Imran Jessa
Thoughts From A 2020 Grad
3 min readMay 26, 2021


Another revolution around the sun.

I am 23 years old today. I am not entirely certain how one should feel at 23, but I am pretty positive this isn’t it. I definitely am experiencing the passage of time, but mostly as if it is happening independently from my own movement, like sitting backwards on a moving train. Having a May birthday has always had its pros and cons. I have never been able to celebrate my birthday with my university friends as the year is always concluded at this time, and I spent most of the last 5 summers out of Toronto. The last two birthdays have been in complete lockdown so there was not even an option to celebrate (May 26, 2022, watch out for the biggest birthday bash the world has ever seen). However, May to me has always represented hope. The last vestiges of winter and cold weather are fading from memory and it’s all sunshine and open fields in front of you. Summer beckons and with it comes stress free days enjoying the outdoors. Therefore, while I could write a thesis reflecting on the past year and all the ways I have changed, improved, and regressed, I would like instead to spend my birthday looking ahead.

It is weird to say that I feel hopeful. To be honest, even through increased vaccinations, watching our southern neighbors open up, and a government that has finally decided to try and prevent rather than respond to increased numbers, I still could not detect a meaningful change in my mood. I was fortunate enough to receive a vaccine earlier than most of my peers but it was seeing my friends get their shots, and wait out the 2 week quarantine time that truly began to unearth a view of the ending of this pandemic. To say that I miss my friends and am excited about finally seeing them again is an understatement akin to implying that the moon landing was a few pals taking a road trip. Yet, the day is finally almost upon us. Thanks to the miracle of science, and the COVID vaccines are truly one of the most impressive achievements of this century, I am on the cusp of seeing non-family for literally the third time in almost a year. The serotonin release from that first hug will be indescribable.

I’ll be honest, I’m tired. The news seems like a never ending stream of the dregs of humanity, the Twitter timeline is a nightmare on the best days, and I currently spend 95% of my time in front of a computer screen. Yet, I am truly blessed. I am humbled and grateful to have the best friends and family imaginable, people who have and will support me when times are tough, and will rally around and celebrate my joy. My 22nd year on earth was certainly a memorable one, and not for the best of reasons, but now that it’s over I’m determined to make my 23rd the best year yet. I look forward to confirming that fact in 365 days.

Until then, I will laugh, love, and revel in human contact. There will be plenty of hugs and smiles, reminiscing on past memories and making new ones. I legitimately cannot wait for what the future has in store for me.

