Lagna #9: Dhanu Lagna

Varaha Mihira
Thoughts on Jyotish
10 min readMar 27, 2016


Key Characteristics of this Rasi

  1. Dhanu is the naisargika Dharma Bhava or the natural 9th house of the Zodiac. 9th house = Luck, righteousness, religion, faith, beliefs, respect towards scholars, elders, and preceptors, fairness, justice, law and jurisprudence.
  2. It is a Dvisvabhava Rasi indicating balance of multiple things and the right pace in life, not too fast and not too slow.
  3. It is an Agni Rasi but among the three Agni Rasis, Mesha, Simha and Dhanu, it is the only Rasi governed by a Shubha Graha. The other two are governed by Krura Graha. Hence it represents great balance and benevolence, illuminating darker sides of nature, give warmth and light to the needy.
  4. This is governed by the greatest benefic of the Zodiac, Guru. However, being a Masculine Rasi, the nature of Guru is active, outgoing, assertive and controlling. It represents Guru who is ready to remove darkness and ignorance from his world.
  5. Lagnesha Guru is positive in the 8th house of hidden knowledge and occult. Guru is also embracing uncertainties. Guru attains Neecha in teh 2nd house, indicating that it is not concerned about wealth and is critical about family. The real family for Dhanu Lagna is much larger than the immediate family.
  6. Friend Surya owns the 9th house and attains Uccha in the 5th house, indicate the Dharma related matters (9th house) and knowledge (Surya) prevail in their mind. Surya attains Neecha in the 11th house of Gain, indicate that they don’t have much gains from the path of religion, righteous acts and knowledge. The path of righteousness and knowledge is what they like, but not what they look forward to gain from.
  7. Friend Chandra owns the 8th house and is the giver of strength to Guru. It attains Uccha in the 6th house of difficulties, celibacy and enemies, indicating that the native is persevering (not afraid of difficulties), not prone to sexual pleasures and is equanimous towards enemies.
  8. Friend Mangal owns the 5th and the 12th house and attains Uccha in the 2nd house of family and Neecha in the 8th house of longevity. The Uccha of 5th lord Mangal in the 2nd house indicate, their love and affection (5th) for the family (2nd), especially the brothers. The Uccha of the 12th lord in the 2nd house indicate, gain of wealth (2nd) from foreign land (12th), especially in the matters governed by Mangal (rational thinking, engineering, technology, science etc). Loss of longevity (Neecha in 8H) or danger to life can be caused by 5th and 12th house matters especially when Mangal is also involved. This indicate some challenges in life indicated at the time of Birth of a Child or Leaving homeland. Also, too much of aggression (Mangal influence on 5th) can lead to loss of health. Or some losses in life due to battles or fights (Mangal influence on 12th) can have adverse impact on the health.
  9. Among the Asura Grahas, Shani causes Neecha to Guru but is Neutral towards it. Guru is also neutral towards Shani. Shukra is neutral as it attains Uccha in Guru’s Rasi. On the other hand Guru is highly inimical towards Shukra. Budha is neutral towards Guru while Guru is inimical towards Budha. Thus although Budha and Shukra are neutral towards Guru, Guru is inimical towards them.
  10. Neutral Shani owns the 2nd and 3rd house and attains Uccha in the 11th house and Neecha in the 5th house. This indicates income or gain (11th) through investment of wealth (2nd) or through knowledge matters (2nd). Uccha of 3rd lord in the 11th house indicate, gain through some talent of hand (3rd) such as writing, painting, sculpture, sword fighting etc. Neecha of the 2nd and 3rd lord in the 5th house area of life the native is not fond of. These are family (2nd) and siblings (5th); meaning that the native is not attached to wealth, family and siblings, valour, adventure etc. These people fight not because they love fighting (3rd), but because they consider this to be their dharma (9th).
  11. Neutral Shukra owns the 6th (difficulties, enemies) and 11th house (income, gain, friendship). Shukra attains Uccha in the 4th house of home indicating real estate, home, vehicles etc (4th). after difficulties (6th). The uccha of the 11th lord in the 4th house indicate, income going up in building real estate or landed properties. Neecha of the 6th lord in the 10th house indicate, enmities, conflicts and difficulties (6th) can cause loss of status and position. Neecha of the 11th lord in the 10th house indicate they have to make a choice between high status / position and high income. Rise in income can show loss of position. The rise in position happens when the focus is on successfully completing the work at hand and not gaining income from that.
  12. Neutral Budha owns the 7th house (trade, commerce, relationship) and the 10th house (activities, status and position). Budha attains Uccha in the 10th house indicating, only hard work can bring them high status in life. Uccha of the 7th lord in the 10th house can indicate success in trade or commerce, or help of the partner or spouse in attaining success at work. Budha attains Neecha in the 4th house. So the source of unhappiness and discomfort is when the native is not successful at work, loss of position or lack of recognition at work (10th), or after getting into a relationship or marriage (7th), which is especially caused by Budha related matters i.e., communication, speech, writing or mingling with the colleagues etc.

Results of Birth in this Lagna

Saravali 48.34–37. Dhanu Lagna. (1) Big teeth (sthuladanstunga); (2) prominent forehead (prthulamurdha); (3) Patronise dependents (pranataanam-priyakari); (4) Persevering (dhrti samanvita); (5) Physically strong (sattva samanvita); (6) Dirty nose and lips (malinaasikoshtha); (7) Ugly nails (kunakhi); (8) just (hrimaan); (9) Fat thigh and belly (atipeevarorujathara); (10) Expert in science and scriptures (vijnaanashastrakushala); (11) Progressive intellect (pratyagramiti); (12) Irascible (prakopascha); (13) Not afraid of opposing even the most powerful people (balinaammarshanapara); (14) Chief in the dynasty (kulamukhya); (15) Completely annihilate enemies (naashitaaripaksha); (16) Famous through battles (sangraamapadashreshtha); (17) Master of illusion (Chhalabahula); (18) Find fault among his kinsmen (Chidrabandhuguna); (19) Interested in fine arts (shilpaadikarmanirata); (20) Mind own work (svakarmavaan); (21) Do good to his kinsmen (bandhuvargashubhada); (22) Resplendent (kaanta); (23) Afflicted by diseases of the body or the eyes (badanaakshiroga); (24) Earn wealth through royal favours (nrpaddhritaartha); (25) Engaged in righteous acts (sudharmarata).

  1. Big teeth (sthuladanstunga): Not clear why Dhanu Lagna should have big teeth. Perhaps because the symbol is half human half horse. Or Perhaps a Human with strong animal instinct.
  2. prominent forehead (prthulamurdha): Strong influence of Agni on the head = less hair. Forehead = Destiny. Dhanu = natural 9th house of destiny.
  3. Patronise dependents (pranataanam-priyakari): Family = 2nd house. 2nd lord attains Uccha in the 11th house of gains. Karaka for family = Chandra. Lagnesha attains Uccha in Chandra’s Rasi. Family is also a source weakness to these people, as Lagnesha Guru attains Neecha in the 2nd house of family.
  4. Persevering (dhrti samanvita): Perseverance is seen in the face of difficulties. Difficulties = 6th house. These native are very receptive to difficulties, because the lord of difficulties Shukra attains Uccha in the 4th house of comforts. Also, these people have no feat from unknowns or uncertainties (8th house) as the Lagnesha attains Uccha in the 8th house. Meaning, these people very positive towards uncertainties and look forward to it. They don’t like to spend too much time in planning, as uncertainties give them thrill.
  5. Physically strong (sattva samanvita): Sattva means strength and Sattva also means Sattva Guna. Also Sattva Guna = Strength. The strength to sustain one’s dharma and duties under any adversities. Sattva = Not give up. Dhanu = Natural 9th house of Dharma. Agni Tattva Rasi, owned by Sattva Guna Graha, Guru. Agni Tattva = Burn anything that is Dark, show light in the Darkness, dispel darkness. Dhanu Rasi = Dvisvabhava Agni = Balanced Fire or light.
  6. Dirty nose and lips (malinaasikoshtha): It is not clear why. Perhaps because of the Rasi symbol. Also, I am not sure if the translation of the Sanskrit word is accurate.
  7. Ugly nails (kunakhi): Nails = Shani. Arms = 3rd house in Kumbha. Ugli nails may be due to strong Saturn and Rahu influence on the 3rd house.
  8. Just (hrimaan): 9th house = House of justice, fairness. Lagnesha Guru = Judge.
  9. Fat thigh and belly (atipeevarorujathara): Body structure of Lagnesha Guru. But being an Agni Rasi, the body structure is not so corpulent compare to Guru’s another Rasi, the Meena Rasi. Guru’s body shape is usually that of Indian Temple Priests. Guru = Priests.
  10. Expert in science and scriptures (vijnaanashastrakushala). 9th house = Higher knowledge. Guru = great teacher, teacher of all subjects.
  11. Progressive intellect (pratyagramiti): Guru = Karaka for intellect. Ketu’s Uccha Rasi = Out of the box thinking, strong vision for the future. Visionary. Lagnesha uccha in the 8th house = knowledge of the hidden, universe, darkness, blackholes, dark matter etc. Knowledge of another world. Knowledge of things which are yet to come.
  12. Irascible (prakopascha): Agni Rasi = High temper. 8th house = Short temper. Lagna = Agni Rasi. Lagnesha is positive in the 8th house.
  13. Not afraid of opposing even the most powerful people (balinaammarshanapara): Fearlessness given by the 3rd house Kumbha, owned by Shani and Rahu. Kumbha = Rasi of ghosts and goblins, dismembered spirits, spirits who are in transition between mortal body and final destination. They have the guts to call their biggest rival on a lunch and dinner and even give them all their resources to fight. Very open in their fighting habits and are completely fearless. Their valour is their Gain, as 3rd lord Shani is highly positive in the 11th house of gain. Co-lord Rahu is highly positive in the 7th house, of opposition and war. They look forward to a Dual, hence always ready with a bow and arrow in their hand. But they will never start a war, as they are not inimical to anyone. Their treatment towards their enemies is the same as friends.
  14. Chief in the dynasty (kulamukhya): Kula = 2nd house. Chief = 10th house, i.e., one who has the ability to lead. 10th lord very positive in the 10th house, meaning ingrained leadership qualities. Also strong Shani in the 2nd house can make one chief among his people.
  15. Completely annihilate enemies (naashitaaripaksha): The enemies don’t stand any chance in front of Dhanu Lagna people, as their agility and war sense is unbeatable. Their strength is fairness and sense of justice, which makes them extremely tenacious and persevering in the face of war. They don’t want anything for themselves, but for the larger good, hence they never get discouraged with small defeats and rise up again and again till the end. Nonetheless their enemies are also unrelenting. Sometimes, the whole life of Dhanu Lagna is war, so new battles come up one after another. While 6th lord Shukra is neutral towards Guru, Guru is inimical towards Shukra, but has the guts to host him in his house and give protection.
  16. Famous through battles (sangraamapadashreshtha): Fame = Lagna. Lagna symbol = Half horse and half man carrying a bow and arrow in its hand, ready to fight. The bottom horse portion indicate strength, agility and speed of action.
  17. Master of illusion (Chhalabahula): Ketu = lord of Illusion. Dhanu = Ketu’s uccha kshetra. In a war, there is no dearth of secret war strategies that Guru employs. That is why, in all the wars of the Devas and Asuras, ultimately the Devas invariably win. Shukra is also extremely clever at war, but Guru employs such strategies that others are unheard of before.
  18. Find fault among his kinsmen (Chidrabandhuguna): This is one negative quality of Dhanu Lagna. LAgnesha Guru is negative towards 2nd house in Makara, as it attains neecha there. It does not affect the wealth, it being the Karaka, but it does not spare the family. These people can be highly critical towards other family members, as they think that no one can match their qualities and intellect. They need to overcome this weakness in life.
  19. Interested in fine arts (shilpaadikarmanirata): Shilpa or Fine arts talent = 3rd house. The lord is positive in the house of gains. Indicating, such people can gain from their talent such as fine arts, sculpting, writing etc.
  20. Mind own work (svakarmavaan): They don’t interfere in other’s work and are always focussed in their own work. When they become boss, they give full autonomy to their subordinates. 10th lord is highly positive in the 10th house only, indicating focusing on own job. They can never become micromanagers. They are great motivators to their subordinates and followers.
  21. Do good to his kinsmen (bandhuvargashubhada): Family = 2nd house, Friends and kinsmen = 11th house. 5th lord of likes and dislikes attains Uccha in the 2nd house indicating their love for their family. Also 2nd lord attains Uccha in the 11th house indicating, they treat family members as their friends. Lagnesha Guru also attains Uccha in Chandra’s Rasi indicating their family focus. Chandra = Family.
  22. Resplendent (kaanta): Lagnesha Guru = Resplendent, strong Aura. Agni Rasi = Strong Aura.
  23. Afflicted by diseases of the body or the eyes (badanaakshiroga): Lagnesha Neecha in 2nd house of eyes. Also Lagnesha getting Uccha in a Dusthana indicating that it is inviting Dusthana energy on the body (Lagna). This can cause some deformities in the body.
  24. Earn wealth through royal favours (nrpaddhritaartha): Royal graha = Surya and Chandra. Blessings of Surya is there because it being the Bhagyesha is highly positive towards the 5th house of blessings and future. There can also be loss of income or loss of luck due to King’s wrath as the 9th lord attains Neecha in the 11th house.
  25. Engaged in righteous acts (sudharmarata): Dhanu = Naisargika Dharma Bhava. 9th lord and Karaka Surya prevails in the mind i.e., the 5th house, as this is a highly positive sign for the 9th lord and Surya. Any connection between Surya and Guru for these people can make them do many charitable activities such as contributing for temple building, building of educational institutions, public works etc.



Varaha Mihira
Thoughts on Jyotish

I am a Jyotish enthusiast and have been researching on this subject for more than 30 years. My mission in life is to bring Jyotish to its glorious state.