The Impact of Credulousness in Adoption Discourse

Understanding Credulousness and Its Impact

Shane Bouel
Thoughtless Delineation
7 min readMay 7, 2024


The Impact of Credulousness in Adoption Discourse Understanding Credulousness and Its Impact
AI Artwork By Thoughtless Delineation

The term “credulousness” refers to a tendency to believe things too readily, being too trusting or accepting without sufficient evidence. In the context of adoption, it could be interpreted as a criticism of a lack of critical examination or skepticism toward certain aspects of the adoption process, discourse, or societal perceptions.

Adoption is a deeply nuanced and emotionally charged topic that touches the lives of many individuals worldwide. Within adoption discourse, the concept of credulousness emerges as a critical lens through which we examine beliefs, attitudes, and societal perceptions. This article delves into the complexities of adoption, highlighting a particularly shocking and concerning incident of credulousness on Twitter some time ago.

Understanding credulousness sheds light on the need for critical examination and empathy in navigating the intricate landscape of adoption. This includes its impact on various aspects of the adoption process and related discussions, spanning from perceptions and expectations to issues of transparency and emotional trauma.

The Credulous Adoptive Mother

Introducing Sally Baker McCarty

Sally Baker McCarty, an adoptive mother, prominently displays a profile picture from “The Handmaid’s Tale” on her Twitter account. This avatar choice symbolizes her idealized view of motherhood and may reflect a lack of critical examination regarding adoption issues. However, what sets Sally apart is not just her avatar but also her behavior towards adoptees on social media.

However, her interactions often take a confrontational tone, where she dismisses adoptees’ perspectives and challenges their experiences. She uses her status as an adoptive mother to assert authority in adoption discourse, often belittling adoptees who share their struggles or critiques of adoption systems.

When adoptees raise concerns about transparency, consent, or emotional trauma related to adoption, Sally is quick to attack them, questioning their gratitude or labeling them as overly negative. Her adoption journey has led her to develop a strong attachment to the narrative of adoption as a purely positive and transformative experience, leading her to be blind to the complexities and challenges faced by adoptees.

Despite receiving feedback from adoptees and advocacy groups about her aggressive stance and lack of empathy, Sally remains steadfast in her beliefs. Her avatar from “The Handmaid’s Tale” serves as a symbolic representation of her idealized view of motherhood and her reluctance to acknowledge the darker realities within adoption systems.

Sally’s behavior highlights the detrimental impact of credulousness in adoption discourse, where adoptive parents like her may perpetuate misunderstandings, dismiss adoptees’ voices, and hinder progress towards more ethical and empathetic adoption practices.

Please review this exchange on Twitter and leave a comment.

Screenshots in no particular order:


In conclusion, the impact of credulousness in adoption discourse is significant, highlighting the need for critical examination, empathy, and ongoing support. By challenging assumptions, increasing transparency, and promoting education, we can create a more inclusive and understanding environment for all individuals involved in the adoption journey.Perceptions of Adoption

Society’s perceptions of adoption can vary widely, from idealized notions of rescue and salvation to more nuanced understandings of the challenges involved. However, romanticized views can lead to unrealistic expectations and overlook the complexities that adoptees, birth parents, and adoptive families may face.

Birth Parents’ Consent

The decision-making process for birth parents is crucial yet often fraught with complexities. Issues such as external pressures, inadequate information, and the emotional weight of decisions can contribute to a lack of fully informed consent.

Adoptive Parents’ Expectations

Adoptive parents may enter the process with specific expectations that may not align with the realities of adoption. Unrealistic expectations can lead to challenges in bonding, adjustment, and overall family dynamics post-adoption.

Lack of Transparency

Transparency within adoption systems is paramount for informed decision-making and ethical practices. However, concerns may arise regarding the withholding of key information or insufficient communication, leading to misunderstandings and difficulties for all parties involved.

Emotional Impact of Adoption Trauma

Adoption trauma encompasses a range of emotional challenges, including loss, identity struggles, and attachment issues. These aspects are often minimized or overlooked, contributing to a lack of understanding and support for those navigating adoption-related experiences.

Assumptions and Recognition

Assumptions about adoption, such as the belief in a “better life” without acknowledging the complexities involved, can perpetuate misconceptions and overshadow the trauma experienced by birth parents. Cultural loss and attachment issues further compound the challenges faced by adoptees and adoptive families.

Increased Awareness and Education

Addressing the egregious ignorance surrounding adoption trauma requires heightened awareness, education, and empathy. By recognizing the multifaceted nature of adoption experiences and prioritizing ongoing support, society can foster a more informed and compassionate approach to adoption discourse.



Shane Bouel
Thoughtless Delineation

Using creativity to lift standards of ethics & morality by questioning half-truths and denouncing the conservancy of inhumane ideologies.