Lagna: Understanding the Energy Level

Varaha Mihira
Thoughts on Jyotish
2 min readMar 17, 2016


Depending on the predominance of Movable sign (Chara Rasi) on the lagna and the lagna lord in the Rasi and Navamsa the natives like activities that involve movement, physical activities and high energy. Placement of lagna and lagnesha in the middle of the sign gives more intensity of the sign. Similar things to be read from Fixed and Dual signs.

Sign and energy level

Rasi: Chara Rasi / Movable Sign

  • Energy Level: High energy
  • Propensity towards activities: Love activities that involve movement, travelling, highly mobile can’t sit idle in a place for long

Rasi: Sthira Rasi / Fixed Sign

  • Energy Level: Low energy
  • Propensity towards activities: Love activities which involve sitting in a place, like desk job, less mobile, does not like to travel much.

Rasi: Dvisvabhava Rasi / Dual Sign

  • Energy Level: Balanced energy
  • Propensity towards activities: Highly adaptable, ability to adapt to both situations involving movement and sitting in a place, know how to balance between the extremes.


Case 1: Mahatma Gandhi

  • Gandhi led the freedom struggle in India. He was born in a movable sign with the lord also placed in a movable sign. This shows that he was highly mobile through out his life.
  • However, in Navamsa both the lagna and the lagna lord Mars are in fixed sign. His endeavour was to bring stability.

Case 2: Mother Teresa

  • Lagna and the Lagna lord both are in dual sign showing a great balance in energy level. She was able to put forth great energy in her activities and at the same time was able to sit back and think about her action. This gives good planning abilities.
  • In the navamsa both lagna and the lagna lord are in movable sign indicating that he objective was to start a movement for protection of the downtrodden and untouchables in an otherwise complacent society.



Varaha Mihira
Thoughts on Jyotish

I am a Jyotish enthusiast and have been researching on this subject for more than 30 years. My mission in life is to bring Jyotish to its glorious state.