Unmasking White Privilege.

Keegan Payne’s Triumph and Media Accountability

Shane Bouel
Thoughtless Delineation
2 min readMay 4, 2024


In a landscape of triumphs and controversies, Keegan Payne’s recent fishing victory stands out not just for its million-dollar catch but for the layers it unveils about privilege, support, and media responsibility.

Support Transcends Privilege:

Keegan’s journey resonates beyond fishing glory. It’s a narrative of redemption and owning up to mistakes, a lesson in resilience that garnered support cutting across racial lines. The solidarity shown by diverse communities underscores the power of empathy, urging reflection on the role of privilege in shaping societal narratives.

Media’s Mirror of Privilege:

Recent headlines surrounding Peter Stefanovic and Bruce Lehrmann reveal a stark truth: privilege often dictates media narratives. Stefanovic’s retreat from social media amidst controversy and Lehrmann’s courtroom drama exposes the need for media to be held accountable, particularly in amplifying voices of privilege and scrutinizing narratives of power.

White Privilege and Historical Traumas:

Forced adoption, a haunting legacy intertwined with white privilege, surfaces in discussions around support and systemic inequities. The link is stark: privilege influences policies, perceptions, and the very spaces survivors navigate. It’s a lens through which we must view historical traumas and the ongoing fight for justice.

Do they even know what forced adoption is in our nations history?

A Call to Action:

Keegan’s win isn’t just about a fish; it’s about dismantling barriers and creating inclusive spaces. It’s a call to action for media outlets and individuals to confront privilege head-on, to amplify marginalized voices, and to champion narratives that challenge, rather than perpetuate, systemic injustices.

In grappling with the intricacies of privilege and historical legacies, it becomes evident that Australian culture may not always align with our idealized perceptions. This recognition serves as a crucial starting point for delving into the complexities of identity, history, and social constructs that shape our collective narrative. By acknowledging uncomfortable truths and confronting systemic issues, we are better equipped to foster a more inclusive and authentic representation of Australian culture — one that embraces diverse perspectives, acknowledges historical realities, and encourages meaningful dialogue and progress.



Shane Bouel
Thoughtless Delineation

Using creativity to lift standards of ethics & morality by questioning half-truths and denouncing the conservancy of inhumane ideologies.