The Art Of Communication

Good communication skills are a vital component in the corporate world.

Brian Anderson Williams
Thoughts On Journalism


Brian Williams | Writer

Communication is a is a two-way process in which participants exchange information. The intended result of communication is bringing out a response and changing behavior. The most important factor is for the sender to express their ideas clearly in order for the receiver to obtain an understanding. Communication is used everyday whether we realize it or not. In order to be successful, a person must contain the skill of communication. Messages can be sent to others by using two ways of communicating, verbally and non verbally.

The majority of the verbal communication is from one person to another. One-on-one verbal communication is the greatest method for communicating precisely. Immediate feedback from the receiver can determine whether the message has been understood. Communicating involves more than just accuracy. Communicating can influence the attitudes and the behaviors of the individuals we address. The importance of non verbal communication is used in the majority of the human communication process. The fact that it is more important than any form of communication is due to the emotion it gives, which is usually controlled or concealed. According to Albert Mehrabian, the estimated impact of non verbal communication on the meaning of a message can be as high as 93%.

Verbal and non verbal communication are important when a group is working together. Groups work to the fullest potential when everyone’s intention is to achieve the desirable goal. The goal is unreachable without the cooperation of each group member. Success is defined in terms of a group. Groups may attempt to outperform each other when there are certain benefits involved. When the task at hand requires knowledge of information and skill, groups tend to attempt superiority towards any individual. Groups also outperform individuals when the task is easily comprehensible, or they collectively recall receiving the information. This is when the process of synergy is used.

Synergy is an objective gain in performance that is attributable to the groups interaction. There is also a negative effect of synergy; this happens when the performance of the group is worse than expected based on each individual’s ability or skill. Group size has an enormous effect on the results a group produces. When the size of a group is increased, quality decision making is increased. When group size is decreased, there is a flow of negative information and quicker decision making. When entering a group, a task dimension and a social dimension will always be present. The social dimension is the relationship between the group’s members and their impact as a whole. In the corporate world, if the boss is only worried about the task dimension and ignores the social dimension of his workers, it causes a problem. Focusing only on productivity creates a major conflict within the work environment. Productivity results from efficient accomplishment of a group’s task.

A group establishes standards called norms. Norms are the expected behavior in certain situations. There are two types, explicit and implicit. Explicit norms are standards that are written down. They are understood clearly by each member. Implicit norms are implied standards. They are rules that we already know without an explanation. The main purpose of norms is to achieve goals. The norm process starts after group formation has taken place. This is an important part of communication.

When working in groups we develop relationships. Relationships are the state of being connected with an individual. This is true but it doesn’t tell us much about interpersonal communication. Interpersonal relationships involve the way people behave socially. Why do we form relationships with individuals? Sometimes we establish personal relationships simply because we find someone attractive. We are attracted because of appearance, similarity, competence, disclosure, or proximity. Emotion plays a large part in communication. Displaying emotion is very vital when constructing art and communicating. This is a vital component when producing your best work.

In conclusion, good communication skills are one of the strongest tools that you can have. Language is an expression of a human’s activity. Every communicator must know the significance of communication. Every day is a new opportunity for our voices to be heard. Communication skill is vital for proper planning and coordination. Positive communication is a great way to manage an individual’s behavior. It minimizes stress and can make the work environment much more productive.

Credits: Sagar Shah

Writing a masterpiece will take a tremendous amount of dedication. You should always remember our voices can change the world. It is all up to the individual.

