Exploring the Astral Body Dynamics in Adoption.

Understanding Disruptions in Perception, Connection, and Integration

Shane Bouel
Thoughtless Delineation
6 min readMay 3, 2024


Exploring the Astral Body Dynamics in Adoption. Understanding Disruptions in Perception, Connection, and Integration
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In the realm of adoption, the astral body emerges as a pivotal aspect of individuals’ energetic and emotional landscapes. The astral body, often associated with the realm of dreams, emotions, and intuition, plays a crucial role in shaping adoptees’ perceptions, connections, and sense of integration. In this article, we delve into the complexities of the astral body dynamics in adoption, examining how disruptions in perception, connection, and integration manifest and impact adoptees’ lived experiences.

The Astral Body in Adoption:

The astral body, as conceptualized in esoteric and mystical traditions, represents the energetic counterpart to the physical body, housing the individual’s emotions, desires, and subconscious patterns. In the context of adoption trauma, the astral body becomes fragmented or distorted due to the profound emotional upheaval and loss experienced during the adoption process.

Disruptions in Perception:

One of the primary manifestations of the astral body dynamics in adoption is evident in disruptions in perception. Adoptees may struggle to accurately perceive and interpret their internal and external realities, leading to distortions in their emotional experiences, interpersonal dynamics, and sense of self. This manifests as feelings of disorientation, depersonalization, or existential angst as adoptees grapple with the complexities of their adoption narrative and identity formation.

Disruptions in Connection:

Furthermore, adoption results in disruptions in connection within the astral body, impacting adoptees’ ability to form authentic and meaningful connections with themselves and others. Adoptees may experience a sense of isolation, alienation, or detachment from their emotions, desires, and spiritual essence. This impedes their capacity for intimacy, empathy, and vulnerability, hindering their ability to engage in healthy interpersonal relationships and navigate the complexities of human connection.

Disruptions in Integration:

Additionally, disruptions in integration within the astral body can contribute to adoptees’ struggles with self-concept, identity coherence, and existential purpose. Adoptees may experience fragmentation or compartmentalization within their astral body, leading to inner conflicts, self-sabotaging behaviours, and existential crises. This creates barriers to self-actualization, authenticity, and spiritual fulfilment as adoptees seek to reconcile their past experiences with their present realities.

Healing and Reintegration:

Exploring the intricacies of the astral body in the context of adoption reveals a daunting landscape fraught with distorted relationships and identity challenges, echoing throughout society at large. The journey toward healing and self-discovery is obstructed by societal barriers, particularly the pervasive issues surrounding adoption discourse. These barriers loom large, casting shadows of doubt and confusion over the adoptee’s path to wholeness, extending their impact beyond individual experiences to affect broader societal perceptions and attitudes.

The implication of distorted relationships and identity crises serves as an extreme barrier, complicating the adoptee’s quest for authenticity and integration. The weight of societal expectations and misconceptions surrounding adoption discourse further exacerbates this struggle, creating an environment rife with misunderstanding and judgment. Society’s failure to acknowledge and address these barriers perpetuates a cycle of systemic oppression, denying adoptees the opportunity to fully explore and embrace their identities.

It is crucial for society to recognize and honor the adoptee’s right to navigate this treacherous terrain freely. Adoptees deserve a safe and supportive space to explore the depths of loss and grief inflicted by adoption, without fear of judgment or condemnation. This journey is arduous and fraught with uncertainty, requiring immense courage and resilience on the part of the adoptee.

In particular, adoptive families must prioritize the well-being and autonomy of the adoptee, offering unwavering support and understanding throughout their journey. However, if the adoptive family fails to provide this crucial support, questions arise about their motives and intentions. What is amiss within the adoptive family dynamic? Why did they choose to adopt in the first place if they cannot uphold the fundamental principles of empathy and acceptance?

These questions underscore the need for greater introspection and accountability within adoptive families and society at large. It is imperative that we confront the uncomfortable truths surrounding adoption and work towards creating a more compassionate and inclusive environment for all those touched by its complexities. Only through collective action and a commitment to dismantling systemic barriers can we create a society where adoptees are truly seen, heard, and valued.

Exploring the Astral Body Dynamics in Adoption. Understanding Disruptions in Perception, Connection, and Integration
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What lessons can humanity learn?

The journey of adoptees offers invaluable lessons for society in terms of social guidance and morality. Through their experiences of navigating the complexities of adoption, adoptees provide profound insights into the importance of empathy, understanding, and acceptance.

First and foremost, the experiences of adoptees highlight the critical need for empathy and compassion in our interactions with others. By acknowledging and validating adoptees’ struggles, society learns the significance of extending empathy to all individuals, especially those who have faced adversity and trauma. Adoptees teach us that genuine empathy can bridge divides, foster connection, and promote healing in the face of profound challenges.

Furthermore, the journey of adoptees underscores the importance of embracing diversity and celebrating the richness of the human experience. Adoptees come from diverse backgrounds and carry unique stories, illustrating the beauty and complexity of human identity. Society must learn that true acceptance and inclusion require embracing this diversity and honouring the inherent worth and dignity of every individual, regardless of their background or circumstances.

Additionally, the experiences of adoptees shed light on the ethical and moral implications of adoption practices and societal attitudes. Adoptees often grapple with questions of identity, belonging, and justice, prompting society to critically examine existing systems and norms. Their stories challenge us to confront systemic injustices, advocate for reform, and strive for greater equity and justice in adoption and beyond.

Adoptees inspire us to confront our own biases and prejudices and strive for greater understanding and acceptance of others. Their journey reminds us that everyone deserves to be seen, heard, and valued for who they are, regardless of their past or circumstances of birth.

In essence, the experiences of adoptees offer invaluable lessons for society in navigating issues of empathy, diversity, justice, and morality. By listening to and learning from adoptees, society can move towards a more compassionate, inclusive, and ethical future, guided by principles of empathy, understanding, and respect for the inherent dignity of all individuals.

Exploring the Astral Body Dynamics in Adoption. Understanding Disruptions in Perception, Connection, and Integration
AI Artwork By Thoughtless Delineation

Showing up!

Can you show up to facilitate the healing and self-discovery journey of adoptees? People must actively participate in creating safe spaces characterized by openness and empathy. This entails showing up without the interference of personal biases, bigotry, or expectations, allowing adoptees the freedom to explore their emotions, experiences, and identities without judgment or condemnation.

When individuals approach these safe spaces with an open heart and mind, they foster an environment conducive to genuine connection and understanding. By setting aside preconceived notions and biases, people can listen to adoptees’ stories with empathy and compassion, validating their experiences and providing much-needed support.

Moreover, the absence of bigotry and expectations enables adoptees to navigate their journey authentically, free from societal pressures or constraints. In such an environment, adoptees can explore the depths of their emotions, confront their challenges, and embrace their identities without fear of rejection or invalidation.

Ultimately, true unity is achieved when individuals come together in solidarity, recognizing the inherent humanity and worth of each individual, including adoptees. By cultivating spaces of openness, empathy, and acceptance, society can forge genuine connections, foster healing, and promote unity among all its members.



Shane Bouel
Thoughtless Delineation

Using creativity to lift standards of ethics & morality by questioning half-truths and denouncing the conservancy of inhumane ideologies.