The 100 Day Project

100 Days of Writing

Joseph Emmi
Thoughts On The Go
Published in
2 min readApr 3, 2018


Today marks the beginning of the 100 days project, an initiative created by and followed by many around the world.

This is the fifth year of the project and my second attempt at it. Last year, I took part for the first time, dedicating it to Entrepreneurship; a topic I’m passionate about and that represents a significant part of my life.

I aimed to share different aspects of this topic, from the thoughts and feelings populating an entrepreneur’s mind, to inspirational figures and quotes. Unfortunately, I quitted half way for two reasons: first I got stuck, totally running out of ideas; second, it was more demanding that expected, conflicting with another side project I was already committed to. Lesson learned.


This year I decided to take a broader topic, writing. That’s it, 100 days of writing, or should I say #100daysofwriting ?

No specific theme? Yes, several indeed, and that’s the beauty of it. As cliché it might sound, this year project provides me with a blank canvas; a place to experiment, to try things, taste and learn, which is exactly what I’m looking for.

A polymath, having hundreds of ideas travelling across my mind on a regular basis is something I’m used to; many of them totally unrelated to each other, but smoothly coexisting in the mind. It is how I see the world, it gives perspective and creativity, but also and burning desire to work with all of them, making it difficult to find the time and sometimes even the right way, until today.

During the next 100 days I’ll be writing every day, giving the space and opportunity to almost anything that comes to my mind; from my loved technology, design, running, business and entrepreneurship, to personal thoughts, and hopefully even subjects I’ve never considered before.

This is not only about writing, fulfilling a challenge or getting ideas out; this is also about exploration. It is about learning and improvement.

These ideas have been waiting to find their way into the world for a long time, so it is about time, and this is the place.

No, I’m not aiming for every post to be perfect, instead, I’m willing for all of them to be great, in the own way. Onto the next 100 days, and let the fun begin!

