Organic SaaS Growth

How To Improve Homepage Conversions?

All your marketing efforts will fail if visitors can’t understand your value proposition.

Ankur Tiwari


Your marketing website is a product in itself.

It helps visitors fight confusion and make better decisions.

It captures traffic and delivers conversion for your business.

Look at your marketing website from a product eye — Who is it for? Why should they spend time on it? What value do they get by being here?

Yet, many SaaS marketing websites make no impact on visitors.

They showcase the product from the eye of the internal teams and lead to poor conversion. It wastes most of the marketing outreach efforts.

The truth is, visitors don’t understand your product as you do.

💡 Without a clear understanding of how your product can help them, they jump to the pricing page within seconds. Forcing you to fight on prices.

Here are four strategies to make your marketing website a conversion powerhouse:

✔️ People scan web pages in a somewhat “F” shape, with a significant focus on the left side. Use this insight strategically.

✔️ Your product is solving a problem; highlight it. Make it clear that you are helping them against the tyranny of your mediocre competitors. Tell them what they are losing without you.

✔️ Focus on benefits and then tie features to them. Remember to lead with benefits. An excellent way to do it is to list all the benefits your target audience is seeking and then map them to your features. Select the most exciting ones and add them on your marketing website.

✔️ Love long pages and add CTAs at regular intervals.

Use these quick tips to improve the performance of your homepage.

Make sure to improve other important pages of your marketing website — price page, about page and product page.

Pricing page for instance can convert highest volume of visitors to sign up as it is where you can comparatively position your product against your competitors.

Two truths about SaaS growth Strategies

  1. A growth strategy is as good as the insights it is based on.
  2. A bad strategy takes almost the same effort to execute as it takes for a good strategy

To discover the most compelling growth insights for your SaaS business, analyze the data like website traffic, new signups, free user activation, and paid plan-wise customers. Even if you are a new business, you can still discover impactful growth insights from just a few months of data.

Use the SaaS Growth Growth Model — a spreadsheet-based model that analyzes the data using more than eight different analyses, discovers hidden growth levers, and suggests top growth strategies for your business.

Get it here : SaaS Growth Strategy Model

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