Lagna #7: Tula Lagna

Varaha Mihira
Thoughts on Jyotish
7 min readMar 26, 2016


Saravali 48.26–29. Tula Lagna. (1) Crooked physique (vishaamnga); (2) Bereft of virtues (sheelavarjita); (3) Fickle minded (chapala); (4) Fluctuating wealth (upachita-heena-dravina); (5) Bereft of physical felicity (sukha-hrd-dehaanusaari); (6) Phlegmatic and windy humour (kapha-vaatika); (7) Fond of promoting quarrels (kali-ruchi); (8) Long face and a long physique (deergha-mukha-sharira); (9) Righteous (dharma); (10) Learned, knowledgeable (mati); (11) Eloquent (vetta); (12) Very sorrowful (bahu-duhkha-bhaav); (13) Good intellect (su-medha); (14) Injure others’ honour (paraavagardi); (15) Beautiful and black eyes (suchaaru-krsnaaksha); (16) Devoted to Guru (bhakta); (17) Honourable (pujya); (18) Help the needy (pitaanyabhaajaam jaatah); (19) Truthful (satya); (20) Gentle and bright (mrdu-shukla); (21) Affectionate to brothers (bhraatr priya); (22) Pre-eminent (arya-mukhya); (23) Chaste (suchi); (24) Help sinners and befriend the mean (paapopachaara-bandhuscha); (25) Charitable (daata); (26) Crooked mind (kutsita-vrtta); (27) Livelihood of Dharma (dharma-vyavsaaya); (28) Sinful (neechamati).

Key Characteristics of this Rasi

  1. Tula Rasi is the 7th house of the natural zodiac. 7th house = relationship, partnership, trade and commerce.
  2. Symbol = Balance. Balanced wisdom, reconciliation of differing ideas, thoughts and opinions.
  3. Symbol = Balance. Trade and commerce.
  4. Tula Rasi represent a market place, that is full of people, hustling and bustling with life.
  5. This is an odd sign = masculine qualities of Shukra. Winning, war, war strategy, material success.
  6. Lagnesha Shukra attains Uccha in the 6th house and Neecha in the 12th house. 6th house positive = fight and attain victory. 12th house negative = Difficulty in letting go, can’t forget negative things easily, may need to leave homeland, unworthy travels etc.
  7. Shani attains Uccha in the Lagna. Shani is the 4th and 5th lord. Blessings of positive 4th house = comforts. Positive 5th house = knowledge, wisdom, intellect.
  8. Friends of Shukra are Shani and Budha. Shani’s negative Rasi is 7th house. Being 4th and 5th lord, it indicates challenges and stress in the home (4th) on account of marriage and relationships (7th). Being 5th lord, neecha in the 7th, indicate miseries and suffering due to relationship matters.
  9. Budha owns the 9th house and attains Uccha in the 12th house, indicating Charity as Dharma. Budha attains Neecha in the 6th house, indicating an attitude of religious arrogance, or fundamentalism (fights on account of religion). 12th lord negative in the 6th indicate, losses, fatigue or even injuries on account of travel.
  10. In the deva group, Guru is inimical towards Shukra, while Shukra is neutral towards Guru. Chandra is neutral towards Shukra, while Shukra is inimical towards Chandra. Mangal and Shukra are neutral to each other. Surya is Shukra are inimical towards each other.
  11. Surya owns the 11th house of labha, attains uccha in the 7th house and neecha in the Lagna. This indicate gains (11th) trough trade (7th) or through Dharma (Surya). There could be losses in income (neecha 11th lord), if the native goes into immoral activities (Lagna) or in the path of unrighteousness (neecha Surya).
  12. Chandra owns the 10th house of activities, authority, status and position. It attains Neecha in the 2nd house, indicating loss of wealth for promoting one’s status and authority. It attains Uccha in the 8th indicating success (10th) in occult area (8th) or insurance sector, or inheritance and death.
  13. Mangal owns 2nd house of Dhama, Kutumba and Vani, and the 7th house of relationship, partnership, trade and commerce. Mangal attains Uccha in the 4th house, indicating investment of wealth (2nd) in real-estate (4th) or construction of houses, public properties, or making home a comfortable place. Also also indicate trade in real-estate properties, or relationship with someone close to the home. 2nd and 7th lord Mangal attains Neecha in the 10th house, indicating losses of wealth and trade caused by authorities (10th) or the government.
  14. Guru owns the 3rd and 6th house indicating high intellect. Guru attains Uccha in the 10th house, indicating siblings helping the native attaining position of authority. 6th lord attaining Uccha in the 10th house indicate hard work. 3rd and 6th lord attaining Neecha in the 4th house indicate siblings, servants and enemies will be the cause of anxiety, lack of comforts and happiness, or challenges at home.

Results of Birth in this Lagna

  1. Crooked physique (vishaamnga): Crookedness = Shani who became lame owing to a curse. Strong influence of Shani on the Lagna, as it attains Uccha here.
  2. Lack of good manners (sheelavarjita): Sheela = good manners. Tula Lagna people can be brash, which comes from this sign being a Odd sign, ruled by Asura Guru and the place for Uccha or Shani. One of the qualities of Shani is that it does not give a damn to the manners of the world.
  3. Fickle minded (chapala): Fickle mindedness is caused by 3 grahas, Chandra, Mangal and Budha. Strong influence of these grahas on the lagna or the 5th house can cause ficklemindedness. Budha owns a negative Rasi of Lagnesha Śukra, the Kanya Rasi, where Śukra attains Neecha.
  4. Fluctuating wealth (upachita-heena-dravina): Dhana= 2nd house, in Vrschika. Chandra attains Neecha here. Chandra = Sustainer of wealth.
  5. Bereft of physical felicity (sukha-hrd-dehaanusaari): Karaka for Lagna Bhava = Surya. Surya attains Neecha in the Lagna. This Lagna people often have some physical suffering, unless there is Shubha Yuti-Drsti on the Lagna and Lagnesha.
  6. Phlegmatic and windy humour (kapha-vaatika): Śukra = 1 Vata + 2 Kapha.
  7. Fond of promoting quarrels (kali-ruchi): Uccha sthana for Śukra = 6th house in Meena. 6th house = conflicts, fights, quarrels. This Lagna people relish the circumsances of quarrels and fights.
  8. Long face and a long physique (deergha-mukha-sharira): Due to influence of Shani. Uccha Shani = Positive qualities of Shani.
  9. Righteous (dharma): 9th lord of Dharma, Budha attains Uccha in the 12th house of meditation, pilgrimage.
  10. Learned, knowledgeable (mati): Śukra= Sarvashastra Pravaktaram = Knower of all the disciplines of knowledge.
  11. Eloquent (vetta): Śukra = one of the most eloquent graha.
  12. Very sorrowful (bahu-duhkha-bhaav): The karaka for sorrow, Shani attains Uccha here. It is not that they lack comforts, but there is something biting them within, always. Positive Shani does not given them discomfort, but they are more prone to look at the negative side of things, find sadness even in joy!
  13. Good intellect (su-medha): The planet of intellects are Guru (wisdom) and Budha (scholarship). Guru being the graha for in owns the 3rd and 6th house, the Bhavas of Dhimanta yoga. Śukra attains Uccha in the 6th house, related to Dhimanta yoga. Also, Symbol of Tula is a Balance = Balanced intellect and judgement.
  14. Injure others’ honour (paraavagardi): Śukra attains Uccha in the 6th house, indicating someone in a attacking mode. Also negative place for the 9th lord (respect for elders) is the 6th house, indicating the attack will be aimed towards 9th house. Also lord of attack, 6th lord, Guru is negative towards, 4th house where it attains Neecha. Indicating enmity will cause sorrows. But Guru’s uccha in the 10th house indicate inclination towards hard work.
  15. Beautiful and black eyes (suchaaru-krsnaaksha): Quality of Śukra. Śukra is the karaka for eyes. According to Maharishi Parashara, Śukra is charming, has a splendorous physique, has an excellent disposition, has charming eyes, is a poet, is phlegmatic and windy and has curly hair.
  16. Devoted to Guru (bhakta): One who dishonours others can also be a Guru Bhakta? They become Guru bhakta only when they leave their ego aside. This is indicated by Uccha of 9th lord (elders and preceptors) Budha in the 12th house (letting go of one’s identity)
  17. Honourable (pujya): They are honourable because of their balanced mind. Tula = Balance. Honour comes from 9th house (respect) and 10th house (authority and status). The lord of labour (6th lord), having qualities of wisdom (Guru) attains Uccha (positive qualities of the lord) in the 10th house (activities, authority and status). This indicates the quality to lead others due to own enterprise and talent (3rd house).
  18. Help the needy (pitaanyabhaajaam jaatah): Charity = 9th house, Guru, Chandra, Shukra. Giving away = 12th house. 9th lord (Dharma, righteousness) attains Uccha (positive qualities) in the 12th house (giving). Hence, their Dharma is attained by giving to others, helping the needy.
  19. Truthful (satya): Truth = Strength of Lagna, Guru. Lagnesha Shukra attains Uccha in the Rasi of Guru.
  20. Gentle and bright (mrdu-shukla): Quality of Lagnesha Shukra, who is resplendent but soft.
  21. Affectionate to brothers (bhraatr priya): Siblings = 3rd and 11th house. 3rd lord Guru attains Uccha in the 10th house of action. The native’s inclination is towards helping the younger siblings. Some issues with elder siblings as the 11th lord Surya attains Neecha in the Lagna.
  22. Pre-eminent (arya-mukhya): Quality of Lagnesha Shukra. Also positive qualities of Shani, who can grant kingdom when positve and make one a pauper when negative.
  23. Chaste (suchi): Cleanliness and Chastity comes from the Lagna. Negative Shani makes one dirty and unclean. Positive vibrations of Shani on the Lagna makes one clean and chaste. Not involve in any dirty business. Also, 10th house of action has strong vibrations of Guru, the most benevolent graha in a Horoscope.
  24. Help sinners and befriend the mean (paapopachaara-bandhuscha): This is true only when Lagna and Lagnesha are weak. Surya, the karaka for Dharma (righteousness) is Neecha in the Lagna, indicating this propensity.
  25. Charitable (daata): Refer to #18.
  26. Crooked mind (kutsita-vrtta): What prevails in the mind = 5th house. This falls in Aquarius, the Rasi of ghosts and goblins, the dismembered spirits, the transition state between leaving the body and finding a peaceful destination. This is lorded by Shani and Rahu and has much negative vibrations. This requires benevolence of Guru to transform this into a highly spiritual vibrations. If Lagnesha and Guru are weak, this manifests strongly.
  27. Livelihood of Dharma (dharma-vyavsaaya): These people can take up livelihood of teaching scriptures or dharma to others. Shukra = knower of all the shastras i.e., the dharma literature. The Labha (Gain) lord Surya attains Uccha in the 7th house (trade), indicating business involving Dharma related matters.
  28. Sinful (neechamati): Refer to #24.



Varaha Mihira
Thoughts on Jyotish

I am a Jyotish enthusiast and have been researching on this subject for more than 30 years. My mission in life is to bring Jyotish to its glorious state.