White Noise Chronicles.

A Call to Confront the Silent Wars Within All of Us!

Shane Bouel
Thoughtless Delineation
2 min readApr 20, 2024


White Noise Chronicles. A Call to Confront the Silent Wars Within All of Us!
AI Artwork By Thoughtless Delineation

In the battlefield of human emotions, adoption stands as a silent warzone, where invisible wounds and weaponized trauma wreak havoc on the hearts and minds of those involved. Here, we see a profound exploration of adoption’s hidden battles, shedding light on the weaponized levels of trauma that often go unrecognized but deeply impact individuals and families.

The first front in this war is the siege of suppressed emotions. Adoptees, birth parents, and adoptive families often find themselves entangled in a web of unexpressed feelings — grief, guilt, anger, and longing — that are deemed too taboo or painful to confront. This suppression creates an internal battlefield where emotions fester and escalate, leading to psychological distress, relational fractures, and a sense of emotional isolation.

On another front lies the minefield of societal stigmas and prejudices. Adoption carries with it a heavy arsenal of societal judgments, stereotypes, and discriminatory beliefs that act as landmines, ready to detonate at any moment. Adoptees may face labels as “broken” or “ungrateful,” birth parents may be “shamed” for their decisions. These societal bombs compound the trauma, deepening wounds and fueling feelings of shame, unworthiness, and alienation.

The next battleground is the conflict zone of identity and belonging. Adoptees, in particular, often grapple with a fragmented sense of self, torn between biological roots and adoptive realities. This identity crisis is amplified by societal pressures to assimilate, conform, and suppress any dissenting emotions or questions. The struggle for authenticity in a world that denies one’s lived experiences becomes a relentless battle, leaving scars of confusion, self-doubt, and internalized oppression.

Additionally, adoption unleashes psychological warfare on the nervous system, targeting the very core of one’s being. The constant state of hypervigilance, anxiety, and hyperarousal experienced by many adoptees mirrors the effects of living in a war zone — always on alert, anticipating threats, and struggling to find moments of peace and safety. This chronic stress takes a toll on mental and physical health, leading to conditions like PTSD, depression, and chronic illness.

Advocacy, education, and community support play vital roles in dismantling societal stigmas, advocating for adoptee rights, and creating inclusive spaces for healing and belonging.

We need you!

By acknowledging the silent wars that rage within adoption’s complexities, we pave the way for peace, healing, and transformation. Let us stand together, armed with compassion and wisdom, as we navigate the battlefield of adoption with courage, grace, and a commitment to healing.

In solidarity and healing,
Shane Bouel



Shane Bouel
Thoughtless Delineation

Using creativity to lift standards of ethics & morality by questioning half-truths and denouncing the conservancy of inhumane ideologies.