
Results of various Rasi falling in the Saptama Bhava (7th House)

Varaha Mihira
Thoughts on Jyotish
2 min readJul 6, 2016


  1. Mesha: (3.241) Spouse’s characteristics are cruel, wicked, engaged in sinful acts, hard-hearted, unkind, greedy for wealth, and lack discipline in life.
  2. Vrshabha: (3.242) Spouse’s characteristics are beautiful appearance, humble and modest, peaceful, devout, virtuous, expert in various art forms, devoted to gods and brahmins.
  3. Mithuna: (3.243) The native is blessed with a good spouse, wealthy, well mannered, handsome, highly talented, humble and modest, and he stay away from associations.
  4. Karka: (3.244) The native has company of many women who are beautiful, talented, soft natured, pure hearted and spotless reputation and honour the native’s wishes.
  5. Simha: (3.245) Spouse’s characteristics are aggressive nature, wicked, quarrelsome, fond of discord, unkempt, dependent on others, greedy for wealth, not hard working, and physically weak.
  6. Kanya: (3.246) Spouse’s characteristics are beautiful appearance, bereft of sons, good fortune, marital happiness, pleasures in life, engaged in politics, sweet speech, honest and truthful, persevering.
  7. Tula: (3.247) Spouse’s characteristics are proud on one’s own talent, righteous acts, follow dharma, disciplined, many sons, extremely kind and forgiving, highly talented. The native is in company of many such women.
  8. Vrschika: (3.248) Spouse’s characteristics are engaged in various art forms, miserly, fully educated, devoid of empathy, love and affection, blemishes in nature that forebode misfortunes.
  9. Dhanu: (3.249) Spouse’s characteristics are extremely wicked, devoid of good behaviours, shameless, cover other’s blemishes, quarrelsome, arrogant and snobbish.
  10. Makara: (3.250) Spouse’s characteristics are arrogant and proud, lowly natured, greedy, cruel, wicked, sorrowful.
  11. Kumbha: (3.251) Spouse’s characteristics are extremely wicked, devoid of good behaviours, every happy on account of devas and brahmins, protector of dharma, endowed with honesty, truthfulness and kindness.
  12. Meena: (3.252) Spouse’s characteristics are blemished (due to sickness), wicked sons, wicked natured, follower of own’s dharma, devoid of empathy, love and affection, interested in exquisite art forms.



  • Pandey. Dr Ramachandra (Tr.). Mansagari (Hindi). Varanasi, India: Krsnadas Academy, 1983



Varaha Mihira
Thoughts on Jyotish

I am a Jyotish enthusiast and have been researching on this subject for more than 30 years. My mission in life is to bring Jyotish to its glorious state.