Miss you, Double S.


The Real Reason I’m Fighting in Haymakers for Hope

Sumeet Shah
Published in
3 min readOct 13, 2016


As many of you know, I’m stepping into the boxing ring on November 18th to knock out cancer for this year’s Haymakers for Hope event at the Hammerstein Ballroom. While I obviously would love for you all to come, donate, and/or spread the word, I wanted to explain to you all the biggest reason why I’m actually entering this fight.

Life can be so unfair sometimes. It can cause problems, verbally and/or physically insult you, and sometimes give you terrible situations where the person involved never deserved to go through it.

Like, if someone dear to you gets taken away from this world too soon.

Where that person succumbs to the scourge that is cancer.

Stage 4 breast cancer.

At the age of 24.

I miss you, Sonia.

During your college years, you tend to find wonderful people who are so giving, kind, warm, and caring. They selflessly try to find ways to help others and always do it with a smile. That person was Sonia Sethi. Sonia to me was a warm soul, a friend, a confidant, and one of the best cheerleaders you could ever have in your corner.

But why would Sonia be so kind? Why would she spend so much time with others? Because that always was her M.O. The sheer number of people who respected, loved, and fought for her as a result was simply endless. Even more, while she was a dear friend, she also was my colleague as we co-ran Ahimsa (the Jain students organization at Columbia) together and killed it. We graduated. We went on. She continued to help amazing people wherever she went.

Then she got diagnosed out of nowhere and everything went straight to hell.

We were speechless.

At the wake, so many of her college friends and I looked at each other in silence. Why on earth did the Heavens take one of the most beloved wonderful human beings on this planet away from us? Is it some cruel joke they’re playing? Emotions were high. But with it, came ration. We all promised to celebrate her selflessness by knowing she is within all of us and doing what we can to help others in her honor.

So here we are.

I try to be as heavily an advocate for women and equality as I can in my current role at Brand Foundry. Sonia is one of the main reasons why I keep fighting for those #BADAXXES. I know many of you also have built your battles in honor of someone.

On November 18th, the love, respect, and honor of a wonderful human being will be flying from my fists.

I won’t let you down, Sonia. I promise.

Again, if you’d like to attend Haymakers for Hope, donate, and/or spread the word, you can do so here. Thank you for reading and please consider hitting the Recommend button if you’ve been affected by the evil scourge that is cancer.



Sumeet Shah

Looking at the next big consumer brand by day. Moving around in the boxing ring by night.