Building A Simple RAG System With Fastapi (2)

FS Ndzomga
Thoughts on Machine Learning
2 min readNov 19, 2023


In part 1 of this series of articles, I created the outline of our fastapi application. I also created the first service we will need for our RAG system to work: the file parser.

The file parser is responsible for the extraction of text content from input files. I made sure to respect the open closed principle so that the file parser can be easily extended by registering a new specialised parser, and is closed for modification at the same time. I did that by using an elegant solution using a parser factory. Here is the link to the first article of the series:

One thing I didn’t do in my first article is programming defensively.

Defensive programming is a methodology that involves writing code in a way that anticipates and handles potential errors or unexpected usage scenarios. It is an approach that aims to ensure the program continues to function correctly under a variety of unforeseen circumstances.

When applied correctly, can significantly enhance the quality, security, and reliability of software. However, it’s important to…



FS Ndzomga
Thoughts on Machine Learning

Engineer passionate about data science, startups, product management, philosophy and French literature. Built, and