Instagram Stories or How to Keep It Simple

Joseph Emmi
Thoughts On The Go
Published in
2 min readSep 17, 2016

Instagram Stories or How to Keep It Simple
As probably everything in life, in technology as well, there’s no “one-size-fits-all”. — Actually, I can’t even think on one single thing that fits that expression. —


Something that I’ve been recently trying and that captured my attention more and more, is Instagram Stories.
Despite the “similarities”, and how cooler Snapchat is, the latter never got me. Tried it a couple of times, but probably my uneasiness towards adding another platform and app to my daily workflow was stronger, that I basically “couldn’t be bothered”.

Then, Instagram stories came out. I got curious, initially from a practicality point of view, but later something happened.

I realised it helps me do what I normally do (and wanted to do).

I take pictures every day, all the time, everywhere. One of my personal pain points is, that the vast majority of those pics go unpublished.

Many of those images are not “Instagram material”; I’m just a guy that loves to take pictures of everything I enjoy while on the go. Because of this, I’ve been for a long time, looking for a way to share my daily pics in an easy and fast fashion. Instagram Stories does exactly that.

Instagram Stories eliminate the editing & publishing process, allowing me to just focus in the moment and capture it. If it works, it works and few seconds later is online, available everyone who wants to see it; if not, try again or just cancel and move on.

For me, is not about filters and animated funny faces, is about just sharing what I see, that I like.

As cliche it might sound, but as true as it is, keep it simple. This, does it for me.

