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Making the Most out of Medium

How I was incredibly wrong about this platform and how to get more from being a part of the community.

Thoughtless Opinions
4 min readDec 13, 2018


I joined Medium in 2013. At the time, I was still not confident in myself as a writer. I didn’t really think anyone would be interested in reading what I put up, but I made a few articles and posted them with varying degrees of success.

In my younger, more brash, days I wrote a piece called, “The Death of Medium: Or How Marketing Will Ruin a Good Thing”. Fresh off an adrenaline boost from mainlining Gary Vee videos, I thought I understood something about the future of Medium. Gary espoused the phrase, “marketers ruin everything” in many of his earlier videos and I ate it up. The fact that Medium felt like the garden of Eden at the time, I could only imagine how soon marketing professionals, like myself, would swoop in and bite the forbidden fruit, ruining it for everyone. The article even got a response from Ev Williams, who gracefully and politely, explained why he believed I was incorrect.

Thankfully, I was completely wrong about the direction Medium would take as a platform.

A while after my revelatory article, I fell off the Medium train and didn’t post another article for almost five…



John Dietrich
Thoughtless Opinions

Marketer, Writer, Dad. Often wrong, but always willing to listen. Sharer of Thoughtless Opinions.