3 Ways Journalists Should Use Twitter Moments

A New Hook Into the Real-Time Social Graph

Matt Dusenbury
Thoughts On Journalism


Opening Twitter Moments is a big opportunity for journalists everywhere

After much hype and a major marketing push this summer, Twitter announced it will open up its latest multimedia effort, Moments, to all users. The feature allows users to parse a series of tweets and multimedia into a collection, which can then be viewed and shared as a single story. While millions have enjoyed swiping through Moments to catch up on news and entertainment since it became an integral part of Twitter’s mobile and web apps, most will almost certainly not take advantage of the new feature on their own. As it stands now, creating a Moment is fairly labour intensive, and can only be done through a web browser on Twitter’s website. Moments is still very much a work in progress.

For journalists though, Moments presents an opportunity to capture users’ attention and imagination on the same moving canvas they already rely on daily for breaking news and information. With that in mind, here are three ways journalists should begin using Twitter Moments.

1. Break News…



Matt Dusenbury
Thoughts On Journalism

Award-winning writer, designer, and raconteur with tired eyes all the time. Journalist by training, marketer by trade. Fueled by copious cups of coffee.