
Miscellaneous Thoughts on Jyotish | Part 1

Varaha Mihira
Thoughts on Jyotish
11 min readJun 18, 2016


Here is a collection of some key thoughts that have reflected upon in my varahamihira facebook page over many months!

On Transformation

22 June 2016, 10:30

The most visible form of transformation is that of a caterpillar transforming into pupa which get transformed into a butterfly. The transformation here is remarkable because each stage is so different from the previous. Everything in life including us also undergo transformation, but it is not much visible like that of a pupa!

Each stage in transformation comes with both pain and risk, but it can’t be avoided. Each stage has a purpose that must be fulfilled…

In our life we have 7 stages before birth in the form of foetus, infancy, childhood, adolescence, parenthood, old age, stage before death! Each of these stages may have a period of transition between them!

The 8th is the house of transformation and plays a key part here. 8th is hidden indicating that the act of transformation is mysterious, secretive and also fraught with risks and danger!

Each Bhava in a horoscope has a Bhava associated with its transformation! It is the 8th house from the Bhava under conservation. For instance Dharma is the transformation of Dhana! But, what does this really mean? Please share your thoughts.

Whenever there is a Malefic or a Neecha Graha in this house of transformation it blocks a smooth transformation process and cause great danger in this process! Similarly determine the Shatru Graha of the Karaka of the Bhava under consideration! If that Shatru Graha occupies the Transformation Bhava, it can pose great difficulties and obstacles!

On over dependence on calculations in Jyotish

19 June 2016, 19:11

In Jyotish we often get caught into elaborate calculations. In my humble opinion, one should learn to get a rough estimation of various factors through visual examination only. This however requires better and higher understanding of various factors. It’s like olden days Vaidyas who were able to diagnose diseases by observing the Nadi only, no ECGs, no CT scan, no MRI, no elaborate blood reports! We also need to trust our instincts which has the ability to tune in and understand things much better than what the numbers show. We need to understand the mathematical basis of the assessment however, to be able to judge what factors matters how much! That’s the starting point but not the ending point! When one is able to transcend the gross, one can understand the subtle. When one transcends the body, one can understand the soul!

On the different levels of differentiation of our consciousness and the Bhavas.

Bhava is a very tricky word which does not have a exact parallel in English! It represents a state of mind which is created in the mind of a person who is born. It arises because of the Ego (self identification and differentiation from the Super consciousness), the sense of ‘I’ which is identified with own limited self, as opposed to supreme consciousness (Aham Brahmasmi).

The Rasi represent a heap of resources which interact with the grahas moving through them. The are always there whether someone (The Lagna) there or not. But the moment one is born and the Lagna comes into being, it starts classifying things as it it mine, it is theirs, this is good, this is not good. The classification and qualification of things cease to exist when the identification of self, which is ‘I am me’ and ‘I am different’ cease to exist.

If I am not me, then where is the question of this is mine and this is not mine. What exits is just ‘that it is’ and ‘I am that which it is’. There is no differentiation between me and not me. Me and you, or mine and yours!

When the Lagna is manifested in the Rasi Chakra. In terms of Bhava significations, first level differentiation is what I Am in all the Bhavas. In the Lagna I am my intellect, in the 2nd I am my speech, in the 3rd I am my valour, in the 4th I am my happiness and learning, in the 5th I am my wisdom and mind, in the 6th I am my labour and effort and so on…

The 2nd level differentiation is ‘it is my’. Here it is about various parts of our body. Lagna is it’s my head, 2nd is its my face, eyes and mouth, 3rd is its my hands and chest, 4th is its my heart and so on…

The 3rd level differentiation is ‘it is mine’. So there is a differentiation of ‘I’ which is the subject and ‘it’ which is the object. In the Lagna it is my home, culture and name, in the 2nd it is my wealth, in the 3rd it is my battle, in the 4th it is my house and car…

The 4th level differentiation is ‘he or she is mine’. Here the differentiation is with a person who have their own individual ego! In Lagna it is all the people who belong to my culture, homeland, social strata and identity, in the 2nd it’s my family, in the 3rd it’s my sibling and so on…

This the starting point of understanding a Bhava. One needs to know how a Graha or other factor is affecting various level of significations of a Bhava!

On Freedom

To the proponents of freedom! Freedom can’t be unconditional and absolute. Because we are given a human body and human mind, we are limited by the limitations posed by them. To transcend our physical limitations first we need to transcend it in our mind and belief. We need to truly believe first what we are, then the body will follow what we truly believe in! As Long as we are limited in our experience through the physical senses, how can possibly we transcend the limitations in our mind and belief. We have to start with shedding the belief that we are the body!

On the Level of Self-Identification

When the self identification is strongest, a robot feels that I am not just any machine, I am capable of leading my own life the way I want. That’s where we have highly evolved ‘artificial’ intelligence. One who is more closer to reality will think, great! I can do my own actions and make my own decisions, but I am Programmed, hence I can never go beyond the limitations and boundary conditions built into my program. One who is even more closer to reality will think, oh! I am just a component of a huge assembly line. One who is even more closer to reality will think, oh I am the machine which is producing many MEs, I am me, I am in all Me, all Me is Me and there is nothing that is not me, I am the producer and I am the one being created, yet nothing is created and nothing is not created! It’s just happening the way it’s supposed to! So be it…

On Followers vs. Subordinates

There is a difference between followers and subordinates. The followers are governed by the 5th and 9th relationship i.e., the followers are following the guide. There is no compulsion here, no instructions or orders! The followers are following due to their own volition! They are convinced that what the guide says or do is the right thing to do. There is an alignment of purpose and the goal! On the other hand a servant requires a master, hence its a 6th-10th matter. The master is represented by the 10th while the 6th is represented by the 6th! Here, we have instruction, order and compulsion and the wishes of the servant has less importance!

The principle behind the guide-follower relationship is Dharma Principle while the master-servant relationship is Artha principle. They are different and should not be confused.

Many people confuse followers with subordinates, hence I thought of clarifying this!

By the way children belong to the dharma principle, so you can’t force them to follow you! The moment you become a good guide and inspire them, they will follow you effortlessly!

On Relevance of Jyotish in Modern Times

In modern times the horses are replaced by fast moving cars, kings are replaced by the government, the Brahmins have taken the form of scholars and knowledge workers, in many places the servants are replaced by mechanical devices and robots. Things may have changed and will change further in their surface but their inner core and essence still remains the same. So while the Jyotish principles have to be adapted based on such changes, but their essence will remain unchanged! We will eventually undergo the same emotions, experiences, pains and joys! Jyotish will thus remain relevant forever!

On We and our relatives

When we are born we are not alone, not isolated from the society. We have family, siblings and cousins, mother, children and followers, uncles and aunts, enemies, spouse and many such relations. These are represented by the various Bhavas from 2nd onward.

Depending on the Rasis and Grahas placed there, we look forward to others as our family, siblings etc. What happens when Lagnesha occupies one of these Bhavas? We tend to identify ourselves with those relations. Have you ever heard this phrase, I am my own boss, I am my own guide etc. This happens when Lagnesha occupies the 10th (boss), 9th (guide) etc.

So what does Lagnesha in various other Bhavas signify? Can there be any variations caused by strength and weakness, fortification and affliction? For instance when do I become my own servant, or when do I become my own enemy? This is important to distinguish because both servants and enemies are governed by the same Bhava, the 6th house!

On 2nd from Guru in the matters of Dhana Bhava

In a note on the Dhana Bhava, in doctrines of Suka Nadi, R. Santhanam makes an important observation. Guru always blesses wealth to the Karaka or Bhavesha occupying in the 2nd from it. For instance, if Chandra of the 4th lord falls in the 2nd from Guru, (1) either the native gains abundant wealth through mother or (2) the mother will gain abundantly.

Similarly, when a Bhava falls in the Dhana Bhava from Guru, the native (1) either gains through the matter governed by the Bhava, or (2) the matters governed by the Bhava gain abundantly. For instance, if the 4th house falls in the 2nd house from Guru, the native gains abundantly through real estate properties, mother etc. Or the native may live is a wealthy house etc.

This is an application of the principle of seeing a Bhava from the Karaka. This of-course needs to be balanced against other factors such as bhava, bhavesha etc.

On Siddhanta

Taking a break from the predictive Jyotish world and enjoying the mathematical aspects, astronomy or the Siddhanta. My favorite is Surya-Siddhanta and Pancha-Siddhantika. Trying to put the nuances of conjunction of planets and combustion for easy understanding. But this is going to take good time. In the ancient age, it was expected for astrologers to have good understanding of the astronomy. In today’s quick Jyotish world, a world of short-cuts, people find it too cumbersome reflecting on these various motions and events pertaining to Grahas. But there is no escape. So many speculation and wrong interpretation of the impact of astronomical events on astrology is because of clear lack of understanding. My constant endeavor is to make the Jyotish knowledge more understandable to the eager students of this subject. Alas! its too time taking…

On Graha Yuddha

There is much confusion in the area of Graha Yuddha. Here are some pointers that will provide clarity on this topic

1. Graha Yuddha happens when two grahas are located within 1 degree. Note that this is different from location in the same degree!

2. The Graha that is in the northern declination is the winner. How to find the northern declination? Remove the Ayanamsa from the sidereal position of the grahas to find their tropical position. The Graha that is located closer to Start of Karka Rasi is closer to the heights north. If two grahas occupy between start of Karka to the end of Dhanu, one having lesser longitude is the winner. If the grahas are located between start of Makara to end of Mithuna, one having higher longitude is the winner. In this case, the longitude between 0 to 90 should be added with 360 before comparing. Just looking at higher or longitude is misleading.

3. Shukra never loses in a Graha Yuddha and in each Yuddha it is victorious.

4. Only the Tara Grahas Mangal to Shani in weekday order can get into a Yuddha. Conjunction with Surya is called combustion and with Chandra is called Samagama. There is also no Yuddha with the nodes.

5. The Graha victorious in a Yuddha becomes extraordinarily strong and one lose is completely devastated. They impact their natural and functional significations accordingly. When the victorious Graha is also have Shubha drsti, and occupy good Vargas, they are capable of bestowing great fortunes.

6. The Lagnesha should never get defeated especially by the lords of dusthana else the life can become a bed of thorn and all good yogas in a horoscope can get a nullified.

On the naisargika nature of the Grahas

A snake is a snake whose nature is to bite. A cow is a cow whose nature is to feed and nourish! When a snake becomes favorable to you, it may not bite you, but it doesn’t mean that it will leave its biting tendencies. Similarly when a cow becomes unfavorable to you, it will not bite you! You should understand the difference between natural goodness and viciousness and whether they are favorable or unfavorable. When the unfavorable cow becomes too happy, she may even share her milk with you! You never know… Think what does this mean in the Jyotish world :-).

From Gross to Subtle

Humans are humans and they are different from animals. Within Humans, Indians are Indians and they are different from Caucasians. Within Indians, South Indian are South Indians and they are different from North Indians. Within South Indians, Tamilians are Tamilians and they are different from Malayalis. Within Tamilians, Ramaswami is Ramaswami and he is different from Krsnaswami.

So what do we learn from this? There are both similarities and differentiation in nature. To understand the nature of Ramaswami, we need to understand Tamilians, South Indians, Indians and Humans first…

Similarly, Mesha lagnas are Mesha lagnas and they are different from Vrshabha Lagna. Within Mesha Lagnas, people with Lagnesha in 10th house belong to the same group and they are different from those belonging to the group where Lagnesha is in the 9th house. Among those belonging to the Lagnesha in the 10th, those having Guru in the 9th are different from those having Guru in the 2nd house… This goes on and on…

What this tells us is that there are similarities at a higher level but progressive differentiation at the lower level. We need to understand the similarities first before we understand the differences!

On Karma

Karma is the train on which you are boarded without your will. Your free will is the opportunity for you to get down in one or many of the various stations. Similarly, the Karma is the road that you didn’t choose but have started Traveling at the start of your life, but the free will are the various turns that you can choose!



Varaha Mihira
Thoughts on Jyotish

I am a Jyotish enthusiast and have been researching on this subject for more than 30 years. My mission in life is to bring Jyotish to its glorious state.