This Month on Design Twitter — 2020 January Edition

Thoughts on This, Thoughts on That
2 min readFeb 6, 2020


Hey! Is there a WhatsApp group for that?

We’ve all been there — literally every designer. We spend countless hours sweating over the small things like rounded corners to emulate Apple, font sizes to emulate print, aligning components so that they are box model-agnostic, and a perfectly placed logo that’s static, just to mention a few. After drooling over our masterpiece, we hand it over to the devs (aka nerds) to magically read our minds and align with our vision (Hello Uncle Scarrrr!). But, the inevitable happens and our masterpiece is ruined, so we try looking for outlets to vent our frustrations like Daryl Ginn.

Well, it was the revenge of the nerds as devs too have been secretly plotting — via Morse code — to rally the troops for a war strategy session.

Well, I don’t know about you, don’t care what you like, I just know what we all need is — love! But what is love without drama and juicy details? So, while you get ready to vent, could you pass me the WhatsApp link? I promise, I won’t tell the internet what’s going on in there!

Pinky promise!

Hey! You kinda cute, but…

“Do not judge a book by its cover!” says the single person who has endlessly been swiping right and hoping to score a date. Finally the gods of algorithm had mercy on you and you got a match, so you think the battle is over as you started planning your first date and simultaneously planning your wedding because — YOLO and YODO!

Just hope you are good enough to impress Julie Kwon.

Then a lot of people started sharing horror stories of dating artists.

Being single can be tough, but with this new reality, being single and having “bad art” gives you no chance of finding love. Well, I guess I have to sign up for that art class that I have been shying away from for some years. If not, I might end up having a million self-portrait drawings of myself — one for every girl who had ghosted me!

Tweet-cooler Chirps

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Thoughts on This, Thoughts on That

Digital Product Designer advocating better experiences for Users, while helping businesses achieve their goals.