What I’ve Been Learning — Feb 2022

Published in
4 min readMar 10, 2022

Over at Taught by Humans, a big part of our ethos is our love of learning. Learning tech-related things, yes, but also just constantly learning news things and improving on what we already know. Each month we are going to give a short update on what we’ve been learning — here’s mine for February 2021.

February has been a busy, but wonderful month for me. I’ve given myself some headspace (because, shockingly, working while doing a PhD and trying to run a business is a bit too much). Every I take a breathe and step back, I become curious again — and I’m reminded of my love of learning. I enjoy reading, and becoming consumed by a topic (or topics). I have a process when I’m learning a new topic — I get a new notebook, specifically dedicated to the topic. This month I got two new notebooks!


In January, I mentioned nearly being PhDone (or finishing up my PhD for those of us not so into puns). Well, February brings me one step closer — with my PhD these officially submitted! This means there are hopefully only two steps (the oral exam or viva, and any corrections from this) because I am actually done.

I thought it might be nice to make the acknowledgement section of my PhD public — to those mentioned, thank you so much for helping me along this process.

This research would not exist without the 75 people who participated in the various studies, so I would like to dedicate my thesis to all of them. First, the 6 members of public who candidly spoke to me about AI in a park in London, and made my first go at qualitative interviewing very enjoyable. The ‘AI expert’ interviewees and survey respondents who gave their time and wisdom to help shape my plans. The people from many walks of life who completed my online survey and whose words have inspired my plans for my business. Finally, to the adult educators who I had the absolute pleasure of interviewing early on in this research, and whose passion for teaching and deep respect for their students have had a lastly impact on both this research and me.

Some personal acknowledgements to those who made this PhD possible — my partner JJ who has been there through all the ups and downs of the PhD process, and who continues to support and inspire me. My Nanny Josie and Grandad Hugo, without their love and support I wouldn’t be where (or who) I am today.


After working in FinTech for over 4 years, and having a partner who still does, I’ve always been fascinated by the way people pay. I’ve also always been a bit sceptical of anything crypto-related. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’re bound to have heard the terms bitcoin, blockchain, decentralised and NFT. Don’t really know what they mean, me neither. Luckily, I have secured a place on the fifth cohort of SheFi (a course for women to learn about Decentralised Finance, or DeFi). So far I’m two weeks in — trying to wrap my head around blockchain and wallets [I’ll report back when I understand more]. But I am loving the community, and having weekly sessions to keep me motivated.

True to form, I am also reading a book — The Basics of Bitcoins and Blockchains by Antony Lewis. I’m only a few chapters in, but I’m enjoying it immensely.

Book — The Basics of Bitcoins and Blockchains by Antony Lewis

I have also decided to dabble in buying some crypto myself (only £5 worth) — I signed up for Coinbase [sneaky little referral link if you’re interested]. They have a learn and earn section, where you can read about specific coins or concepts and you are rewarded with a tiny amount of those coins! A fun way to get started. Note: the sign up process requires ID and proof of address, it took me about 20 mins in total.

The Business of Social Enterprise

As you most likely know, Taught by Humans is a social enterprise. The School for Social Entrepreneurs is running a course in South Bristol called Getting Serious. It’s made up of 7 modules on how to run your social enterprise — so far we’ve covered Mission, Vision and Values and Business Planning. Both sessions have been really helpful and have also included some exercises on Social Impact which is something I’ve never really thought about despite running a social enterprise. I’m finding the sessions really valuable, but the cohort aspect of other social entrepreneurs has been amazing — it has been helpful to hear their struggles, and successes, and discuss balancing our passions and our incomes!

As part of the Business Planning session we were shown a different version of the Business Model Canvas and Value Proposition Canvas aimed at social enterprises. These have really helped me visualise our business model, in a way the traditional canvases did not!

Using the above Post-It note methods, I’ve actually been able to rethink some of our business model to help use my time more valuably and to help us have the greatest impact.

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We are always learning, and want to share our passion for learning (about everything, not just tech) in this monthly blog series.




Casually trying to save the world. Passionate about education for the future. Robots, AI, IoT, AR, innovation. Founder @taughtbyhumans