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Lagna #6: Kanya Lagna

Varaha Mihira
Thoughts on Jyotish
8 min readMar 25, 2016


Key Characteristics of this Rasi

  1. This is the 6th Rasi in the zodiac. 6th is the house of diseases, worries, injuries etc. It is also the house of various weaknesses known as Shadripus. However, this is also the house of Celibacy, Purity and restrain.
  2. This represents Duality of the nature. A person practicing Celibacy, Purity and restrain can overcome all the weaknesses in life.
  3. It represents Celibacy because it is the 12th house (Loss) from the 7th house (Sexual relationship). Kanya = maidens who have not attained Puberty yet. It is completely free from Sexual desires as Shukra attains Neecha here. Budha = Innocence, Childishness. Budha gets Uccha here. Budha = Non violence. Hence, this Rasi is free from any kinds of aggression and violence.
  4. Kanya is Rahu’s mulatrikona Rasi, indicating strong influence of Rahu. However, this is active only when Budha is weak.
  5. Budha attains Uccha in the Lagna and Neecha in the 7th house. These people not not much inclined towards sexual relationships. But they are fond of friendship and platonic relationships.
  6. Budha’s friends are Shani and Shukra. Shani attains Uccha in the 2nd house and neecha in the 8th house. Being 5th lord in the 2nd, it can give wealth and prosperity. However, being 6th lord in the 2nd, it can also cause troubles from enemies or Servants in the family matters. Shani’s neecha in the 8th house can affect longevity, or indicate long-term diseases.
  7. Shukra attains Neecha in the Lagna and Uccha in the 7th house. These natives are usually not sexually oriented, but in intimate relationships, they can be great lovers.
  8. Among the Deva Grahas, Budha is friendly towards Surya, but Surya is neutral towards Budha. Budha is neutral towards Mangal but Mangal is inimical towards Budha. Chandra loves Budha but Budha is inimical towards Chandra. Thus these are mostly one sided relationships.
  9. Surya owns the 12th house (losses) and attains Uccha in the 8th house (prevention of loss of life) and Neecha in the 2nd house (loss of wealth). This can indicate loss of wealth due to penalty from the government etc.
  10. Chandra owns the 11th house (gain, elder siblings), attains Uccha in the 9th house (good for gains). It attains Neecha in the 3rd house (Younger siblings), indicating discord with both the elder and younger siblings. Mostly younger siblings because Mangal is inimical towards Budha.
  11. Guru owns the 4th (Sukha) and 7th (Jaya). It attains Uccha in the 11th house indicating gains (11th) of comforts (4th) and gains from Trade (7th). It attains Neecha in the 5th house (anxious mind) due to home (4th) and 7th (relationships).
  12. Mangal owns 3rd (enterprise) and 8th (longevity). It attains Uccha in 5th house (enterprise prevail in the mind i.e., highly enterprising) and Neecha in the 11th house (loss of income due to too much risk taking, or younger siblings causing loss of income).

Results of Birth in this Lagna

  1. Very straightforward (sadhutva-yuta): Budha is childish in nature. Among the 2 Rasis of Budha, this Rasi the cleanest one. In fact Kanya Rasi the cleanest Rasi in the entire zodiac. There not a spec of guile here. This is the most innocence side of Budha.
  2. Highly learned, Scholar (siksha patu): Budha = Student. Kanya = Sincere student who is not distracted.
  3. Talented in music, poetry and fine arts (gaandharva, kaavya, shilpa patu): Budha= literature, mathematics, astronomy, astrology and numbers. Literature includes various forms such as music, poetry and fine arts.
  4. Sweet speaker (priyavalgukathabhaashi): Budha = Speech, communication, Kanya = devoid of guile, transparent, clean hearted. Kanya = Uccha Rasi of Budha.
  5. Affectionate (pranayi): Kanya= Feminine nature, very caring and affectionate nature, like a small girl who has not attained puberty. Very clean hearted. Neecha Rasi of Shukra, so sex is ruled out.
  6. Inclined towards charity and serving others (daanopachaararata): 10th lord Budha attains Uccha in the Lagna, being the Lagna lord. This indicate strong sense of supporting and helping others. Strong morals in the matters of work. Strong sense of self-sufficiency. Self-confident.
  7. Sport with maidens (kanyaavilaasi): Fond of playing with girls, but the attitude is not sexual, but friendly. Like to have many friends, especially of opposite sex. Kanya = Girls, before the puberty stage.
  8. Endowed with goodness, merciful (satva-sthitirdayaavaan): All good qualities of Budha, the Karaka for non-violence. Complete opposite of Mangal, the god of war.
  9. Enjoy others’ wealth (parasvabhoktaa): Others= 7th house. Other’s wealth = 2nd from the 7th house i.e., 8th house. 8th lord Mangal attains Uccha in the 5th house. 5th house = what prevails in the mind. 8th lord exalted in the 5th house = other’s wealth prevail in the mind. Kanya Lagna people often look for other’s support in life.
  10. Enjoyer of material pleasures (bhoktaa): Rahu’s Mulatrikona Rasi. Rahu = Material enjoyment.
  11. Wandering disposition (desha-bhramana): Budha = high speed, high mobility. Uccha Budha = Strong influence of Budha in the Lagna.
  12. Feminine nature (stri-prakrti): Kanya = Maidens. Also Feminine Rasi (Even Rasi).
  13. Modest, humble (vinayavaak): Strong Budha’s influence, who is free from Guile. Like an obedient child.
  14. Liar (kitava): Not that all Kanya people are liars. But they are good in lying. It is difficult to catch if they are lying. Strong influence of Budha as well as Dual nature of Budha. Good in acting. Good in putting a facade on their face and hide their thoughts. Strong influence of Rahu, one who shields and keeps things hidden. Mulatrikona Rasi of Rahu.
  15. Attempt to expand his landed properties (bhamandala-vardhana-bhaak): 4th lord Guru attains Uccha in the Labha Bhava of Gains. Gains from landed property.
  16. Fortunate (subhaga): Bhagya= 9th house, Guru. 9th lord Shukra attains Uccha in the 7th house, the Rasi of Guru.
  17. Sensuous (kaami): This is not generic, as Kanya Rasi people believe in platonic love and friendship. This is because Shukra attains Neecha in this Rasi and Budha attains Uccha. Kanya = maidens who have not attained Puberty yet. Hence, relationship of Kanya Rasi people are mostly platonic. The Sensual aspect comes only when they are in intimate relationship. Here Shukra attains Uccha in the 7th house. Sex = Shukra, 7th house. Since, they are not sensuous in most relationship, it is not right to say that, they will be not sensuous even in intimate relationship. Strong influence of Shukra and Jala Tattva in the 7th house makes one Sensuous, and both are true for this Lagna.
  18. Famous (yasha): Fame = Surya, Chandra, Guru, Sattva Guna, Lagna, 10th house. For this Lagna, 10th lord Budha attains Uccha in the Lagna, hence these people have a natural tendency of getting noticed, especially after they have started working.
  19. Clean hearted (amala): Kanya = Rasi of Purity. Heart = 4th house, Surya. 4th house falls in a Shubha Rasi. Principles = Lagna. Lagnesha attains Uccha in the Lagna, hence such natives have strong principles in life as well.
  20. Religious (rjudharmavaan): 9th lord Shukra attains Uccha in the Rasi of Guru in the 7th house. 7th house = Shiva. Such natives can be great Shiva-Bhaktas. They will have a strong sense of philantropy (paropakara).
  21. Handsome or beautiful (surupa): Beauty = Lagna. Lagnesha attains Uccha in the Lagna. Well formed and well proportioned physique.
  22. Good likings (suruchi): Fondness or love for something should be seen from both Lagna and the 5th house. Lagna has strong influence of Budha, who represents Purity in this Rasi. 5th lord Shani attains Uccha in the 2nd house of Learning, in the Rasi of Shukra indicating exquisite tastes.
  23. Honour the preceptors and elders (guru-bhakta): Strong influence of Guru on the 9th house. 9th lord attains Uccha in Guru’s Kshetra. Also, the Mind, Chandra attains Uccha in the 9th house.
  24. Sinful (paapairhaaryavrttai): This is an exception, when the Lagnesha is weak. There is hidden sinful tendency in this Lagna because of (1) Lagna is Rahu’s Mulatrikona Rasi, (2) Aggressive Mangal attaining Uccha in the 5th house. Thus there is strong Shani-Mangal energy in the 5th house of psyche. However, this is dormant since Budha is the karaka for Purity and innocence. Only when Budha is afflicted and its purity corrupted, the sinful tendencies are manifested.
  25. Inimical to brothers (sahajaischa samam virudhascha): Brothers = 3rd house, 11th house. 3rd lord = Mangal, 11th lord= Chandra. Lagna lord Budha is highly inimical towards both Mangal and Chandra. Chandra, the elder brothers could be loving the native, as Chandra loves Budha very dearly. However there could be serious discord with younger brothers as Mangal hates Budha even more.
  26. More daughters (kanyaa-praja): Kanya Rasi = Feminine, maidens, small girls. Native is blessed with the significations of Kanya Rasi, even though this does not fall in the 5th house of Children.
  27. Phlegmatic and windy in humour (anila-kapha): Budha is equal balance of all the three Dosas Vata, Pitta and Kapha. See below. However, since Shukra attains Neecha here, the combination of Vata and Kapha dominates. Also, the diseases these natives will be affected by can be seen from the 6th house falling in Kumbha. Kumbha = Super Strong Vata. Hence Kanya Lagna people have high susceptibility towards suffering from Vata Diseases.
  28. Stay away from base and inimical people (nicha-ari-vivarjita): Kanya = Rasi of Purity. So the mind is inclined towards Purity. To stay in the company of good people. Strong Principles = Lagnesha attaining Uccha in the Lagna.
  29. Talkative (katha): Budha = Speech, communication. Budha can’t stay without talking (Mauna). The best way to calm the mind of these natives is to ask them to observe Mauna Vrata for a short window of time everyday. Budha = highly energetic and fluctuating. Hence, they need to calm their mind for them to focus on certain areas. Else, they want to do too many things in too short time.

According to Parashara, the humours (Tri-Dosha) of the Grahas are:

(1) Surya = 3 Pitta. (2) Chandra = 2 Vata + 1 Kapha. (3) Mangal = 3 Pitta. (4) Budha = 1 Vata + 1 Pitta + 1 Kapha. (5) Guru = 3 Kapha. (6) Shukra = 1 Vata + 2 Kapha. (7) Shani = 3 Vata. (8) Rahu = Akin to Shani. (9) Ketu = Akin to Mangal

Saravali 48.22–25. Kanya Lagna. (1) Very straightforward (sadhutva-yuta); (2) Highly learned, scholar (siksha patu); (3) Talented in music, poetry and fine arts (gaandharva, kaavya, shilpa patu); (4) Sweet speaker (priyavalgukathabhaashi); (5) Affectionate (pranayi); (6) Inclined towards charity and serving others (daanopachaararata); (7) Sport with maidens (kanyaavilaasi); (8) Endowed with goodness, merciful (satva-sthitirdayaavaan); (9) Enjoy others’ wealth (parasvabhoktaa); (10) Enjoyer of material pleasures (bhoktaa); (11) Wandering disposition (desha-bhramana); (12) Feminine nature (stri-prakrti)(13) Modest, humble (vinayavaak)(14) Liar (kitava); (15) Attempt to expand his landed properties (bhamandala-vardhana-bhaak); (16) Fortunate (subhaga); (17) Sensuous (kaami); (18) Famous (yasha); (19) Clean hearted (amala); (20) Religious (rjudharmavaan); (21) Handsome or beautiful (surupa); (22) Good desires (suruchi); (23) Honour the preceptors and elders (guru-bhakta); (24) Sinful (paapairhaaryavrttai); (25) Inimical to brothers (sahajaischa samam virudhascha); (26) More daughters (kanyaa-praja); (27) Phlegmatic and windy in humour (anila-kapha); (28) Stay away from base and inimical people (nicha-ari-vivarjita); (29) Talkative (katha).



Varaha Mihira
Thoughts on Jyotish

I am a Jyotish enthusiast and have been researching on this subject for more than 30 years. My mission in life is to bring Jyotish to its glorious state.