Results of various Rasi falling in the Sukha Bhava (4th House)

Varaha Mihira
Thoughts on Jyotish
2 min readJun 19, 2016


  1. Mesha: (3.206) Comforts and happiness from animal, two women (spouses), various kinds of luxury items, many kinds of food and drinks, wealth earned with self-effort, massage (spa) and physical exercises.
  2. Vrshabha: (3.207) Comforts and happiness from honourable people, various kinds of luxury items, valour and enterprise, company of king, royal and influential people, favourable trade; various kind of restraints, religious observances.
  3. Mithuna: (3.208) Comforts and happiness from water sports with beautiful maidens, roaming in scenic places, beautiful flowers and clothes.
  4. Karka: (3.209) The native is of pleasant appearance, highly lucky, well behaved towards women, blessed with many talents and virtues, scholarly and humble, and dear to people.
  5. Simha: (3.210) Devoid of happiness due to much anger, company of poor and deprived people. They are endowed with many girl children as well.
  6. Kanya: (3.211) Get into company of wicked people for the purpose of amassing wealth. Suffer agony due to company of backbiters, thieves and swindlers.
  7. Tula: (3.212) The native is soft natured and amicable, expert in righteous deeds, scholarly and humble, ever blessed with happiness and comforts, joyful mind and demeanour, and blessed with wealth.
  8. Vrschika: (3.213) Faces many danger, agitated mind and disposition, fearful and afraid of others, serving mentality, humiliated, fond of company of highly expert and intelligent people.
  9. Dhanu: (3.214) Fond of engaging into battles and war, discussion and debates on battles and war, fond of horse riding of special kind. Gain happiness from servicing the govt (army) and completing own plans and undertakings.
  10. Makara: (3.215) Comfort and happiness from water related things and activities, gardens, bank of lakes and ponds, company of friends, courtship and company of women.
  11. Kumbha: (3.216) Comfort and happiness from company of women, sweet preparation, various kinds of drinks, fruits, vegetables, leaves (beetle leaves, spinach etc), scholarly talks, and things which cause excitement (exited news, magic shows, entertainment etc.).
  12. Meena: (3.217) Comfort and happiness from water related activities, things originated from divine intervention (devasamudbhava, pilgrimage), artefacts originated from divine grace, beautiful garments, various kind of wealth.



  • Pandey. Dr Ramachandra (Tr.). Mansagari (Hindi). Varanasi, India: Krsnadas Academy, 1983



Varaha Mihira
Thoughts on Jyotish

I am a Jyotish enthusiast and have been researching on this subject for more than 30 years. My mission in life is to bring Jyotish to its glorious state.