Make a Friend, Make a Date, Make a Deal

Ced Funches
Contentment v2.8
1 min readFeb 20, 2015


Some of the best advice I've received has also been the easiest to replicate. In every venture I take on, I follow a simple recipe.

Friendship + Dates = Deals

Friendship—Every contact I have ever made that I has turned into great business relationships has started as a friendship.

Not best friends. But friends.

Taking a genuine interest in people is my secret weapon.

Dates—Making and keeping appointments. One of the biggest things you can do to help or hurt your cause is to make a meeting with a high-level individual and bail last minute.

It’s amateur hour.

Deals— Agree on a shared-valued proposition and shake hands. Thought there was more to it? There isn’t. Don't listen to anyone who tells you otherwise.




Ced Funches
Contentment v2.8

Design Coach & Principal Designer. Earnest Minnesota dad, just trying to be helpful.