What is Joy?

Stephen Landau
Thoughts From Deep Within The Forest
2 min readJan 18, 2016

Can we be joyous without being anxious? Does joy come from the tension of first having not-joy, the worry that what we are doing may not, in fact, lead to joy? Without worry, is there then no release of not-worry, no being justified or unfounded in our imaginative results? If we are only anxious, can we ever find joy? Being anxious and being anticipatory are not the same; how is anticipation different — is it eagerly awaiting the result without the worry of what the result may be, without the constant working over of what may or may not happen?

Is joy the same as happiness? Is happiness of the mind and joy is of the soul?

Can we ever be absolutely happy? Or will worry worm its way back in, that we will become anxious that at some point, eventually, we will not be happy? How does anxiousness affect the soul? Does it block the opportunity for joy to attach itself to our spirit? Does not caring mean the same as not worrying? Or is indifference indicative of neither extreme, no worry and no joy?

And is that a way to live?

Joy is a muddy trail. Joy is a dog running free.

Joy is a muddy trail. Joy is the suffering that clears the mind of unnecessary and unhelpful thoughts. Joy is a dog running free. Joy is being knocked down and being able to get back up again. Joy is having a choice. Joy is strong legs. Joy is a strong heart, and makes the heart grow stronger.

Joy is seeing joy in others. Joy is knowing what brings you joy. Joy is making that happen.

Joy is letting go of doubt and envy. Joy is being alone but not lonely. Joy is being comfortable with who you are. Joy is the energy you receive from others. Joy is giving energy to others. Joy is not caring what others may think.

Joy is yours to create and define.

Joy is a muddy trail.



Stephen Landau
Thoughts From Deep Within The Forest

Creative Director at The Forest For The Trees, husband, father, and caretaker of a dog who usually (but not always) comes when called.