Technology, disruption and Pokemon GO

Joseph Emmi
Thoughts On The Go
Published in
1 min readJul 18, 2016

Is not amazing that a company that two weeks ago was consider as falling behind, with almost no presence on Smart Phones, launched what have become the hottest game on the planet, literally changing the world overnight. Pokemon GO is only about a week old. A WEEK!

Love it or hate it.

That’s the disruptive power of technology and software in the world we’re living in.

How long this will last? Who knows…

I’d like to think that not even Nintendo expected such a massive success, but most interesting to me is what are they going to do next to keep the momentum and/or capitalise what they achieved, because if there’s something I can agree is that they are jumping late into the Smart Phone games bandwagon, but also, clear example that you don’t have to hit first to win.

Is it a matter of the right timing? Or to be lucky at the right time when finally decided to jump in?

I personally don’t believe in just “luck”, so I will think about “circumstances”.

