Connecting the dots. How do we measure the news?

It’s all about metrics 

Giuseppe Granieri
2 min readDec 27, 2013


“One- or two-time visitors are not a business opportunity — they are an accident.”
A plea for better audience metrics -Rick Edmonds-

“The people who are motivated by [page views] are not the right people to drive innovation and ensure the future of digital news publishing”
How do we measure the news? -Håvard Ferstad-

“In discussing the current online advertising market with experts in the field, the ability to track ad response rates (click-throughs and impressions) has shifted the mindset among advertisers from seeking awareness and exposure to seeking response rates — a mindset more akin to direct mail marketing than to advertising. Our ability to measure advertising in new ways has led to a generally cautious response by advertisers. That is, there is only faith in the responses that can be measured and far less faith in the awareness generated by advertising, which is harder to measure.”
Print’s Retreat — Are the New Metrics of Online Actually Devaluing Publications? -Kent Anderson-

“Metrics can’t really be determined by hits. Traffic numbers don’t show engagement or bounce rate. Reader behavior is more important than straight numbers. Evan Hansen explained that Medium tracks how people engage with the content they’re reading on the site, including how far into a story they’ve read and the total time they’ve spent on the page. As Circa’s Matt Galligan explains that hits are “mostly bunk.”
Metrics can’t really be determined by hits. So What IS the Future of Digital Media? -The Bold Italic-

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Giuseppe Granieri

Predictive Thinking. Author of several books, columnist/contributor (L'Espresso, La Stampa), contract professor (Urbino University) | @gg |