation of personal safety — that is defined from a belief system of materialism. The sense of belief that personal safety could be equated with monetary value, emotional support or a place to call home.

Be still, be patient, be truthful to yourself. By facing the truth you must be prepared to lose everything to find out who you truly are and heal the broken connection to others.

Please note that this journey of healing WILL re-open old forgotten wounds and is not for the faint of heart.


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Shane Bouel
Thoughtless Delineation

Using creativity to lift standards of ethics & morality by questioning half-truths and denouncing the conservancy of inhumane ideologies.