Sitting by the River of Grief.

Unearthing Hidden Gems in Adoption

Shane Bouel
Thoughtless Delineation
5 min readApr 16, 2024


Sitting by the River of Grief. Unearthing Hidden Gems in Adoption
AI Artwork by Thoughtless Delineation

Navigating the complexities of adoption grief demands a deep acknowledgment: unless you’ve been an adoptee, you’re just an outsider peering into a world you can never truly grasp. It’s a stark reality that fuels the divide between those who’ve lived it and those who only think they understand.

In the silent chambers of the soul, where truth and mystery converge, there is an unseen yet profoundly transformative pilgrimage. It is the journey of grief in adoption, where wounds become gateways to healing and tears become offerings of surrender and renewal.

Oh, seekers of truth, come and sit by the river of grief, where the waters of sorrow flow and cleanse the wounded heart. In the depths of grief, we discover the hidden gems of our inner worlds, waiting to be unearthed in the light of awareness.

The experience of adoption, every thread tells a story of lost self-love and the pain of separation’s embrace. Birth parents, adoptive families, and cherished children weave together their narratives of longing, seeking solace amidst the echoes of absence.

Yet, in this tapestry, there is a thread often overlooked, a thread of grief that speaks of shattered dreams and unanswered prayers. It is the silent whisper of the soul, longing to be heard, seen, and embraced in the arms of compassion.

Let us not shy away from the grief that resides within. For in its sacred embrace lies the key to our liberation, the doorway to inner awakening, and the path to profound transformation.

Demanding space for grief in adoption honours the sanctity of our inner landscapes, embraces the shadows as well as the light, and journeys with courage and humility into the depths of our souls. It is an act of devotion, a pilgrimage of self-discovery, and a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.

So let us embark, seekers of truth, on the sacred journey of grief in adoption, where every tear is a prayer, every wound is a doorway, and every step is a dance of surrender and grace.

Sitting by the River of Grief. Unearthing Hidden Gems in Adoption
AI Artwork by Thoughtless Delineation

Confronting Society’s Back-Turn on Adoption Grief

As an adoptee, I challenge you to face the harsh reality of how society often turns its back on adoption grief. This challenge delves into the depths of denial, stigma, and cultural dynamics that contribute to the dismissal of adoptees’ struggles and emotional experiences.

Firstly, let’s tackle the denial of adoption trauma. Society’s tendency to downplay or ignore the impact of adoption trauma must be addressed head-on. It’s time to acknowledge that adoptees face unique challenges that cannot be brushed aside.

Next, we confront the stigma surrounding grief in adoption. Too often, adoptees are shamed or silenced when expressing their grief. This challenge demands a shift in societal attitudes, making space for adoptees to openly discuss and process their emotions without fear of judgment.

Cultural and family dynamics also play a significant role in turning away from adoption-related grief. This challenge calls for breaking down barriers that discourage conversations about adoption trauma within cultural or familial contexts, fostering a more supportive environment for adoptees and birth parents.

Moreover, we must confront the lack of support and understanding regarding adoption grief. It’s time to amplify adoptees’ voices and advocate for the resources and networks they need to navigate their emotional journeys with resilience and strength.

Lastly, this challenge addresses the avoidance of painful memories and the fear of vulnerability. Adoptees deserve a space where they can confront their past without shame or hesitation, embracing their journey with authenticity and courage.

This challenge is a call to action, a demand for society to stop turning its back on adoption grief and start embracing adoptees’ experiences with empathy, validation, and meaningful support. Are you ready to accept this challenge and join me in creating a more inclusive and understanding world for adoptees everywhere?”

Sitting by the River of Grief. Unearthing Hidden Gems in Adoption
AI Artwork by Thoughtless Delineation

Why do you turn your back?

To those who turn away from the silent cries of grief, who stand as barriers in the path of the adoptee’s journey since birth, I offer these words with a plea for understanding and compassion.

The ramified life of adoption is woven with threads of joy and sorrow; the adoptee’s journey unfolds like a sacred map, tracing the contours of love and loss, longing and belonging. Each step taken, each tear shed, is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, seeking wholeness amidst the fragments of separation.

Yet, there are those among us who choose to avert their gaze, who close their hearts to the whispers of grief that echo in the adoptee’s soul. They stand as obstacles on the path of healing, denying the adoptee the right to grieve, to mourn what was lost, and to reclaim what was taken.

To you, I say: Pause and listen to the echoes of pain that reverberate in the adoptee’s heart. Hear the silent cries for recognition, for validation, and for the space to grieve without judgment or dismissal. For in that sacred space of acknowledgment lies the seed of healing, waiting to blossom into acceptance and understanding.

Do not turn away from the adoptee’s truth, for it is a mirror reflecting the complexities of human experience, the depths of longing, and the resilience of the human spirit. Embrace the discomfort of witnessing grief, for it is in facing the shadows that we find the light of transformation.

Let empathy be your guide as you navigate the terrain of adoption discourse, recognizing the layers of trauma, the nuances of identity, and the power of validation in healing wounds that run deep. Stand not as a barrier but as a bridge, extending a hand of empathy and compassion to those whose journeys have been marked by separation and loss.



Shane Bouel
Thoughtless Delineation

Using creativity to lift standards of ethics & morality by questioning half-truths and denouncing the conservancy of inhumane ideologies.