Thawing the Frozen Flow.

Embracing Truth & Trauma in Adoption’s Garden

Shane Bouel
Thoughtless Delineation
4 min readApr 17, 2024


Thawing the Frozen Flow. Embracing Truth & Trauma in Adoption’s Garden
AI Artwork By Thoughtless Delineation

In the garden of adoption, amidst the blooms and thorns, lies a hidden truth, whispered in the wind like a sacred verse from Rumi’s quill. It speaks of a profound disruption, a frozen flow where the dance of life’s rhythm pauses, held in the grip of abandonment’s icy embrace.

Ah, the tender separation of infant and root, a primal melody that echoes through the chambers of the soul. Here, in the depth of this separation, where cries are met with silence and longing, births a silent ache, the seed of abandonment trauma takes root.

But listen closely, dear ones, for the story does not end with separation’s tear. Nay, it weaves a tapestry of micro-abandonments, subtle yet potent, where truth is veiled and denial dances in shadows. In these moments of unspoken truths, the soul’s song falters, longing for resonance in a world that chooses deafness.

And oh, how poignant the pain when adoptive parents, in their love’s misguided dance, hold the child to standards ethereal, unattainable, a mirage of perfection that shatters upon the jagged edges of reality. For what is a love that denies truth, that binds with expectations too heavy to bear?

Rumi’s wisdom whispers in the breeze, urging us to see beyond the veil to embrace the raw truth of abandonment’s wounds. In this sacred garden, where hearts beat with the rhythm of longing and belonging, let us sow seeds of understanding, of empathy’s gentle touch.

Let us water these seeds with tears of recognition, nurturing the soil of acceptance and validation. For in the fertile ground of compassion, the frozen flow begins to thaw, and the dance of life’s rhythm resumes its sacred sway.

Oh, adoptive parents, hear the call of Rumi’s wisdom, shed the cloak of denial, and behold the beauty of truth’s unveiling. In the mirror of your child’s eyes, see the reflection of their journey, their pain, their resilience.

And to you, dear adoptee, know that your truth is a symphony, a melody of courage and vulnerability. In the embrace of your own authenticity, may you find the key to unlocking the frozen flow, to thawing the icy grip of abandonment’s trauma.

For in the style of Rumi, we are reminded that love is not found in denial’s embrace but in the tender embrace of truth, in the sacred dance of acceptance, and in the melody of belonging that echoes through eternity’s embrace.

Thawing the Frozen Flow. Embracing Truth & Trauma in Adoption’s Garden
AI Artwork By Thoughtless Delineation

Within the intricate tapestry of adoption lies a profound and often overlooked truth — the core of its disruption is rooted in abandonment trauma. This trauma manifests in multifaceted ways, from the initial separation of an infant from their biological roots to the repeated micro-abandonments that occur when the truth of the situation is denied or ignored. This article delves into the layers of abandonment trauma in adoption, particularly focusing on the impact of denial and unrealistic expectations, especially when adoptive parents fail to acknowledge the realities their child faces.

Infant separation trauma marks the beginning of a lifelong journey for many adoptees. The abrupt severance of the primal bond between infant and biological parent can leave lasting scars on the psyche, echoing through the years in feelings of loss, identity fragmentation, and a pervasive sense of un-belonging. This primal wound, often buried deep within the subconscious, forms the foundation of abandonment trauma in adoption, setting the stage for complex emotional landscapes and relational challenges.

However, it is not just the initial separation that defines abandonment trauma in adoption. Equally significant are the micro-abandonments that occur when individuals, including adoptive parents, refuse to acknowledge the truth of the adoptee’s situation. These micro-abandonments take various forms, from gaslighting and invalidation of experiences to outright denial of the adoptee’s truth. Each instance further deepens the wound of abandonment, reinforcing feelings of isolation, betrayal, and disconnection.

The impact of denial within the adoptive family dynamic cannot be overstated. When adoptive parents dismiss or minimize the adoptee’s experiences, they inadvertently contribute to a cycle of trauma and invalidation. Adoptees may internalize the message that their emotions are not valid or worthy of acknowledgment, leading to profound self-doubt, shame, and a diminished sense of self-worth.

Moreover, unrealistic expectations placed on adoptees by adoptive parents can exacerbate abandonment trauma. Adoptees may be held to behavioural and relationship standards that are impossible to meet, creating a constant sense of inadequacy and striving for unattainable approval. This pressure to conform to external expectations can further fragment the adoptee’s sense of self and intensify feelings of abandonment and rejection.

The intersection of denial, unrealistic expectations, and abandonment trauma creates a complex web of challenges within adoptive families. It is crucial for adoptive parents and caregivers to recognize the impact of denial and to validate the adoptee’s experiences, emotions, and truth. Creating a safe and empathetic environment where adoptees feel heard, seen, and accepted is essential in fostering healing and resilience.

Additionally, addressing unrealistic expectations and shifting the focus from conformity to authenticity can promote healthy relational dynamics and empower adoptees to embrace their unique identities. Adoptive parents play a vital role in this process by cultivating open communication, practicing empathy and validation, and prioritizing the adoptee’s emotional well-being above societal or familial pressures.

Unravelling the depths of abandonment trauma in adoption requires a compassionate and introspective approach that most cannot seem to grasp. By acknowledging the primal wound of separation, confronting denial, and fostering authentic connections based on empathy and acceptance, adoptive families can navigate the complexities of abandonment trauma with resilience, understanding, and healing.



Shane Bouel
Thoughtless Delineation

Using creativity to lift standards of ethics & morality by questioning half-truths and denouncing the conservancy of inhumane ideologies.