White Noise Chronicles.

The Epoch of Trauma: Unveiling Systemic Injustice in Adoption.

Shane Bouel
Thoughtless Delineation
2 min readApr 22, 2024


White Noise Chronicles. The Epoch of Trauma: Unveiling Systemic Injustice in Adoption.
AI Artwork By Thoughtless Delineation

In the annals of history, epochs are often defined by transformative moments, seismic shifts that reverberate through time, shaping the contours of human experience. In the realm of adoption, this epoch is not one of progress and enlightenment but rather a stark reckoning with the deep-rooted trauma woven into the fabric of adoption practices.

The adoption system, touted as a benevolent solution to familial challenges, conceals a darker reality — a reality steeped in trauma, loss, and institutionalized control. For decades, adoption has been shrouded in draconian energies, perpetuating cycles of trauma that echo across generations. This epoch of trauma is not confined to individual experiences but encompasses a collective narrative of dispossession, erasure, and intergenerational wounds.

At the heart of this epoch lies the insidious nexus of power and privilege, where the voices of adoptees, birth families, and marginalized communities are silenced or sidelined. These astute observations on systemic oppression find resonance in the adoption sphere, where structural inequalities perpetuate cycles of trauma and perpetuate hierarchies of belonging and worthiness.

The epoch, in its relevant scale to trauma, demands a radical reevaluation of adoption paradigms. It exposes the inherent violence of forcible separation, the erasure of cultural identities, and the commodification of human lives under the guise of altruism. This epoch unmasks the systemic injustices that have long been normalized within adoption discourse, challenging us to confront uncomfortable truths and dismantle oppressive structures.

Trauma, in the context of adoption, is not a singular event but a continuum — a continuum of loss, displacement, and ruptured bonds that reverberate across lifetimes. The trauma of adoption transcends individual experiences, permeating societal narratives and cultural attitudes towards family, belonging, and identity.

The trauma of adoption acts as white noise, a continuous backdrop of loss, displacement, and ruptured bonds that shape societal narratives and attitudes towards family and identity. It is a continuum that transcends generations, demanding a shift towards trauma-informed practices, restorative justice, and efforts to address historical harms.

We are called to centre the voices and agency of those directly impacted by adoption’s legacy. It requires a paradigm shift — a shift towards trauma-informed practices, restorative justice, and genuine efforts to redress historical harms. This is a call for radical empathy and collective action that resonates profoundly in this context, urging us to dismantle oppressive systems and cultivate communities of healing and solidarity.

Shouldn’t the epoch of trauma in adoption prompt us to contemplate a future where adoption, unless firmly rooted in principles of justice, equity, and dignity, becomes the ultimate goal for abolition?



Shane Bouel
Thoughtless Delineation

Using creativity to lift standards of ethics & morality by questioning half-truths and denouncing the conservancy of inhumane ideologies.