White Noise Chronicles.

Imagining a New Beginning!

Shane Bouel
Thoughtless Delineation
2 min readApr 24, 2024


White Noise Chronicles. Unveiling the Silent Struggles of Adoption
AI Artwork By Thoughtless Delineation

The White Noise Chroniclesdelves into the profound contemplations that echo in the minds of adoptees, exploring the longing for a life untouched by trauma and the complexities of envy intertwined with confusion.

Starting Anew

The notion of starting afresh, unburdened by the shadows of trauma, lingers as a bittersweet reverie for many adoptees. It’s a wistful contemplation, imagining a life that didn’t commence with the upheaval of separation and loss. Envy may softly whisper as friends recount tales of their uninterrupted beginnings, their deep-rooted connections, and the years woven seamlessly with their biological families.

The Envious Heart

There’s a pang of envy, not for what they have, but for what adoptees perceive as a less disrupted attachment, a stronger natural trust in the world, and a longer acquaintance with a world perceived as safe. It’s the calmness in handling stress, the sense of security to fall back on, and the ease in navigating life’s uncertainties that sometimes evoke envy. Yet, intertwined with confusion and envy, their friends and close relationships didn’t tread the traumatic path of adoption.

Embracing Complexity

Adoptees grapple with a complex array of emotions. They acknowledge the privilege of not enduring the pain of adoption while yearning for the simplicity of an unblemished beginning. This duality is a testament to the intricacies and cruelty of adoption, where sorrow dominates and longing intertwines with confusion.

The Need for Acknowledgment

It’s crucial to acknowledge these sentiments, to understand the multifaceted layers of adoption, and to extend empathy and support. No individual should carry the weight of past trauma alone. The White Noise Chroniclesencourages us to listen deeply, honour the unique journeys of adoptees, and advocate for a world where every life, regardless of its origin, is embraced with compassion and understanding that we are not the same.



Shane Bouel
Thoughtless Delineation

Using creativity to lift standards of ethics & morality by questioning half-truths and denouncing the conservancy of inhumane ideologies.