“… And some times, just let things happen”

Joseph Emmi
Thoughts On The Go
Published in
2 min readOct 17, 2016

Racing, you magnificent pleasure.

I said once, probably twice, but will say it again. Expectations can be a dangerous thing, but also interesting.

My most recent lesson?

“Manage expectations, trust the process, and some times, just let things happen.”

That’s exactly what I did on my last race, Glasgow’s Great Scottish Run Half-Marathon, where I improved my Personal Best against my own forecast, estimations and (maybe?) believes.

Here a list of the facts and thoughts before and during the race.

Before the race

  • For the first time ever, I didn’t train the full distance for a Half Marathon — Thought & Fact
  • Not sure if I can race it properly — Thought
  • Hesitated to enrol until 3 weeks before the race — Fact
  • “I’ve only done 10Ks for the last six months” — Thought & Fact
  • I’m aiming for anything below 1:40 (1:39–1:38 would have been enough)- Thought
  • On the best case scenario, if if planets align, thought the best I could manage was a 1:35 (but secretly dreamt with a miraculous 1:30) — Thought

During the race

  • Found the route hard, long and started to feel tired before than expected — Fact
  • I’m not even getting close to my current PB. This might is actually going to be above, like 1:42 — Thought
  • The last leg, after Squinty Bridge was hardest — Fact

Yes, it is true I was struggling on the last few kilometres. Yes, it is true that I thought I was going to be above my PB and didn’t want to check my Garmin. But something that is also true, is that giving up is never and option, no matter how hard the race can be, what ever the time I get at the finish line, I will always push until the end.

Final result? 1:31:25

Faster by 9 minutes and surpassing my wildest expectations.

Do the work and let things happen… Probably my new mantra

