“One, Please!” The Delightful Act of Going to the Movies Alone

The movie-going experience was made for one.

John Dietrich
Thoughtless Opinions
3 min readFeb 22, 2019


The first time is awkward.

You’re not really sure where to look or how to act. Do I make small talk or just stay silent? Everything should feel familiar, but it all seems so foreign. Is there any way I’m going to be able to last for over an hour?

I’m talking, of course, about going to the movies by yourself. And like many of life’s greatest pleasures, it gets easier with a little bit of practice.

The first time you set foot in a theatre alone, it’s almost impossible not to start doubting what you are doing. The feeling of eyeballs following your every move. Whispers about, “the awkward person sitting alone.” I say, screw them all! The movie theatres were built for the lone enthusiast.

Although you will have feelings of being out of place the first time you utter the words, “one please”, the most important thing to remember is that people are not that interested in what you are doing. Everyone is wrapped up in their own thing, that the thought of you being alone in the theatre never even crosses their mind. Even though you know this, you will feel awkward, but that’s just because you’ve been brainwashed.



John Dietrich
Thoughtless Opinions

Marketer, Writer, Dad. Often wrong, but always willing to listen. Sharer of Thoughtless Opinions.