
Using Karakas for fine tuning the judgement of a horoscope

Varaha Mihira
Thoughts on Jyotish
17 min readJun 18, 2016


Everything in a zodiac, be it Rasi, Grahas or Bhāvas have their significations. There is however, a significant overlap of significations of Graha, Rasi and Bhāva. For instance, in the matters of wealth, it is the 2nd Bhāva that governs it, while it is also governed by Guru. On the other hand Guru’s all significations are also mapped to one of the two Rasis owned by Guru i.e., Dhanu and Meena. Among them, the elements of Bhagya, Dharma, Dhana, Labha etc. are all governed by Dhanu Rasi, while the elements of divinity, moksha etc. are governed by the Meena Rasi.

It is also said that, for judgement of results of a horoscope, one should critically examine three factors. In Phaladeepika Mantresvara states that “A Bhāva suffers annihilation when the Bhāva, the Bhavesha and the Bhāva Karaka are devoid of strength and in Papa-Madhya, or conjoined with or aspected by Papa or Shatru grahas and devoid of Shubha drsti.” While much has been said about the Bhāva factor viz., graha occupying or aspecting a Bhāva, disposition of the Bhavesha etc., we will closely examine here the role of the Karakas in the delineation of the results.

Before we go into the fine details of the usage of the Karakas, lets review the general principles.

  1. When a Bhāva is occupied by its Karaka, the matters of the Bhāva gains prominence, especially the internal significations of the Bhāva. Although, it is noticed that the relations signified by the Bhāva suffers danger, which is known as Karako Bhāva Nashaya. This can be seen in the area of Mangal occupying the 3rd, Guru occupying the 5th, Shukra occupying the 7th, Surya occupying the 9th and Shani occupying the 12th. The high level results of Bhāva placement of grahas are (1) Surya in Lagna: Ill health due to high pitta, eye troubles (2) Guru in Dhana Bhāva: Excellent, (3) Mangal in Sahaja Bhāva: Destruction of younger siblings, (4) Budha, Chandra in Sukha Bhāva: Excellent, (5) Guru in Putra Bhāva: Difficulties in begetting children, (6) Shani in Shatru Bhāva: Destruction of enemies, (7) Shukra in Saptama Bhāva: Strong libido and discord in marital life, (8) Shani in Randhra Bhāva: Excellent, long life, (9) Guru in Dharma Bhāva: Excellent, protection from all miseries, (10) Guru, Surya, Shani, Budha in Karma Bhāva: Excellent, (11) Guru in Labha Bhāva: Excellent, (12) Shani in Vyaya Bhāva: Exile, excessive expenditure.
  2. Karakas aspecting its Bhāva is excellent. For instance, aspect of Surya on the Lagna, Guru on the 2nd house, Mangal on the 3rd house etc. promotes particularly the internal significations the Bhāva. It is also much better for the relations (external significations) in most cases, barring few exceptions.
  3. Karakas having good sambandha with the Bhavesha is always considered excellent. Conjunction of Karaka with the Bhavesha in a good location is always considered to be the blessings of the god represented by the Karaka. For instance, conjunction of Lagnesha and Surya indicate blessings of Sri Rama. Karaka is considered as Surya while Bhavesha is considered as Chandra. Like Chandra shines due to the light of Surya, the Bhavesha shines with the brilliance of the Karaka. The stronger is the Karaka, the stronger it can make the Bhavesha shine. Here, Bhavesha should ideally occupy Kendra, Kona and Dhana from the Karaka to truly gain from the brilliance of the Karaka. Bhavesha occupying a Dusthana from the Karaka is the sure recipe for disaster.
  4. The Rasis owned by the karakas are also important. When a Bhavesha occupies a Rasi owned by the Karakas, the Bhāva gets a boost. For instance, the Rasi of Karma karaka Budha is Mithuna and Kanya. When the Karmesha occupy either of the mentioned two Rasis, it gives a boost to Karma Bhāva i.e., better wealth, livelihood options, authority etc.

Karakas for different Bhāvas?

There are few different categories of Karakas i.e., (1) Chara Karakas (Atmakaraka etc), (2) Sthira Karaka (for health and death matters), (3) Naisargika Karakas (representing natural nature of the grahas and what they govern) and (4) Bhāva Karakas (representing the Bhāvas). Our focus here is the Bhāva Karakas.

The Bhāva Karakas are derived from the Naisargika Karaka. For instance, Surya governs father, hence it is natural to expect that Surya also govern the 9th house. But among the various naisargika karakas governing various significations of the 9th house, only one is given the main responsibilities. The various levels of differentiation of the Karakas are (1) Root karakas: There is one graha who is assigned to each Bhāva by Maharishi Parashara. They behave like the lord of the Bhāva in most cases, (2) The Primary Karakas: Each Bhāva is assigned more than one graha by many classics, in addition to the root karakas. They govern the most important significations of the Bhāvas, (3) The Secondary Karakas: Each Bhāva is assigned many more karakas that are aligned to various other secondary significations of the Bhāva, (4) Tertiary Karakas: Almost all grahas have something or other to do with each of the Bhāvas, which are feeble and subtle, and need close examination to understand. They can’t have great say on the results of the Bhāva, but nonetheless can modify the results of the Bhāva in an inconspicuous manner.

The Root Karakas

The Root Karakas are defined by Maharishi Parashara in his immortal classic Brhat Parashari Hora Shastra. Thus the root karakas are:

  1. Lagna: Surya
  2. Dhana: Guru
  3. Sahaja: Mangal
  4. Sukha: Chandra
  5. Suta: Guru
  6. Shatru: Mangal
  7. Dara: Shukra
  8. Randhra: Shani
  9. Dharma: Guru
  10. Karma: Budha
  11. Labha: Guru
  12. Vyaya: Shani

These Karakas are the most important Karakas for the Bhāvas. Like the lords of the Bhāvas, these Karakas should also be strong, for the overall wellbeing of the Bhāvas. For instance, If Surya is weak, the overall vitality and energy level is bound to suffer, even though the Lagnesha may be strong. The native may be even to forced to leave is birth place or exiled when Surya is weak. When Lagnesha is also weak, then the indications are sure to happen i.e., the native indeed has to suffer exile. The moot point is, if these Karakas are weak, almost all the significations of a Bhāva suffers greatly. Depending on the Lagna in which one is born, the strength of the Bhava and Bhavesha the level of impact will vary. In this regard, the significance of the root karakas is just like that of the lord of the Bhāvas.

BPHS 32.34. The Karakatvas of the Bhāva in order are Sūrya, Guru, Mangal, Candra, Guru, Mangal, Śukra, Śani, Guru, Budha, Guru and Śani.

The first step in judgement of a Horoscope is to forget about the Lagna in the birth chart, and simply evaluate the position and avastha of these grahas in the Rasi, Drekkana, Navamsa, Dvadasamsa, Trimsamsa and Shastiamsa. They occupying Uccha, Mula, Sva, Mitra Rasi or Varga, and in Shubha Shastiamsa, in Shubha Kartari yoga etc., promise that there will be some positive results pertaining to the Bhāva they govern (based on Karaka-Bhava mapping), irrespective of which Lagna one is born. This of-course will further get modified based on the actual lagna one is born.

On the contrary, if the Karaka is in Asta, Neecha, defeated in Graha Yuddha, occupying a Shatru Rasi, or varga, or a Krura Shastiamsa, the area of life that is governed by the Karaka will suffer for sure, at least to some extent, irrespective of the Lagna at birth. The Lagna will modify the results to some extent depending on the Bhāva and the Bhavesha.

Sthira Karakas and their Usage

We can judge the health and longevity of various relations by counting the Bhāvas (governing the relation) from the Sthira Karakas. In this regard, Maharishi Parashara states that.

BPHS 32.18–21. Sthira Karakatvas: I narrate below the Sthira Karakatvas, as related to the Grahas. (1) The stronger among Sūrya and Śukra indicates the father, while (2) the stronger among Candra and Mangal indicates the mother. (3) Mangal denotes sister, brother-in-law, younger brother and mother. (4) Budha rules maternal relative, while (5) Guru indicates paternal grand father. (6–7) Husband and sons are, respectively, denoted by Śukra and Śani. (8) From Ketu note wife, father, mother, parents-in law and maternal grand father. These are Sthira Karakatvas.

BPHS 32.22–24. Usage of Sthira Karakas: These sthira Karakatvas are derivable from the Bhāvas, counted from the Bhāvas Karakas. The 3rd from Mangal denotes siblings, the 4th from Candra mother, the 5th from Guru sons, the 6th from Budha maternal uncle, the 7th from Śukra wife, the 8th from Śani death, and the 9th from Sūrya father. The learned should consider all these and declare related effects accordingly.

There are two matters to consider here, (1) health and longevity matters and (2) various other matters. While the Sthira Karakas are important for health and longevity, the Naisargika Karakas are relevant for other matters.

The Sthira Karakas indicate stillness or death, hence applicability of these karakas are in the area of health, diseases and death. While Maharishi Parashara suggests checking the Bhāvas from the various Sthira Karakas, his focus is on the health matters. Hence, he mentions that for death (of the native) one needs to see the 8th house from Shani, the karaka for Ayush for the native. Similarly for the health matters of father, one should look at the 9th from Surya etc.

Naisargika Karakas (Natural Significations)

The Karakas of the Bhāvas are as important as the Bhāvas and their lords. The three factors on which a Bhāva stands are (1) the Bhāva, (2) the Bhāva lord and (3) the Karaka. This has been explained before. Here we see what the important significations for the various grahas from Phaladeepika (verses 15.15–16). They are as follows:

  1. Surya: Self, soul (atma), father (pitr), influence (prabhava), Freedom from diseases (niruja), vigour (shakti) and prosperity (Sri).
  2. Chandra: Nature of one’s consciousness (chetana), intellect (buddhi), royal favour (nrpaprasada), mother (janani) and affluence (sampad)
  3. Kuja: Courage (satva), disease (roga), virtues (guna), younger brothers (anuja), lands (avani), foes (ripu) and relatives (gnati).
  4. Budha: Learning (vidya), kinsmen (bandhu), discrimination (viveka), maternal uncle (macula), well wishers (suhrd), speech (vac) and ability to act (karmakrt)
  5. Guru: Intellect (pragna), treasury (vitta), good health (sharira pushti), children (tanaya) and wisdom (gnana).
  6. Shukra: Wife (patni), vehicles (vahana), ornaments (bhushana), love matters (madana), trade and commerce (vyapara) and material enjoyment (saukhya).
  7. Shani: Longevity (aayu), livelihood (jivana), the cause of death (mrtyu-karana), dangers (vipad) and his servants (bhrtya).
  8. Rahu: Paternal grand-father.
  9. Ketu: Maternal grand-father.

Phaladeepika 15.15. One should judge (1) own-self, father, influence, health, vigour and fortune from Surya. (2) It is the Chandra that determines the character of one’s heart, understanding, royal favour, mother and affluence. (3) It is through Mangal that a person can ascertain his own courage, disease, characteristic qualities, younger brothers, lands, foes and blood (paternal) relations. (4) It is Budha that influences one’s learning, relatives in general, discrimination; maternal uncle, friends, speech and action.

Phaladeepika 15.16. One should judge (5) one’s own genius, wealth, physical development, sons and knowledge from Guru. (6) Knowledge of one’s wife, vehicles, ornaments, love affairs and pleasures should be judged from Shukra. (7) From Shani one should judge livelihood, the cause of death, adversity and servants. (8) One should judge about one’s paternal grand-father from Rahu, (9) and about the maternal grand-father from Ketu.

Each of the Karakatvas of the grahas can be mapped to various Bhavas. For instance, the Karakatvas of Surya are Self, soul (atma), father (pitr), influence (prabhava), freedom from diseases (niruja), vigour (shakti) and prosperity (Sri). The mapping to the Bhavas are:

  1. Self, soul: Lagna
  2. Father: 9th house
  3. Influence: 5th house
  4. Freedom from diseases: Lagna
  5. Vigour: Lagna
  6. Prosperity: 2nd house, 9th house, 11th house

The Primary Bhāva Karakas

There are many karakas for a Bhāva, controlling various significations of that Bhāva. For instance, in Lagna, Surya governs the energy level and vitality, Chandra governs the Health and physical features etc. However, there are selected Bhāva Karakas who hold the key to success of a Bhāva. For a Bhāva to give 100% successful results, all the three factors viz., (1) The Bhāva, (2) The Bhāva lord and (3) The Bhāva karaka should be strong and under the influences of Shubha Graha.

The primary step in the Bhāva analysis is to determine how successful the Bhāva is going to be by judging the three important controllers, as that sets the baseline. Once it is confirmed that the Bhāva will give very good, good, moderate, bad or very bad results, the detailed of those results and their quality can be determined from the other Karakas governing the Bhāva matters.

Say, if the Lagna, Lagnesha and Surya are weak and afflicted, indicating that the results to be very bad, it can cause (1) birth in a poor family, (2) bad health, (3) failures in life etc. How to determine which among them be worst affected and which one not? For that we have to analyse the individual karakas. For instance, if Chandra is afflicted, then health is damaged, if Guru is afflicted, then it can cause many failures and their will be poverty etc, if Budha is afflicted, the native will be abandoned by his kinsmen etc.

Phaladeepika 15.17: The Karakas of the Bhāvas beginning with the Lagna or the rising sign are (1) the Sun, (2) Jupiter, (3) Mars, (4) the Moon and Mercury, (5) Jupiter, (6) Saturn and Mars, (7) Venus, (8) Saturn, (9) the Sun and Jupiter, (10) Jupiter, the Sun, Mercury and Saturn, (11) Jupiter, and (12) Saturn.

Usage of Primary Bhāva Karakas

What happens when a Horoscope comes to us, where the time of birth is not known. Can we predict the various matters pertaining to the native’s life such as siblings, mother, children etc., just by looking at the Bhāvas counted from the karakas? Yes, we can, to a certain degree of accuracy for sure. The accuracy however, will improve when we know the time of birth and work out the Lagna. But remember, the Lagna can only help in fine-tuning the results and improve the accuracy of the prediction, but can’t override the indications of the matters indicated from the Karaka. The Karakas set the stage in which various souls with similar karmas take birth at a specific time. However, based on their own individual karmas, their experiences are bound to be different; and that is what is governed by the Lagna. This is akin to production of robots in a factory in batches. In one batch, all robots are bound to be similar, although each one of them have their own level of uniqueness.

While the root karaka governs all significations of a Bhāva, the primary karakas govern only certain significations. Which means that when the Root Karaka is weak, everything pertaining to the Bhāva suffers. So when root karaka for 4th, Chandra is weak, almost everything pertaining to the 4th house suffers. However, to differentiate between the various specific significations of the 4th house i.e., mother, education, happiness and comforts, vehicles, and real estate properties etc., we need to depend on the primary significations.

So while the 4th house is afflicted, if Budha is strong, learning is relatively less affected, if Shukra is strong, the comforts and conveyances are less affected and so on. If both 4th lord and Mangal are afflicted, then real-estate properties are adversely afflicted.

Karakat Bhāva

The Karakas can be treated as Lagna for various Relatives and various matters in that person’s life can be judged from the Bhāvas counted from the Karakas.

The things that should be judged in the life of various the relations are given below. The knowledge of the various graha placements in the Bhāva, the placements of Bhāva lords in various Bhāvas, the shubha and papa conjunctions and drstis etc. can be used.

When divining the life of various relations by considering the Karaka as the Lagna, the Karaka is called as the Karaka Lagna and treated just like the Janma Lagna.

• Lagna: Appearance

• 2nd House: Prosperity, fame

• 3rd House: Co-borns, virtues and talent

• 4th House: Father’s mother, happiness and comfort

• 5th House: Intellect, mental disposition

• 6th House: Sufferings, weaknesses, enemies, diseases

• 7th House: Father’s love life

• 8th House: Sorrows, death, longevity

• 9th House: Father’s father, righteous work, charity etc.

• 10th House: Occupation, trade and commerce

• 11th House: Income, gains

• 12th House: Expenditure, losses

Phaladeepika 15.21. In the same way should the effects of the father, the mother the brother, the maternal uncle, the son, the husband and the servant be determined by treating the signs occupied by their respective Karakas, viz., the Sun, the Moon, and other planets, in the nativity as the Lagna.

Phaladeepika 15.22. From the Bhāva occupied by Surya one should judge the appearance (svarupa) of the father of the native. The father’s prosperity (vrddhi) and renown (prakasha) should be divined from the 2nd house counted from Surya. His brothers (bhrata), virtues or talent (guna), etc., must be ascertained from the 3rd house from Surya. All about his father’s mother (mata), father’s happiness (sukha), etc.; should be sought for from the 4th house from Surya.

Phaladeepika 15.23. The father’s intelligence (buddhi) and tranquility of mind (prasada) should be deduced from the 5th house from Surya; his sufferings (peeda), weaknesses (dosa), enemies (ari) and disease (roga) should be guessed from the 6th house; his love (kama) and passion (madana) from the 7th house, his sorrows (dukha), death (mrti), and his longevity (aayu) should be determined from the 8th house from Surya.

Phaladeepika 15.24. All about the father’s religious merit (punya), auspicious deeds (shubham) and his father (tat-pitara) should be sought for from the 9th house from Surya; his occupation (vyapara) from the 10th house; his gains and income (labha) from the 11th and his expenditure and loss (kshaya) from the 12th house from Surya. In the same manner, all about the mother can be known from Chandra, about the brother can be known from Kuja and about the relatives can be known from Budha etc.

Secondary Bhāva Karakas

Each Bhāva signifies multiple things, however, when a Bhāva is afflicted not all the significations suffer equally. Some of them suffer more, some of them less and some of them do not suffer at all. This is because different matters in a Bhāva are governed by different karakas. If some of the Karakas of a Bhāva is well placed and have good relationship with the Bhāva or the lord, then it tries to protect those significations on the Bhāvas.

The following section provides a high level view of the various Secondary Bhāva Karakas and their significations. For instance, in Lagna Bhāva, Chandra governs the physical health, Surya governs vitality. Thus, when Lagna, Lagnesha and Chandra all three are afflicted, the native has many sicknesses from young age. However, if Surya is well placed in the horoscope, have good sambandha with Lagna or Lagnesha, the native has vitality to carry out his work in-spite of ill-health.

In this article, I have done a critical examination of all the significations of the Lagna Bhāva. The same thing can be done for all the Bhāvas significations. For Lagna, the mapping of all the significations to various grahas are given below.

  1. Surya: Kingship (nṛpa), Pride (abhimāna), Honor (māna), Ability to work (kāryakaraṇaṁ), Ability to Act (kriyā)
  2. Chandra: Body (deha), Place of birth (janmasthale), Appearance (kṛti), Freedom from diseases (ārujaḥ), Nature (prakṛti), Complexion (varṇa)
  3. Mangal: Limbs (vaya), Strength (valāyatī), Insulting nature (tiraskāra svabhāv)
  4. Budha: Skin (tvaca), Ability to work (kāryakaraṇaṁ)
  5. Guru: Happiness (sukha), Wisdom (jñāna), Fame (kirtiḥ), Peace (śānti), Life-force (jīva), Freedom from diseases (ārujaḥ), Life-force (jīva)
  6. Shukra: Dream (svapna), Knowledge of sleep (nidrā jñāna)
  7. Shani: Sorrow (asukha), Old age (jarāste), Longevity (āyū), Age (vayaḥ), Hair (keśā), Loss of wealth due to cheating (dhanāpahāran), Renunciation, relinquishment (vairāgya), Labour (ūdyamo), Loss of decency (maryādā pravināśanaṁ), Ill fame (apavāda)

Reckoning Bhavas from Karakas: Taking the cues from Parashara, we should reckon the Bhāva from Karakas. Hence, Dhana and Learning should be seen from 2nd from Guru, facial appearance should be seen from the 2nd from Shukra, Speech should be seen from 2nd from Budha, family should be seen from 2nd from Chandra.

Given below the list of various Bhāva Karakas and their Karakatvas. The list is not comprehensive but is a good starting point.

Lagna Bhāva (1st house)

  1. Surya: Self, soul, constitution, vitality, self-knowledge, head
  2. Chandra: State of mind, disposition, physical body, fame
  3. Mangal: Strength
  4. Budha: Ability to learn
  5. Guru: Awareness, wisdom, knowledge
  6. Shukra: Physical beauty, charm
  7. Shani: Weaknesses, sorrows and miseries
  8. Rahu: Ego

Dhana Bhāva (2nd house)

  1. Surya: Resources, eye sight, right eye
  2. Chandra: Sustenance, Family, lineage, face, food, eye sight, left eye
  3. Budha: Speech
  4. Guru: Wealth
  5. Shukra: Face, eyes (not eye sight)

Sahaja Bhāva (3rd house)

  1. Mangal: Sense of time, courage, fighting skills, reflexes, younger siblings
  2. Budha: Communication skills, short-travels
  3. Guru: Guru-upadesha

Sukha Bhāva (4th house)

  1. Chandra: Home, birthplace, Mother, emotions, doctor, peace of mind
  2. Mangal: Land, real estate
  3. Budha: Learning, education, schools
  4. Guru: Shastraic learning, happiness and contentment,
  5. Shukra: Vehicles, other comfort and luxuries
  6. Shani: Sorrow, lack of mental peace, dissatisfaction
  7. Ketu: Buildings, flats, house

Suta Bhāva (5th house)

  1. Surya: Fame, influence, status, authority, para vidya,
  2. Chandra: Strength of mantra
  3. Mangal: Authority, Nyaya shastra (logic), speculation
  4. Budha: Memory, scholarship, shisyas, students, followers
  5. Guru: Children, intelligence (dhi), memory
  6. Shukra: Love affairs and romance

Shatru Bhāva (6th house)

  1. Mangal: Enmity, accidents, injuries, loans, celibacy, Step mother
  2. Shani: Shadripus (6 weaknesses), servants, diseases, strife, labour
  3. Ketu: Accidents

Dara Bhāva (7th house)

  1. Chandra: Desires of the heart
  2. Budha: Business partnership, sense of discrimination
  3. Shukra: Spouse, Sexual partner, marital happiness
  4. Rahu: Rebirth

Randhra Bhāva (8th house)

  1. Shani: Longevity, troubles, diseases, poverty, debts, loans, renunciation
  2. Rahu: Occult, research
  3. Ketu: Occult, mysticism, sanyasa, renunciation

Dharma Bhāva (9th house)

  1. Surya: Faith, Father, boss, dharma, temples
  2. Budha: Secondary education and graduation
  3. Guru: Teacher, priests, religion, fortune, luck
  4. Shukra: Going abroad
  5. Rahu: Fall in dharma, misfortune
  6. Ketu: Pilgrimages, going abroad

Karma Bhāva (10th house)

  1. Surya: Eye-sight, kingship, leadership, authority, throne
  2. Budha: Skills, work, career, profession, achievements, honour
  3. Shani: Work-load, labour, hard-work
  4. Guru: Wisdom, reward

Labha Bhāva (11th house)

  1. Chandra: Friends, distant relatives
  2. Budha: Friends and social circle, recognition
  3. Guru: Gains
  4. Shukra: Step-father
  5. Shani: Elder sibling

Vyaya Bhāva (12th house)

  1. Chandra: Recovery from diseases
  2. Guru: Investments, charity, philanthropy
  3. Shukra: Bed pleasures, sleeping comfort
  4. Shani: Losses, hospitalisation, expenditure
  5. Rahu: Relocation, long duration travel, bondage, imprisonment
  6. Ketu: Moksha, Samadhi, liberation


  1. The Karakas are extremely important in horoscope analysis.
  2. The first point of judgement of a horoscope is to understand the energies of the Karakas, even before looking at the Karakas.
  3. The Karakas set the stage for a soul to take birth at a certain time. Souls having similar karmas are born at similar time depending on the placements of various grahas in various rasis.
  4. The placement of the Karakas scrutinised checked very closely in the Rasi as well as the Vargas. And their various Deeptadi and Baladi avasthas are also need to be determined.
  5. Various matters governed by the Karakas are mapped to various Bhavas. For instance, Dhana (wealth) is governed by Guru, which is also mapped to 2nd house. So 2nd house from Guru needs to be checked for judging wealth. Similarly, 5th from Guru should be judged for Children, 9th from Guru should be judged for Bhagya (good luck), 11th from Guru should be seen for gains. If these Bhavas are fortified, some good results are assured (more can be fine tuned from the lagna and the Bhavas). On the other hand, if these Bhavas (from the Karakas) are afflicted, the Bhava is damaged to a significant extent (with some ups and downs can be seen based on the Lagna and other yogas.
  6. One should not only judge the quantum of good or bad results, but also the quality of the results. In this regard, one should employ the understanding of the Rasis and Grahas occupy these various places. For instance, Grahas and Rasis occupying the 2nd from Guru can indicate the wealth coming from the natural significations of such Rasis and Bhavas. For instance, if Dhanu occupies the Dhana Bhava from Guru, the native can gain from Dharma, religious activities, temples, preaching, teaching etc. Similarly, Surya in the Dhana Bhava from Guru can indicate gain from govt., father, or from animal husbandry. Here, one should acquaint oneself with all the karakatvas of Rasis and Grahas. A good reference for this is Uttarakalamrta by saint Kalidasa.
  7. The matters of various relations in life can be seen from counting the Bhavas from the Karakas. For instance, the appearance of father can be judged from Surya’s location, that of wealth and prosperity can be judged from the 2nd from Surya, his co-born and talent from 3rd from Surya etc.
  8. The health and longevity matters of various relations can be judged from the Bhavas form the Sthira Karakas. Thus 9th from Surya, 4th from Chandra, 7th from Shukra etc. can be seen for health and longevity of father, mother, spouse etc.
  9. The conjunction of grahas i.e., dvigraha, trigraha etc. have a very telling impact on human life and should be judged before starting one’s judgement based on Lagna and the Bhavas. They indicate one’s collective karma



Varaha Mihira
Thoughts on Jyotish

I am a Jyotish enthusiast and have been researching on this subject for more than 30 years. My mission in life is to bring Jyotish to its glorious state.