Timing Death of father from Gochara Shani

Varaha Mihira
Thoughts on Jyotish
9 min readJan 2, 2016

These three siblings lost their father in February 1994 when Shani was transiting Kumbha. Lets take a closer look at the timing of the father’s death.

Longevity estimation of father

Before delving into determining the periods which can prove fatal to the father, we need to estimate his longevity.

One quick method of estimating longevity of the father is to look at strength of the 1–8–10 lords from the 9th house. They are the lords of 9th, 4th and 6th house. If these lords are placed in (1) good Rasi and (2) good Bhava, they grant full longevity. The longevity is proportionally reduced when the graha occupies Neecha and / or evil Bhava. The Good or evil Bhava needs to be seen from the 9th house and not from the Lagna. The short life granted by the graha can be estimated to be 18 years, middle life to be 54 years and the long life to be 90 years. These are the mid-points of the 3 compartments of life i.e., 0–36, 36–72 and 72 to 108 years.

The estimation mentioned here can fail if there are some specific combinations affecting the longevity of the father. In that case they override the longevity estimated using this method.

Step 1: Determine the Maraka Dasa for father

  1. Father is signified by the 9th house from the Lagna and Chandra. The significator for father is Surya. Everything about native’s father can be known from the these houses, their lords, planets occupying or aspecting them and the Karaka Surya.
  2. The Maraka Dasa are the grahas occupying, aspecting or lording the 2nd and 7th house from the 9th house i.e., 10th and 3rd house. These grahas become killer when they are strong. Nonetheless, when a Graha is Uccha and/ or aspected by Guru, it loses its power to kill.
  3. The the planets occupying the 8th or 12th house or those lording these houses can kill, if they are weak and afflicted. They behave differently compare to the 2nd and 7th lord, who kill when they are strong.
  4. Shani in the 8th house does not kill, provided it is strong. However, if Shani is weak and afflicted, it becomes primary killer. The same is true when Shani occupies the 12th, 2nd or 7th house or be their lords. When Shani has become a maraka, its ability to kill is much higher than all there other marakas.
  5. A Graha’s Weakness is due to its Rasi and Navamsa placement. Placement in Neecha or Shatru Rasi makes it weak. Similarly Combustion and Defeat in Graha Yuddha also makes it weak. Note that Surya and Chandra are not affected by Combustion and Graha Yuddha. Grahas get into graha yuddha when they are placed within 1 degree of each other. Shukra is always victorious in Graha yuddha. Among other grahas, the one closer to the northern declination wins. To determine the declination, one needs to add the Ayanamsa to the Sidereal longitude and get the Tropical longitude. The graha that is closer to Karka 0 degree is said to be nearer to the northern declination and is the winner of Graha Yuddha. Conjunction with another Neecha graha also makes the graha weak, unless it is placed in its Uccha.
  6. A Graha’s affliction is due to conjunction with Papa-grahas who are also Shatru of the Graha under consideration. Affliction can also come from Drsti of the papa-shatru graha as well as Papa-kartari yoga.

Step 2: Determining Transit of slow moving Grahas

In step 1, many grahas will qualify to become the marakas, however, not all of them will actually kill. Only few of them will become the killer in their Dasa, Bhukti, Pratyantara etc. How to pick up only the most accurate one? This is the true test of an Astrologer and the ability to predict depends on this.

The real period of death can be zoomed into by looking into the transits. The combination of the Transits with the Dasa period will help in eliminating many of the Dasa-Bhukti options and focus into just few.

When this is combined with the longevity estimated for the father, it becomes easier to eliminate other options and focusing the attention only within the estimated longevity span.

This can also be used with other longevity related Dasas such as Shoola dasa, to confirm.

Note the following transits mentioned by Phaladeepika regarding Shani. There are other transits which we look into later, as the focus of this article is to look at Shani’s transit.

Phaladeepika 17.1. With respect to any Bhava, when Saturn in his transit should arrive at the Rasi and Navamsa occupied by the Randhresha (8th lord) or Vyayesha (12th lord) reckoned from that Bhava, the total destruction of that Bhava should be expected the same will be the case if Saturn transits houses that are triangular to these two houses.

Deva Keralam 1.96.1058, 2.168.913, 3.210.4827. The house from which the 8th house transited by Saturn and the other three houses for which the respective 8th houses when aspected by Saturn, suffer afflictions one has to obtain Saturn transit results from Ascendant onwards in the same way.

In summary, this means that whenever gochara Shani occupies or aspects the 8th from any Bhava, that Bhava suffers afflictions. This means that, from Gochara Shani, the 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th houses suffers as Shani will be occupying or aspecting the 8th from these houses.

The 8th house from the 9th house is the 4th house, the lord of which is a key planet for father’s longevity. According to this principles, the matters ruled by the 9th house suffers when Shani transits the 7th, 2nd, 4th, and 8th house from the Lagna. Why? From the said houses, Shani will aspect with its Purna Drsti, the 4th house.

To conclude this principle, one should look at the Rasi and the Navamsa occupied by the 8th or 12th lord from a Bhava. When Shani transits the Trine to these Bhavas, the destruction of that Bhava can be predicted. This is more so when (1) The lords of the Bhava are weak in Rasi or Navamsa, (2) The Rasi being transited by Shani has low Bindus in Shani’s Bhinnastakavarga, (3) The Bhava itself (say 9th for father) is also transited by a malefic graha, (4) the periods of the 8th, 12th or the lord of 22nd Drekkana from the Bhava is under operation.

The below two verses from Deva Keralam endorses the principle of the 8th house. The Navamsa occupied by the 8th lord from a Bhava is important. When Shani transits the Rasi identical with this Navamsa, or its trine, danger to the life of father can be seen. However, this is especially true when the 8th lord is placed in a Neecha or Shatru Navamsa. If not, it can cause diseases and not death.

Deva Keralam 2.120.389. Physical distress will result due to transit of Saturn in the sign denoted 8th lord’s navamsa or a trine thereof or the sign(s) aspected by the 8th lord on the degree of the dispositor of the 8th lord.

Deva Keralam 2.111.300. Saturn transiting the sign represented by the 8th lord’s navamsa counted from the natal ascendant or the Moon or trine thereof on the degree of its dispositor will cause physical ailments.

According to the following two verses of Deva Keralam, the transit of Shani through the Trine (1–5–9) to Surya’s Navamsa or the 9th lord can cause sickness or death to the father. Sickness when the transit falls outside the longevity compartment, else, death. The even occurs when Shani in the Rasi chart transits through the degree of the Dispositor of the Sun or the 9th lord, one who is under consideration. For instance, if Shani is transiting the trine to Navamasa Surya, the transit through the degree of Sun’s dissipator in the Rasi chart can cause the event. Similarly, the 9th lord’s dispositor need to be looked at when Shani transits the trine to this graha.

Deva Keralam 1.73.757–758. Note Sun’s navamsa at birth. When Saturn transit the Rasi or its trines, on the degree of the dispositor (in the rasi chart), the native’s father will suffer from ailments. In addition, native’s expenditure will exceed his income.

Deva Keralam 3.163.4171. Saturn transiting the sign identical with the Navamsa occupied by the Sun or the 9th lord or a trine thereof on the degree of its dispositor will promote father’s death.


Case 1:

Father’s longevity estimation

  1. The strength of the 9th lord, 4th lord and the 6th lord are important.
  2. The 9th lord occupies in own Rasi and Shubha navamsa — Long life. 9th lord conjoined with yogakaraka Mangal from the 9th house, and 2nd and 11th lord Budha (somewhat negative). This gives fairly good longevity, say somewhat lesser than 90 years, say 80 years.
  3. The 4th lord Guru who is occupying a Kendra (7th) from the 9th house in Kumbha Rasi. Guru although placed in an inimical sign, is considered to be strong in Kumbha (Varahamihira). 8th lord is placed in the 12th house (apoklima) from the 8th, thus granting short life. So lets estimate middle life i.e., 54 years.
  4. The 6th lord Shukra is occupying 3rd (apoklima) from the 6th house, hence short life. 6th lord Shukra is occupying a neutral sign owned by Chandra but under papa-kartari of Shani and Surya-Mangal, hence also short-life. So, lets estimate the longevity granted by this lord to be 18 years.
  5. The average of 80, 54 and 18 50.67 years. So we need to look at the dasa and transit near about this age of father.
  6. The native was born in the father’s 32nd year. Which means, that the father’s death can happen in near the native’s age of 18–20 years.

Maraka Dasa

  1. Budha being the 2nd lord and Shani being the 7th lord. Shani is disqualified as it is place in a good Rasi and Bhava from the 9th house. Shani needs to be weak and afflicted to be the killer.
  2. Guru being the 8th lord, but disqualified as it is strong.
  3. Chandra being the 12th lord and debilitated in a Kendra from teh 9th house. It becomes a strong Maraka as the weak 8th or 12th lord or planets occupying these places can become strong Maraka.
  4. Shukra occupying the 12th house under papa-kartari yoga also becomes a strong maraka.
  5. Rahu and Ketu also become Maraka. Rahu, because it is conjoining Maraka Chandra. Ketu, because it is occupying Maraka Shukra’s Rasi.

Maraka Gochara

  1. Bhavesha Rasi: 9th lord is Surya occupying Simha Navamsa. Shani’s gochara through Agni Rasis, Mesha, Simha and Dhanu can also cause danger.
  2. Karaka Rasi: Surya is the Karaka and the signs reckoned from him is same as above.
  3. Bhavesha Navamsa gochara: 9th lord is Surya who is in Mithuna Navamsa. Shani’s gochara through Mithuna, Tula and Kumbha can be fatal.
  4. Karaka Navamsa gochara: Surya is the Karaka and the signs reckoned from him is same as above.
  5. Bhava Randhresha Rasi: 4th lord Guru is the Randhresha for the 9th house. Guru is occupying Kumbha Rasi. Thus Shani’s gochara through Airy signs Mithuna, Tula and Kumbha can be fatal.
  6. Bhava Randhresha Navamsa: Guru is occupying Mesha Navamsa. Hence Shani’s transit through Agni Rasis, Mesha, Simha and Dhanu can be fatal.
  7. Randhra Yuti-Drsti: 9th house suffers when Shani transits through the 7th, 2nd, 4th, and 8th house from the Lagna. These falls in Mithuna, Makara, Meena and Karka.

Conclusion: Ketu-Chandra’s dasa and bhukti coincided with the Shani’s transit through Kumbha, which saw the demise of the father, when the native was in his 20th year. This was caused by Lungs cancer, which got started when Shani was transiting Makara. From Makara, Shani aspected the 8th house in Meena (from 9th house) and in Kumbha Shani transited on the 8th lord Guru (from 9th house) and a trine to the 9th lord and Karaka Surya in Navamsa. It happened in father’s 53rd year, closer to our estimation.

The readers can use these principles to assess the father’s passing in the other 2 cases.



Varaha Mihira
Thoughts on Jyotish

I am a Jyotish enthusiast and have been researching on this subject for more than 30 years. My mission in life is to bring Jyotish to its glorious state.