Lagna #12: Meena Lagna

Varaha Mihira
Thoughts on Jyotish
9 min readMay 22, 2016


Key Characteristics of this Rasi

  1. Meena is the last Rasi in the zodiac indicating the end state, liberation, freedom from the cycle of birth and death.
  2. It is a Jala tattva Rasi and signify a boundless ocean. It is governed by Guru who represents expansive and boundless mindset. Guru’s tattva is Akasha which is omnipresent. Akasha Tattva serves us the binding agent for all the Tattvas. It governs how different Tattvas interact with each other.
  3. It is a Dvisvabhava Rasi indicating Balance. The other two Jala Rasi being Karka indicating flow of river and Vrschika indicating stagnation of water in a well. Meena represent a ocean which is neither flowing nor still, but moving with a controlled pace, as it does not to go and meet into someone, like a river.
  4. Being governed by Guru, the preceptor of the gods and being a Brahminical Rasi, this Rasi is suitable for all priestly activities such as deva-aradhana (worshipping gods), learning Vedas or other spiritual scriptures, teaching and preaching.
  5. Meena is the uccha kshetra of Shukra, the planet of knowledge, beauty, relationship, romance and sexual passion. These matters prominently appear in the lives of these people.
  6. Lagnesha Guru attains Uccha in the 5th house of knowledge, hence when the Lagna and / or lagnesha is strong, learning, knowledge, children, disciples, future planning, advises and consulting appear very prominently in these people’s life.
  7. Lagnesha Guru attains Neecha in the Labha Bhava, so when the Lagna and the Lagnesha are weak, the financial prospects of these native are badly hit. This can also happen when the Dasa of a graha that is inimical to the Lagnesha is in progress or a Bad transit is happening on the Lagna or the Lagnesha. We need to watch out for factors that are conferring strengths or weakness to the Bhava or Bhavesha in Dasa and gochara.
  8. Among Guru’s Mitra and Shatru, Surya, Chandra, Mangal are Guru’s friends. Among the Shatru, Guru is inimical towards Shukra but Shukra is neutral towards Guru. Guru is inimical towards Budha while Budha is neutral to Guru. Guru and Shani are neutral towards each other.
  9. Mitra Surya governs the 6th house, indicating that it can support the positive attributes of the 6th house i.e., labour, celibacy, sharp intellect etc. When Surya is strong it supports the 2nd house i.e., wealth and family. While it is weak, it harms the 8th house i.e., causing health, obstacles and sudden dangers its life.
  10. Mitra Chandra governs the 5th house and is the best supporter of Lagnesha being its Uccha-Stanadhipati. When Chandra is strong, it supports the 3rd house of siblings and enterprise. while it is weak, it damages the 9th house causing tremendous bad luck and misfortune.
  11. Mitra Mangal is a very key planet for this horoscope as it governs the 11th house is positive towards the 11th house of gains. When it is strong and favourable, it is capable of giving great fortune and gains. While when it is weak, aflicted and unfavourable, it can cause troubles to the mind (5th), causing restlessness and anxiety.
  12. Sama Budha is unfavourable towards the lagna as it gets neecha there, but favourable towards the 7th house which it owns and also attains Uccha. Budha also owns the 4th house of mother, comforts, luxuries, vehicles and properties. When it is strong it promotes good partnership, business, trade and commerce. However, when weak, it can cause ill health, especially skin troubles and waterborne troubles.
  13. Sama Shukra is favourable towards the Lagna, hence is only neutral towards the Lagna, but Lagnesha is inimical towards Shukra. Shukra owns the 3rd and 8th house, hence highly unfavourable graha. However, when strong it becomes favourable towards the native granting sudden gains and long lifespan. However, when weak, it becomes highly unfavourable and hits the 7th house of marriage, relationship, trade and commerce.
  14. Sama Shani owns the Labha as well as Vyaya, hence is of mixed nature. When it is strong it can improve gains and when weak it can cause uncontrolled expenditure. Shani attains uccha in 8th house and neecha in the 2nd house. So when Shani is strong and favourable, it can improve longevity as well give access to hidden knowledge of the 8th house. However, when weak, it can seriously hit the family and wealth and its ability to hit is very strong as Lagnesha gets Neecha in Shani’s Rasi, hence Shani also holds the key to Guru’s strength.

Results of Birth in this Lagna

Saravali 48.46–49. Meena Lagna. (1) Fortunate, (2) Well blown nose but not wide open eyes, exposed lips and teeth, afflicted face, (3) Interested in profound knowledge and poetry, knowledge of Vedas, knowledge of music and sexual union, (4) Respectable, (5) Famous, (6) Tormented by leprosy, (7) Courteous, gentle, pure conduct, modest, (8) Virtuous, Charitable, (9) Trustworthy, (10) Endowed with goats, (11) Courageous, mighty, (12) More daughters, (13) Gain through brothers, (14) Good relatives.

  1. Fortunate: Good fortune comes from the 9th house which is governed by Mangal. Mangal is very strong in the 11th house of gains. Indicating that the bhagya of people belonging to this lagna shines in the form of many gains and prosperity in life.
  2. Well blown nose but not wide open eyes, exposed lips and teeth, afflicted face: The Rasi symbol is two fishes one facing up and up facing down. This indicate a cycle, something that repeats time and again. The characteristics of this lagna is taken from its symbol. The afflicted face is due to negative influence of Shani on the 2nd house representing face. But this depends on how active Shani is in the horoscope, and its overall influence on the native. if Shani is positive in the horoscope, it will promote its positive indications i.e., those pertaining to the 8th house, however, if Shani is negative its horoscope, it will fuel the negative indications i.e., damage the face. So one needs to look at the disposition of Shani in the horoscope. The exposed lips and teeth is a indication of influence of nodes. Meena is Ketu’s mulatrikona rasi, hence there is significant Ketu’s influence on the lagna.
  3. Interested in profound knowledge and poetry, knowledge of Vedas, knowledge of music and sexual union: The interests, likes and dislikes are judged from the 5th house, as 5th house represent the mind, hence its called the mantra bhava. The 5th is governed by Chandra, having positive influence of Guru and negative influence of Mangal. Chandra indicate love, romance, sexual union, music, poetry. Their nature is soft and devoid of rough edges, and their tastes are refined. This is where human beings are destined to reach after long period of evolution. The knowledge of the Vedas and other profound knowledge comes from the positive influence of Guru. When Mangal is negative in the horoscope, it can make the person highly irritable and vengeful, due to the negative influences of Mangal. The profound knowledge is also indicated by the positive influence of Shukra on the Lagna. Here Shukra is the 8th lord of deep knowledge.
  4. Respectable: The respect and honour comes from the Lagna which represents one’s name and identity. Who are bestowing honour upon the native? The graha that attains uccha in the Lagna. It is none other than 3rd and 8th from Shukra. So Shukra need to be strong and favourable in the horoscope for conferring respect and honour on the native. Shukra in Uccha, Sva, Mulatrikona Bhava, in Kendra, Kona or Labha will promote its positive indications including respect to the native. But being a unfavourable graha for the native, this will come with a cost, as Shukra will damage some indications of the Bhava it occupies or aspects.
  5. Famous: Lagna is the seat of fame and the grahas connected with fame are Surya, Chandra and Guru, all three being endowed with Sattva Guna. Meena Lagna people are naturally noticed in any assembly, unless Lagnesha Guru is very weak. The strength of Lagnesha and occupation of Surya and Chandra in good places viz., Kendra, Kona, Labha, coinciding with its Sva, Mulatrikona or Uccha Rasi can bestow upon the native great fame.
  6. Tormented by leprosy: Budha governs the skin, hence is to be afflicted for leprosy. In addition to Budha, there are other grahas linked to it such as Mangal causing affliction to Budha. Chandra, the karaka for Jala tattva is also afflicted. The graha causing affliction could be Shani, Rahu or Ketu. Thus there are multiple factors at play for a person to suffer from leprosy. One needs to study numerous yogas giving rise to this disease. But native of this lagna has a natural propensity to contact this disease more than others. Why? Because the karaka for skin, Budha is negative towards Lagna. Hence, if Budha is afflicted in the horoscope, then this Lagna people are easily impacted.
  7. Courteous, gentle, pure conduct, modest: These people are the most refined people in the zodiac. Why? Because if each rasi starting from Mesha are taken as evolution of the consciousness, then Meena being the last Rasi of the zodiac represent the state where the consciousness is fully evolved. This is also the Rasi of Rishis and Munis, giving it is a exalted nature. Shukra, the graha for beauty and refinedness gets uccha in this Rasi also indicate the refined tastes of the native.
  8. Virtuous, Charitable: Virtues and talent comes from the 3rd house. The 3rd house is lorded by Shukra, who gives very positive results in the Lagna indicating talent. The charity is governed by the 9th house whose lord Mangal is very positive towards the 11th house of gains. So, these people have a strong sense of abundance, whether or not they have things in actual abundance. So, they are charitable even when they are themselves deprived of resources. Also, 12th house being the natural Vyaya bhava, it is natural to expect that these people are not inclined to hoard resources.
  9. Trustworthy: The graha for trustworthiness or innocence is Budha. Budha also governs the Bhava representing heart (4th house) and it is very positive towards the 7th house of relationship. So there is no doubt that these people can make good trustworthy friends, unless Budha is weak, afflicted and unfavourable.
  10. Endowed with goats: Mesha is the Dhana Bhava representing Goats. This talks about the principle that the nature of a person’s wealth can be gleamed from the Rasi placed in the 2nd house, as well as graha occupying it or aspecting it. Similarly, one should judge the Rasis and Bhavas occupied and aspected by the 2nd lord as well as grahas conjoined with or aspected by the 2nd lord. In today’s world it is less likely to find someone endowed with goats, however, it is still possible to find some connection of the wealth of the native to the symbols of Mesha i.e., say wealth management agency of this native can have in their name Mesha, Aries, Arian, Goat, Sheep. Or they may deal with commodities linked to Goat and Sheep. Or they may be set up in a mountainous terrains etc. One should have an open mind to see the pay of these symbols in a person’s life.
  11. Courageous, mighty: The 3rd house of courage is owned by Shukra who is highly positive towards the Lagna. In addition, the god of war Mangal rules the house of destiny, indicating that when these natives are pushed to the corner, their support coming from divine blessings can take the form of Mangal supporting them. Thus, their real valour and might can be seen when they are challenged. Else, they are peace loving people indicated by their Mana governed by Chandra in the 5th Bhava and it is where the graha of Peace, Guru is very positive.
  12. More daughters: The more daughters are indicated by Karka falling in the5th house. Karka usually gives rise to many children and mostly daughters. Why? Because Karka is a feminine Rasi and is governed by a feminine graha and karaka for motherhood, meaning that the children will grow up to become mothers. It is where the karaka for masculinity Mangal gets Neecha.
  13. Gain through brothers: Brothers are governed by the 3rd and the 11th houses. The two Kona lords Chandra and Mangal are highly positive towards the 3rd and the 11th houses respectively. This indicate that the blessings of Lakshmi Mata as seen from the Kona Bhavas can also flow through the 3rd and 11th houses. Thus for this lagna, both the yonder and elder brothers become very important in their life. They receive great support from them at the time of their need.
  14. Good relatives: 4th house is the Bandhu Bhava while 2nd house is the Kutumba Bhava indicating relatives and family. The 4th lord are highly supportive of the 7th Bhava i.e., relationships trade and commerce, partnerships etc. On the other hand the 2nd lord Mangal is highly supportive in their pursuit of gains. So who will not say that their relatives and family members are good when they get support in life in their matter of finances and gains?



Varaha Mihira
Thoughts on Jyotish

I am a Jyotish enthusiast and have been researching on this subject for more than 30 years. My mission in life is to bring Jyotish to its glorious state.