I Want More

Crunch Time Is Approaching For Me, Yet I Feel Like I Want To Do More

Matthew Sturdivant
Thoughts…On the Super Semester
4 min readNov 24, 2015


My Time Is Now. — John Turner

News Panel at KMOV 4
Stand-Ups Are Kinda My Thing Now

I would like to dedicate part of this blog to Lindenwood University and the professors I have taken courses with. First and foremost, thank you. Thank you for getting up every day coming to the university to install knowledge into the brains of your students. Thank you for having the energy to make those long drives to and from your house just to make sure we, the students, receive the proper education the university hired you to give us. Thank you for not giving up on the students or your job. You, the professors, are the ones to thank for working with us and making sure we understand the material to pass your courses. Signed, Matt Sturdivant. Now I don’t think I would have gotten a better education anywhere else I believe LU was the right place for God to put me. Now no disrespect to Lindenwood University-Belleville, They just did not have the equipment that the main campus has now. Granted they have made improvements on their campus and I think its better than before but I had no time to wait, so I transferred and I think it all worked out for the best. I’m a man of action and I needed to make the best move to be sure I got the education that I wanted. As I have said in recent blogs I feel like I have gotten better in my time in the super semester. I feel like I have grown, matured, in a news sense. Found myself and I’m only getting better I believe, can’t backtrack I can only go up from here. I do not want to hit a ceiling as far as my potential goes or my career goes. I have covered a few package but one I felt like I showed Improvement on was when I covered the St. Charles Art Walk.

St. Charles Riverfront ArtWalk

This time I felt that I improved on my news packages. I had fun working on that package and it was event that I’m glad I didn’t miss. The St. Charles Riverfront ArtWalk holds many events that people would be delighted to see and take part in. I sure did. It was great to look at art other than what was drawn on a canvas but sculptures, figurines, wood sculptures, jewelry it was many different items there at the ArtWalk and I am glad I was able to cover it.

I honestly don’t mean to sound repetitive but I’m getting more comfortable in front of the camera. Not that I was nervous anyway but I’m being myself. I’m adding my own style to it and that is what I want to do. I don’t want to sound “newsy” when I read the news, I feel like I’m faking it when I do that so therefore I will not do that. I have watched the news from different stations and not one anchor or reporter sound the same. They have their voice, their style, their spin on how they speak and talk. I want to bring my own style to the table. I don’t want to sound pressured into trying to sound like someone I’m not. Its just not me, faking is not in my forte. I work on my voice as much as I can and I can’t mimic anyone else I have to put my own style and swagger in my voice when I present the news. Yes, I still keep it professional, no lingo or anything of that nature.

I have learned that I am a fast editor and I’m good with putting together a sequence as accurate and quickly as possible. That’s a positive I can take back with me once this semester is over and I’m proud of. Simply because I was not good at editing but constant practice before I came into super semester has put me ahead of the game in a way that I’m efficient with avid, though it likes to freeze on me at times but I tend to make it work.

I gotta buckle down and finish these packages I’m hoping I can get them completed in time thus giving me some leisure time to catch up on other things in my life and be squared away with everything.

