When you don’t know what to write, just write

Joseph Emmi
Thoughts On The Go
Published in
2 min readOct 31, 2019


I’m not sure how many times this year I’ve had to say this to myself. I also don’t know how many times this year I’ve written similar pieces that reflect this on going struggle, always turning out in the same way. Just sit and write. Write about writing.

Turns out it works.

It works, because no matter how many grand ideas to write about I might have, ultimately, all I want to do is write, and when the first alternative is not available or does not seem to come out naturally, the only thing left to do is the one that can get you closer to it.

Practice. Repetition. Discipline. Time. Focus.

I know that the more I write, the easier it becomes. I know that by the fact that I’ve done it so much so often, that I was able to see my mind and skills changing for the better. They get sharper, ideas flow regularly. Everything is an opportunity for a new post.

It’s that repetition what I’m trying to achieve and struggling to get back to. It’s making the time and regaining the discipline to do it every day. To make it a daily practice again.

Creativity is a skill, one that thrives on repetition, discipline, and giving yourself the time to think and create. That’s why, the more you do it, the more it will flourish. It becomes natural. The default way of thinking and acting.

But it also require focus. The focus of knowing, at least roughly, what you want to do. Where do you want to go. Otherwise you might find yourself in the same spiral as me. You know you want to do it, just not sure the direction.

Yes, any writing is better than no writing at all, but at the end, we all want to perceive a sense of progress, not only the improvement of the craft, but the notion of movement towards something. That’s why focus, or a rough notion towards it, is so important.

Because creativity is not different than sports, work or life. One thing (the craft) is not enough and will only take you so far. It is a matter of all of the above, in a similar or different measure, depending who you are and what you want out of it, but ultimately, where you want to be. Why are you doing it?

Start with why?

