This Month on Design Twitter — 2019 December Edition Cover Photo

This Month on Design Twitter — 2019 December Edition

Thoughts on This, Thoughts on That
2 min readDec 23, 2019


All My Life I Hustle Just To Scra-ap-booker…

Remember when you were little when someone asked you what you want to be when you grow up; you might reply with a Doctor, a Lawyer, an Engineer, and when you mention a Designer—they ask, hmm…a Design…what? Well, forget being a Designer because the new cool career choice is to become a Scrapbooker—as proclaimed by Brijan Powell.

While Brijan has been known for his mischief in the Twitterverse, the citizens felt this one went too far out of the nest.

While it’s hard to argue that a lot of “tech-driven” digital designs look dead boring due to the cold vibes of the design system used, one can also argue that streamlining a product’s components into systems gives the designer (sorry, scrapbooker) room for higher level problem solving.

Some measure creativity by how things look, some measure by how things work, well I say it’s by the quality of glitters and stickers used for that multi-million dollar scrapbook project!

Now, pay me!

The Banana Curve of Early Adopters

When the UX team spends blood, sweat and tears designing a product.
(Best App everrrr…such a master piece!)

When real Users decide to use said product.
(I just love tech…and going bananas on it)

When the Legal Team decides to ban said User from their app.
(Your account has been banned…due to misuse of the app’s features)

“All because the Marketing Team decided on Focus Groups—calling it User Research—and targeted the wrong demographics.”
—said that “always quiet” employee.

“Well, I told Zink to put a Tooltip whenever the User hovers around it!”
—said that “always talking” employee.

“Did we not use that free persona guide we downloaded from”
—said that “always smiling” employee

“This banana issue is so slippery, that I went ahead and applied for a Job at Apple.
—said that “crazy one” employee

Well, here is a summary of a decade in tech-centric Digital Design! It’s been a game of passing the hot potato! Hopefully we don’t pass it into the next decade!

Soooo…where is that low hanging fruit? I am hungry!

Woke A-eye

We’ve all had AI’s do weird things as we begin to accept them into the fabric of our day-to-day lives. Well, it looks like some of these AI’s decided to read up on Urban Dictionary in order to be woke—as experienced by Mike Dick.

Well, it looks like Mike wasn’t the only one being dominated by an AI.

While we move back and forth asking if AI’s really have rights to deny humans of their rights to bear any name, we can all agree the AI’s are future-thinking because…



Thoughts on This, Thoughts on That

Digital Product Designer advocating better experiences for Users, while helping businesses achieve their goals.