Lagna #11: Kumbha Lagna

Varaha Mihira
Thoughts on Jyotish
10 min readMay 21, 2016


Key Characteristics of this Rasi

  1. Kumbha is perhaps the most philosophical Rasi in the horoscope as it governed by Shani and Rahu who give us the knowledge of realm beyond the mortal realm. Shani is linked to birth and death, while Rahu governs the boundaries, beyond which nothing is usually known.
  2. On the other hand Kumbha is also the natural Badhaka Rasi, i.e., one that put obstacles in the free flow of time, thus causing knots. equivalent to vortex in rivers and cyclones in air. So evidently this Rasi helps us connect to the realm of the spirits, which is always dangerous and risk prone.
  3. Kumbha governs over the world of disembodied spirits and ghosts. It is the region where the spirits remain until they are either given moksha or another life in the mortal plane.
  4. It is a Sthira Rasi, and no graha either gets Uccha or Neecha here. This is one of the two Rasis where Grahas don’t attain any dignity. The other being the Simha Rasi. Sthira imply stability, but it can also imply creating a dam in the flow of river, thus causing extremes i.e., huge water on one side and no water on the other side of the River. When something is stopped from its movement, it’s potential energy increases manyfold, which also increases the risk of rupture and great calamity. In the universe, it is not natural for things to be devoid of motion.
  5. It is a Vayu Rasi, the other being Mithuna and Tula. However, unlike Mithuna which is dvisvabhava, and Tula which is Chara, the Vayu in Kumbha is sthira. Vayu is prana, or one that keeps on alive through the breathing. Shani governs over the Vayu Tattva, hence this Rasi is unique in that respect. Pranayama which helps in stilling the breath can help in increasing our body stamina, longevity and even take us to the state of Samadhi, which the state of extreme stillness and bliss. Yama means to put under restrain, while Pranayama means restraining the Prana.
  6. Surya governs over the heart, while Kumbha is also called Hrdroga meaning Heart diseases. This is where the heart stops beating, the breathe stops flowing, the blood stops flowing and we are connected to the spirit world. This is the step we need to cross to reach Meena Rasi, the liberated world, the world the munis and the rishis, the spiritual realms.
  7. Lagnesha Shani gets Uccha in the 9th house of Dharma and Neecha in the 3rd house of Parakrama. This indicates that the natives of this Lagna are highly prone to righteous acts, charitable acts, worshipping of the Devas and Gurus and honouring the Brahmins. Great philosophers are born when Lagna or Chandra occupy the Kumbha Rasi. They shy away from showing their valour and are inclined towards great achievements and enterprise in life as the Lagna lord is negative towards the 3rd house. They are usually happy remaining in their own small world, engaged in spiritual practices.
  8. Co-lord Rahu attains Uccha in the 5th house, the mantra Bhava and neecha in the 11th house of gains. Hence, they are not driven by gains, but focus within their own self (5th house). They also plan for their future, i.e., the future after death, as it is Rahu who gets Uccha in the 5th house of mind. Rahu indicate the realm beyond this mortal plane. This also gives them good psychic power.
  9. Shani’s Mitra are Budha and Shukra, while its Shatru is Surya. Shani is inimical towards Chandra and Mangal, but both of them are neutral towards him. Shani and Guru are mutual neutrals. Lets see the Bhavas governed by their Mitra and Shatru.
  10. Mitra Shukra govern the 4th (Sukha) and Dharma (9th). There is dichotomy in their life, indicating shifting between two poles. On one side Shukra gets Uccha in the 2nd house indicating great wealth, but it also shows renunciation and detachment from the material wealth, when they take up the path of sadhana. So it is possible to find two kinds of people, one who is materially successful and also those who are spiritually successful and completely detached from this material life. Too much of focus on the 8th (sadhana) weakens Shukra (bhagya and sukha) while too much of focus on 2nd (family and household) strengths Shukra (bhagya and sukha).
  11. Mitra Budha governs the 5th (Mantra) and Randhra (8th). The nature of these people can summed up this contradiction of houses governed by Budha. This indicate that the people of this Lagna are mystical minded (joint influence of 5th and 8th) and are detached from the material happiness. They are naturally inclined towards taking up spiritual penances, unless Budha is weak and Shukra takes control of the situation. Budha when strong will promote 8th house (spiritual penance) and demote 2nd house (wealth and family). They even take up Mauna Vrata or the vow of silence (Budha-speech, 8th= spiritual penance)
  12. Shatru Surya governs the 7th (Dara). Surya when strong does not promote Bhagya but promote parakrama. This makes the native valorous and successful in trade and commerce, but can give a irritable and base wife or relationship. This can certainly change depending on there graha yogas in the horoscope. But it is highly likely that people of this lagna does not consider marriage and relationship as aim of their life.
  13. Sama Chandra governs the 6th (Shatru). Chandra is mind which rules the 6th house indicating that there is an element of irritation or hatred they harbour for others (Chandra = society). Chandra also indicate labour being the 6th lord. Chandra is positive towards the 4th house of home and negative towards the 10th house. When the native focuses too much of power to dominate over others (6th), the 10th house of success diminishes and instead there is too much of negativity (6th) in the heart or at home (4th).
  14. Sama Mangal governs the 3rd (Parakrama) and 10th (Karma). Mangal promotes the Vyaya Bhava and diminishes the Shatru Bhava. If these natives are not in the path of Sadhana, they should put all their focus on creativity and enterprise (3rd) as well as work, undertakings and various righteous endeavour (10th). Also, instead of focusing on marriage and relationship, they should focus on righteous activities, worship of devas and Brahmanas etc. (9th). Focusing on Karma will slowly lead them to liberation (12th); similarly focusing on the dharma will give them success in wealth and family (2nd).
  15. Sama Guru governs the 2nd (Dhana) and the 11th (Labha). Guru is a key planet for the matters of wealth as it rules two bhavas linked to Dhana. Guru strengthens Shatru and diminishes Vyaya. Hence, it is best not to harbour too much on the prospects of wealth and keep doing one’s dharma and the wealth will follow automatically. Too much focus on the wealth also will increase enmity, obstacles etc. and affect the health.

Results of Birth in this Lagna

Saravali 48.42–45. Kumbha Lagna. (1) Indulge in mean acts, (2) chief among the men of his race, (3) foolish, (4) blown and sharp nose, (5) base, (6) irascible, harsh, agitated (7) indolent, (8) inclined to enmity, (9) dissatisfied, (10) fond of gambling, (11) base females, (12) not helpful to relatives, face loss of relatives, (13) prohibited in social circles, not agreeable, (14) Checkered prosperity, (15) acquires great wealth, suffer penury, (16) Talebearer, crafty, (17) Honour elders. (18) At birth Aquarius is not an auspicious Ascendant for ever, according to Satyacharya. Yavanas go a step further, stating, that even Aquarius Vargas are not auspicious, while Chanakya does not consider such divisions inauspicious.

  1. Indulge in mean acts: The Lagnesha are Shani and Rahu, both are Krura grahas, of the Asura group. Depending on the other yogas in the horoscope, either they are involved in mean acts, or subjected to mean acts, or even help people who are subjected to mean acts. All depends on the strength of the 4th house (heart) and the 9th house (duties) in addition to the strength of Lagnesha (intellect and outlook).
  2. Chief among the men of his race: Race, clan and dynasties are governed by the Lagna and the 2nd house. Lagna represent the social background to which one belongs, while the 2nd house represent one’s own family and lineage. Where is this person’s Bhagya (destiny)? Where the 9th lord is positive, the 2nd house where Shukra attains Uccha.
  3. Foolish: This does not mean lack of intellect, but this indicate a sense of conducting oneself depending on the time and occasion; the dressing sense, adapting one’s speech etc. These people are very straight forward and don’t hesitate to call a spade, a spade. They don’t have a keen dressing sense; actually they don’t care. They are too much engrossed in their own world.
  4. Blown and sharp nose: Characteristics of the Rasi. The pitcher full of water, indicating influence of water. Nose = Chandra. Also indicate Pranayama, which is about inhaling and exhaling the prana vayu.
  5. Base: Only when the Lagnesha is weak, else not.
  6. Irascible, harsh, agitated: Bad temper comes from the 8th house. 8th lord is Budha, hence the graha that should give one non-violence is asked to govern the 8th house. Then who is going to calm him down? 8th lord also owns the Mantra Bhava i.e., Mind, that makes this people easily irritated. But this only happens when the 8th lord is weak and afflicted.
  7. Indolent: Both Shani and Rahu are naturally lethargic. People of this Lagna needs the power of Mangal or Surya in the 10th house, in Dikbala, to really get charged up.
  8. Inclined to enmity: Where the lord of the enemies, 6th lord Chandra is negative? It is negative in the 4th house, of home and happiness. Getting happiness at home is challenging for these people, as they have some or other skirmishes at home.
  9. Dissatisfied: Satisfaction comes from teh strength of the lagna and the 5th house. Negative influences to these two Bhavas can cause dissatisfaction. Both these Bhavas have strong nodal influence for this Lagna, causing them dissatisfied. Hence, they look towards meditation and sadhana to get over this.
  10. Fond of gambling: This is due to the strong 8th house. The lord of gambling is positive towards which house? The 8th house, as Budha, the 8th lord attains Uccha in the 8th house. This also means that these people have strong mystic mind due to the strength of the 8th house. They love topics of mysticism, yogas, spirituality etc., and may have a detached mind. On a positive note, they are the greatest risk takers. They don’t mind getting into completely uncertain and dark situation.
  11. Base females: Where is the 7th lord Surya negative? The Bhagya Bhava. So What is given in their Bhagya? Ill tempered females! In actual horoscopes, this may or may not be true depending on the actual disposition of Surya and Shukra. But it is highly likely that these people, may not have a happy love and relationship life, more due to their detached mindset.
  12. Not helpful to relatives, face loss of relatives: The weakness of the 2nd house lies in the 12th house. When they get more and more involved with the 12th house activities, such as meditation and sadhana, pilgrimages etc., they get more and more detached from the family. Also when they focus more on the 8th house i.e., pranayama, yoga, renunciation etc., they also get alienated from the 2nd house, as 8th lord Budha attains Neecha in the 2nd house.
  13. Prohibited in social circles, not agreeable: This is because of their eccentric and out of normal thinking. These people are visionary, thanks to Shani and Rahu, but what they think is not something that can be understood by other normal mortals. Hence, they get alienated from their social circles. People are simply not able to connect to these people as their wavelengths are very different.
  14. Checkered prosperity: 10th house is governed by Mangal, which is excellent. But where Mangal would put all his energy? In the 12th house of loss. So what kind of success it will given in life? It will give success in making the native lose everything, become free from material bondage and become and excellent Sadhaka. Nonetheless, due to the focus on the 12th house, these people can attain success outside their homeland and in industry such as hospitals, healing, medicine and ayurveda etc. They see many ups and downs in life with regards to general success and prosperity in life.
  15. Acquire great wealth, suffer penury: How come a person who acquires great wealth suffer penury? This appears to be contradictory unless we know whats happening. Who is giving wealth for this native? The 9th house, the lord of fortune himself. 9th lord Uccha in the 2nd house of Dhana indicate blessings of Lakshmi Mata. But yet the native suffers penury, why, because the 5th lord is focusing all its attention towards the 8th house, indicating detachment from material success. Thus outwardly these people may amass great wealth but inwardly, they are in a state of rejection, detachment and renunciation. They embody the state of mind that happens just before moksha (Meena Rasi) i.e., giving up all material possessions:
  16. Talebearer, crafty: This happens as a side effect when the 8th house is very strong in a horoscope. However, this does not manifest for all, as the Lagna and the Dharma needs to be weak, for the 8th house to take control. So, this can be seen only in horoscopes where the Lagnesha and Bhagyesha are weak or their Bhavas are weak. But if the said Bhavas are fortified, the native is a great Sadhaka.
  17. Honour elders: The Deva, Guru and Brahmana are governed by the 9th house. Who is very positive towards them in this horoscope? The Lagnesha itself! Indicating that the native of this lagna have great reverence for the spiritual teachers, gurus, priests and any person of great learning. Tey will certainly honour and felicitate them. It is in their blood. But of course, for the positive things to manifest, the Lagna and the Dharma Bhava need to be strong.
  18. General opinion: Among the Jyotish savants, there are differences in opinions pertaining to this Lagna. According to Satyacharya this is not an auspicious Lagna for anyone or anything. Yavanas go a step further and state that even the Vargas of Kumbha are not auspicious. But Chanakya does not agree to the Yavanas and he does not consider the Vargas to be inauspicious. In my humble opinion, here the savants are arguing over how much material success this Lagna can bring, which quite the reverse for Spiritual success. In my view, this Lagna promotes great spiritual success, but through much material challenges.



Varaha Mihira
Thoughts on Jyotish

I am a Jyotish enthusiast and have been researching on this subject for more than 30 years. My mission in life is to bring Jyotish to its glorious state.