Birth: Whereabouts of Father at Birth

Varaha Mihira
Thoughts on Jyotish
10 min readMar 23, 2016


Birth is a very sensitive moment, where there is danger to the life of both the Child and the Mother. In a person’s life, the luminaries Chandra and Surya are the most important planets as they represent the mind and the soul respectively. For a comfortable life Chandra should be strong and for a meaningful and purposeful life Surya should be strong. A horoscope devoid of the strength of Chandra and Surya is like a boat moving in a stormy ocean, pushed in multiple direction. A horoscope without a definite purpose!

The quality of Chandra and Surya can be judged from the circumstances at birth. The principles mentioned here are unambiguously and unanimously laid by all the important Jyotish classics such as Brhat Jataka, Saravali, Jataka Tattva, Jataka Parijata, Sanketa Nidhi to name a few. However, we often find it difficult to apply them in real life cases, which happens invariably due to lack of knowledge of some subtle but important piece of information. Some of these challenges in prediction and my humble opinion on how to address them are given below. Once these principles are mastered, it will be very to rectify the Lagna at birth.

Paroksha Janma: Father absence at birth

The classics are unanimous that when the Lagna is not aspected by Chandra, then the father is not present in the delivery chamber at the moment of birth. Now, should we only consider the purna drsti or the other drsties as well? If we consider only the Purna Drshti, then that would mean that Chandra should occupy the 7th house from the Lagna, the probability of which is 1/12 or 8.33%. The probability appears exceedingly low compared to what we would expect in real life. So what is missing here? This means that all the drsties of Chandra i.e., Ekpada (1 pada), Dvipada (2 pada), Tripada (3 pada) and purna drstis all should be considered. We know that all grahas can aspect their 7H, 4–8, 5–9 and 3–10 houses with 4 pada, 3 pada, 2 pada and 1 pada drsti.

Phaladeepika 2.23: Shani casts its purna drsti on 3rd-10th; Guru on the 5th-9th; and Mangal on the 4th-8th. All grahas cast ekpada (1 pada) drsti on 3rd-10th, dvipada (2 pada) drsti 5th-9th; tripada (3 pada) drsti on 4th-8th; and purna (4 pada) drsti on the 7th.

So when Chandra occupies the 4–5–6–7–9–10, it would aspect the Lagna by at least 1 pada drsti, causing the father to be present at the moment of birth. This is endorsed by Mansagari, which in verse 4.335 clearly states that when Chandra occupies 1–2–8–12–11, then the birth happens in father’s presence. According to the author of Mansagari, Chandra occupying the 3rd house can also cause birth in father’s presence, although we know that it can’t aspect the 11th from its position. Perhaps, this is one exception to the rule.

Brhat Jataka 5.1. PS Shastri: In birth chart, when the Lagna is unaspected by Chandra and Surya occupies a movable sign in the 8th, 9th, 11th or 12th house, the father of the native will be in some other country or province and will not be present at house at the time of the child’s birth. BS Rao: If birth sign is unaspected by Chandra, father will be absent at the birth. If Surya occupies a movable sign (patita) from the 10th, the father will be away in a foreign country at the birth of child.

Jataka Tattva 2.1–3. (1) When the Lagna is not aspected by Chandra, at the moment of birth, the father was not present at birth. (2) When Surya occupies a Sthira Rasi, identical with Randhra, Dharma, Labha or Vyaya, and the Lagna is not aspected by Chandra, the father was present in that location, but was absent from the delivery room. (3) However, instead if Surya occupies a Chara Rasi, the father was overseas, at the moment of birth.

Mansagari 335. When Chandra occupies any one of the following bhavas, Janma Lagna (1st), Ashtama (8th), Dvitiya (2nd), Dvadasa (12th) and Ekadasa (11th), then father is not around at the moment of birth.

Narada Purana 55.68. The child’s father will be away from home, if Chandra at birth does not aspect the rising Sign (Lagna) and if Surya has fallen from the Zenith (i.e. 10th house). The father must be in a foreign country at the time, if Surya is also in a movable Sign.

The condition of Chandra not aspecting the Lagna although may be necessary, it is not a sufficient condition to predict that at Birth father was absent. We can conclude father’s absence only after judging Surya’s position. Pt. Gopesh Kumar Ojha also endorses this view in his translation of Jataka Parijata. We will take some case studies after reviewing other combinations for absence of father.

When Chandra occupies the Lagna, it does not aspect the Lagna. Mansagari explicitly states that Chandra occupying the Lagna should cause father to be absent from birth. However, we know that in Lord Krsna’s chart, who was born with Chandra in Rohini Nakshatra occupying the Lagna, his father Vasudev was right there at the moment of birth. Thus, the condition about Chandra’s not aspecting the Lagna is not sufficient.

In addition to the Chandra’s condition, there need to be another condition, one for Surya. While Chandra does not aspect the Lagna, at the same time Surya should be in two Bhavas before or after the 10th house. Surya in the 10th house is in the Meridian. In the 2 houses before and after and setting and rising respectively. Depending on the Rasi occupied by Surya viz., Chara, Sahara and Dvisvabhava father was in the either in the homeland, foreign land or in transit.

Once it is know that the father is not present at birth, the next thing to judge is whether the father is in the same town or overseas. When Surya occupies a Sthira Rasi in 8,9,11,12, then the father is present in the same town but not present during birth. When Surya occupies a Chara Rasi in the said houses, the father was overseas at birth.

Saravali 9.28. Should the Ascendant be without the aspect of Chandra, the birth is in the absence of the father. If Surya is in the 9th identical with a Chara Rāśi, the father was in a foreign place.

Again, when Lagna is occupied by Kuja-Shani pair AND Shukra and Guru don’t occupy Kendras, then also father is considered to be overseas at birth.

Mansagari 336. When Lagna is devoid of Chandra drsti, Lagna is occupied by Kuja and Shani, or Shukra and Guru don’t occupy a Kendra, then father was overseas at the moment of birth.

Another condition that should be used in conjunction with absence of Chandra’s Drsti on the Lagna is, position of Chandra in the fag end of the Rasi. This condition is sufficient to cause absence of father at birth, irrespective of the condition of Surya occupying 8,9,11,12.

Sanketa Nidhi 2.5b. When Chandra is posited in the fag end of a Rasi and Lagna is not aspected by Chandra, the birth of the child will take place during father’s absence.

Other yogas of birth in father’s absence

In addition to the Chandra’s condition of not aspecting the Lagna, there are other conditions. However, like Chandra, these conditions can’t be used independently and Surya should be involved in some or other manner.

  1. Shani occupying the Lagna or Kuja occupying the 7th house.
  2. Chandra hemmed between Budha and Shukra. Chandra may be in the same sign with Budha and Shukra, but Budha and Shukra should occupy either side of Chandra by Longitude.
  3. Mangal aspects Surya for day birth or Shani for night birth.

Brhat Jataka 5.2: When Shani occupies lagna or Mangal is in the 7th or when Chandra is hemmed between Budha and Shukra, the father is absent at birth of the child.

Jataka Tattva 2.4–5: When Shani rises in the Lagna or Mangal sets in the 7th house, the father is away at the moment of birth. The same is the results when Chandra is hemmed between Budha and Shukra.

Saravali 9.29: When Surya in the case of day birth and Shani in the case of night birth, is aspected by Mangal, delivery is out of father’s sight. When the said Surya, or Shani is in a Chara Rasi, death of father should be declared.

Sanketa Nidhi 2.6a. If Chandra does not aspect the Lagna, and placed between Budha and Shukra; Shani occupying the Lagna and Mangal occupying the 7th, the father will be away at the time of birth.

Mansagari 331. Chandra hemmed between Budha and Shukra, Mangal in Saptama Bhava, Shani in the Lagna cause birth in father’s absence.

Mansagari 336. When Chandra does not aspect the Lagna and at the same time, Mangal and Shani occupy the Lagna, Shukra and Guru occupy Bhavas other than the Kendras, then father is overseas at the moment of the child’d birth.

Narada Purana gives another condition for absence of father at birth. When Chandra occupies the Lagna owned by a Kruragraha, and in Vrschika Drekkana, Shubha grahas occupy the Dhana and the Labha Bhavas, or Surya is aspected by Shubha Grahas.

Narada Purana 55.69–70. Absence of father at Birth should be declared by expert astrologers, if Shani is in the Lagna, and Mangal in the 7th; or if Chandra be between Budha and Shukra; or if Chandra be posited in the Lagna owned by a malefic and in the Drekkana owned by Vrschika, and if benefics are in the 2nd and 11th houses or if Surya be aspected by the benefics.

Bondage of father at birth

  • The father’s fate at the moment of birth of the child can be seen from the certain houses reckoned from Surya. According to the classics, when the Konas (5,9) or Saptama (7) from Surya is afflicted by Krura Grahas occupying Krura Rasis, the father was confined. Since the Krura grahas referred here need to occupy certain places from Surya, only Mangal and Shani are referred here.
  • The location of confinement can be noted from the sign occupied by Surya at birth. Sthira Rasi indicate the place of birth, Chara Rasi indicate overseas while Dvisvabhava Rasi indicate in-transit.

Brhat Jataka 5.7., Jataka Tattva 2.9. When the Kruragrahas Shani or Mangal occupy Krura Rasis and occupy the Kona (5,9) or Saptama (7) Bhava from Surya, the father was imprisoned at the Child’s birth. The Rasi occupied by Surya determines the locality (or direction) of his bondage.

Saravali 9.30. If the 5th, 9th and 7th from Surya are aspected, or occupied by Krura Grahas (Shani or Mangal), the father was under confinement. Chara, Sthira and Dvisvabhava Rasi here respectively indicate confinement, respectively, in foreign place, own place and on the way.

Sanketa Nidhi 2.5a. If Kruragrahas be posited in the Rasis owned by other Kruragrahas which are 5th, 7th or 9th from Surya, the father of the native at the time of birth will be under restraint. If Surya is in a Chara Rasi, such restraint will be in foreign country, if in a Sthira Rasi, in the home country and if in a Dvisvabhava Rasi, the restraint will be at a place falling on the way, to the homeland. The direction of the place will be in accordance with Rasi occupied by Surya.

Father not alive at Child’s birth

  • Surya and Shukra are the two Sthira Karakas for Father. Sthira Karakas are used in judgement of health matters.
  • When Surya and Shukra are both afflicted, father’s health will be an issue. In addition, if they occupy Dusthanas jointly or separately, the father health and life will be in grave danger.

Sanketa Nidhi 2.6b. When Surya and Shukra aspected by Mangal occupy the Dusthanas (6,8,12), the father of the child will not be alive at the time of his birth.

  • Surya and Shukra conjunct in a Chara Rasi and aspected by Mangal cause danger to the father’s life. The father could have died before the Child’s (native’s) birth.
  • Kruragrahas in the 2nd and the 12th house can incalculable miseries in life, right from the childhood. If in addition, the Lagnesha is also weak and occupy the 9th or the 4th house i.e., father’s house or the house of father’s longevity (8th from 9th), the father will be excessively sick at the Child’s birth. It is known that the Bhava occupied by the Lagnesha can cause health hazards to the living significations of the Bhava. This is even more applicable when Lagnesha is weak and afflicted. As in that case, it will jeopardise the wellbeing the house occupied, to save the house it owns, the Lagna.

Sanketa Nidhi 2.7. (1) It should be predicted that the father of the child had died before his birth, if Surya and Shukra conjoin in a Chara Rasi and aspected by Mangal. (2) If there are Kruragrahas in 12th and 2nd Bhavas from the Lagna, and a weak Lagnesha occupies the 9th or 4th Bhavas, it can be said that the father of the native was very sick at the time of native’s birth.

Summary of the Jyotish Rules

  1. When Chandra does not aspect the Lagna at birth the father may be absent, provided there are other factors as well. The partial sights of Chandra have to be considered as well. Another rule in this regard is Chandra in the 1,2,8,11,12 from the Lagna indicate absence of father at Birth.
  2. Surya in one of the four Bhavas, 8,9,11,12 can indicate absence of father at birth. The whereabouts of the father can be seen from the nature of the Rasi occupied by Surya. Here Sthira= homeland, Chara= Overseas, Dvisvabhava= In Transit.
  3. Shani in the Lagna, Mangal in the Saptama Bhava, or Chandra hemmed between Budha and Shukra can indicate absence of father at the moment of birth.
  4. If Chandra occupies the fag end of a Rasi and Lagna is not aspected by Chandra, the father may be absent at birth.
  5. When Surya in the case of day birth and Shani in the case of night birth, is aspected by Mangal, delivery is out of father’s sight. When the said Surya, or Shani is in a Chara Rasi, death of father should be declared.
  6. When the Kruragrahas Shani or Mangal occupy Krura Rasis and occupy the Kona (5,9) or Saptama (7) Bhava from Surya, the father was imprisoned at the Child’s birth. The Rasi occupied by Surya determines the locality (or direction) of his bondage.
  7. When Lagna is occupied by Kuja-Shani pair AND Shukra and Guru don’t occupy Kendras, then also father is considered to be overseas at birth.
  8. When Surya and Shukra aspected by Mangal be posited in a Dusthana (6,8,12), the father of the child may not be alive at the time of his birth.
  9. When Surya and Shukra conjoin in a Chara Rasi and aspected by Mangal, the father of the child may not be alive at the time of his birth.
  10. When there are Kruragrahas in the 12th and 2nd Bhavas from the Lagna, and a weak Lagnesha occupies the 9th or 4th Bhavas, it can be said that the father of the native was very sick at the time of native’s birth.



Varaha Mihira
Thoughts on Jyotish

I am a Jyotish enthusiast and have been researching on this subject for more than 30 years. My mission in life is to bring Jyotish to its glorious state.