Ten Climate Actions You Can Take Right Now

Follow the Advice of Two Top Climate Experts

Krista Kurth Ph.D.


cartoon of 3 successive waves of global crises — covid, recession, climate change — about to crash on a city

If your life is like the rest of the world’s, I can imagine that your plate is overflowing with challenges and things to do just to get through the day. You might be feeling as if the twin tsunami’s of Covid-19 and the economy are crashing on the shore and wreaking havoc everywhere.

However, as the cartoon by Mackay depicts, there is even a bigger wave coming fast on the heels of the other two; the impacts of climate change.

While we deal with being safe, taking care of our families, and keeping a roof over our heads, we must also pay attention to reducing the greenhouse gases we are putting into the atmosphere.

We cannot afford to pause our climate action. As Christiana Figueres and Tom Rivett-Carnac (architects of the 2015 Paris Agreement) say in The Future We Choose: Surviving the Climate Crisis,

Book cover of The Future We Choose: Surviving the Climate Crisis

“Greenhouse gases are emitted as a direct result of the things humans do to survive, such as sourcing food and getting around. Our ways of doing and being have become so entangled with what is killing the planet that we cannot feasibly…

