[Video] How to Post a Week’s Worth of Social Content in 21 Minutes Using Buffer

Skot Waldron
Thoughts of a Brand Strategist
2 min readJan 16, 2019

What if I could show you how to post a week’s worth of content in 21 minutes (Actually 21:23)?

I get it. Keeping up with posting on social media isn’t always easy. Life gets in the way. Business gets in the way.

I’ve filmed a walkthrough video that will show you how I plan my social posts for the week using a social media management tool called Buffer. This is the tool that I recommend (for now) to all of my small business clients that are mainly using Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. For Instagram, I recommend Later.

For this walkthrough, I’m scheduling my posts for LinkedIn. I’m using a mix of:

  1. Previously posted content
  2. RSS feeds (blogs or websites that I’ve set up inside of buffer to give me the latest content)
  3. My own blog

That’s it. Super easy. If you can spare 21 minutes per week, you can take care of most, if not all, of your social posts.

Click here to view the video on my blog.


Do you struggle to know what to post on social media?

Are you not getting the engagement you want?

Are you attracting the right kinds of followers?

This presentation walks you through a bunch of free tools to help you create a solid social media content strategy. Get access by clicking here.

Originally published at www.thoughtsofabrandstrategist.com.



Skot Waldron
Thoughts of a Brand Strategist

Internal Communication Strategist and GiANT Consultant/ Principal www.multipleinc.com / Speaker