What America Should Learn From the Swiss Health Care System

An alternative to nationalized health care.

Tyler Piteo-Tarpy


Concept of national healthcare system in Switzerland — by Marco Verch

In response to my essay, Nationalized Health Care is a Bad Idea, I received several comments akin to “Most other developed nations have nationalized health care and they’re doing fine, so why not us?

This is also the sentiment Bernie Sanders expresses to justify his plan for Universal Health Care.

In my aforementioned essay, I express why I believe these other developed nations have replaced one problematic aspect of health care, cost, with other problematic aspects, long wait times and low-quality care.

I also propose a solution to address all of those problems at once, government regulation of monopolies and a dynamic comparative advantage for new health care insurers and providers.

In this essay, I would like to offer an examination of one of these “other developed nations” that is often ignored by advocates of nationalized health care for its successful preservation of private insurance and care, Switzerland.

Specifically, I will focus on aspects of Swiss health care that I think could be implemented in the US, in addition to my initial proposal, to design an even better system.



Tyler Piteo-Tarpy

Essayist, poet, screenwriter, and comer upper of weird ideas. My main focus will be on politics and philosophy but when I get bored, I’ll write something else.