Female Journalists & Harassment

Brian Williams discusses the problems that female journalists face in the workplace.

Brian Anderson Williams
Thoughts On Journalism
4 min readJun 15, 2015


Brian Williams | Writer

America has faced a tremendous amount of problems during the Twenty-first century. As journalists join the cruel world of social media, some realize that being brave is a vital necessity. Every year women journalists are killed, assaulted, and threatened. Harassment online is a well known problem. Social media has made it very easier for people to be harassed. Sexual harassment has become a major problem. It has become a very persuasive one. Sexual harassment is any unwanted action that makes an individual feel violated, whether it is there gender or the inappropriate way they’re being treated. The workplace has become a very common place for this behavior to take place. This affects the work performance of female employees. More and more women are entering the journalism business. This is very degrading for any victim of this act of indecency. Female journalists are frequently targeted by sexual harassment. In some society’s being a female journalist is against societal norms. Most female journalists are harassed, threatened, and even assaulted at work. Their harassment is mostly gender-based. They are even paid less than their male counterparts. In the last decade women have shared their cases so action would be taken against this horrible problem. It wasn’t until the early 90's when it became recognized as a worldwide serious issue. Studies shows that this is a rapidly growing problem.

Each year charges are filed due to sexual harassment in the workplace. They are filed with the U.S Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, or the EEOC. This form of discrimination violates the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Few cases of sexual harassment against journalists have ever been documented. This form of behavior is more likely to occur in male dominated career fields. Journalism was originally an occupation full of men in the past. Women are certainly moving up with career positions as journalists. This has caused the widespread of sexual harassment cases. In the last decade, females have spoken out against the issue. One of the first known cases was Anita Hill’s, an African-American professor of law from the University of Oklahoma. She accused Judge Clarence Thomas of sexually assaulting her. She states that he made many sexual advances and inappropriate remarks towards her. Hill worked for Thomas while he was the head of the EEOC. Hill was sexually harassed by Thomas from 1981 to 1983.

During Hill’s occurrence, complaints began to rise from females in journalism all around the world. Reporters and editors at the Washington Post accused Juan Williams of sexual harassment. He defended Clarence Thomas against the allegations that he was facing. Investigations were then brought upon him. This raised major concern about sexual harassment involving women journalists in Washington D.C. This caused women to feel like their gender affected their work ability. In male dominated career fields, harassment towards women is most likely to occur. As women move up in job positions as journalists, they normally experience first hand sexual harassment.

Many women prefer to not speak out about the dangers that they face in work. This is normally because the accused men are too high in power to be held accountable. IMWF found that men make up almost three quarters of journalism’s top managers and almost two thirds of its reporters. Harassment even occurs when women are applying for these journalist jobs. While many stand up for their rights many women believe its not a smart idea to challenge their superiors. This is a very difficult thing to cope with. The majority of the victims stated this had a psychological impact on them. Reporting the abuse could potentially ruin the person’s professional life simply by them being exposed to the masses.Each story that is told helps raise awareness for other women journalists that are at risk.

It is clear that sexual harassment is a problem for women journalists. This problem is widespread among women journalists today. Every person deserves to feel safe in their working environment. Online posts lead to offline fears. Few news organizations are taking action in preventing this horrible environment for female employees, but some have done little little to change it. In conclusion, sexual harassment for these women must be stopped. While awareness is increasing, there is much more that needs to be learned. This is the necessary action to take in order for a better job performance from them.

Credits: Sagar Shah

