Right or Wrong, I’m Right

Thoughts From The Shower
2 min readSep 25, 2015

I’ve noticed how angry people getting on Facebook. Not just trolls, but ordinary Facebook people. It’s on Twitter too. People can’t seem to not engage.

The ongoing atheist and believer debate is a constant source of (my) amusement. Climate change, politics, books. Argument after argument. People are getting really upset AND USE CAPS FOR EMPHASIS for just about everything lately

It got me thinking about the need to be right. I love it when someone says, you know what you’re right — instant validation. Is this what everyone is seeking through these arguments?

I love that people are discussing issues and that we have the internet as a platform to do so. How bloody awesome is it that we can do this? But people’s need to be right is constantly bombarding everything.

I just don’t engage with this anymore. I see some arguments and go you know what I could crush you in two sentences, but to what end? Ultimately it’s far less emotionally draining on me to just know what I think and let others believe what they believe. I don’t need to destruct their point of view and yell at them until they relent to my opinion.

If you’re ‘wrong’ about something and you put it on the internet- it doesn’t bear thinking about. Trolls and others are relentless (or can be at times).

Either way, if I’m wrong or right about something, I feel ok in myself, ok in others viewpoints and able to move along now instead of force my will onto other viewpoints. Maybe it’s an age thing. I really don’t know.

The bottom line, if I feel right about something, whether it’s ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ from other viewpoints, I’m still right.



Thoughts From The Shower

Writer, reader, researcher, mother, widow. Masters Health Administration. I Think Therefore I Am.