2015 Will Be The Year Of The Podcaster

Seth Goldstein
2 min readJan 2, 2015


Podcasting hasn’t gone anywhere. I swear, people are treating podcasting like it’s a new medium. It’s not. It’s be around since at least 2006 and been going strong since.

With this new renaissance, podcasts are gaining a legitimacy they didn’t have before. With this second renaissance, people who started off listing to Serial are now venturing out to see what else they can listen too. This is a great opportunity for networks and shows like mine to show people that podcasting isn’t a passing fad or a nascent medium.

I’ve been doing podcasts since 2009. First with, the now defunct, Addicted to Social Media, a few failed shows (they never took off), and finally a great start with the PhillyTech.org Netcast Network. Through my experiences with the medium, I’ve seen what works, what doesn’t work. I’ve also see podcasts grow from small hobbies to large ventures.

With the entering of a new era of podcasting, I predict that 2015 will be the year of the podcaster and the legitimization of this form of journalism and storytelling.

What do you think? Post your comments below.

Seth Goldstein is the founder of PhillyTech.org Netcast Network. PhillyTech.org is an audio/video podcast network focusing on the technology and startup scene in and around the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania region. You can contact Seth on Twitter @sethgoldstein or @phillytech_org or via email Seth[At]PhillyTech[Dot]Com.



Seth Goldstein

Editor/Writer of the Marketing Junto Newsletter and podcaster at Entrepreneur’s Enigma and Digital Marketing Dive.